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Animal Crossing: New Leaf


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Would be nice for sure but looking back on it, don't you think Animal Crossing is important enough to warrant being squeezed into your mans two minute 3DS segment during the conference?


I'm really looking forward to what is revealed for 3DS tomorrow. I feeling the Wii U hype on Sunday night after the Nintendo Direct and thought I would be easy to please today, during the conference. Turns out I had higher expectations that what Nintendo showed and even with that tiny mention the 3DS got, I'm currently feeling more hyped for its upcoming releases than I am the Wii U.

...Done a bit of a u-turn so I have... : peace:


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Would be nice for sure but looking back on it, don't you think Animal Crossing is important enough to warrant being squeezed into your mans two minute 3DS segment during the conference?


I'm really looking forward to what is revealed for 3DS tomorrow. I feeling the Wii U hype on Sunday night after the Nintendo Direct and thought I would be easy to please today, during the conference. Turns out I had higher expectations that what Nintendo showed and even with that tiny mention the 3DS got, I'm currently feeling more hyped for its upcoming releases than I am the Wii U.

...Done a bit of a u-turn so I have... : peace:



They probably just picked the next set of 3 1st party titles that are due to be released. These 3 games are probably due to come out before AC3DS, so they chose to highlight them first. I'd be shocked if we saw nothing of it tomorrow!

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Weird, Animal Crossing will blatantly be a mild upgrade on Lets Go To The City so whys it taking so long?!


Nintendo need to bring some joy tomorrow with some 3DS surprises. Maybe even a Smash bros style trailer for Metroid Prime 4 at the end!

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I'm not sure if you looked at the link, but that's direct from the press only website which stupidly had the password 'e32012'.


I hope it's wrong and gets updated, I'm craving some Animal Crossing.


I saw it and it did say that it was a partial list.


We know of one game that is definitely due to come out this year that was absent from both that list and the E3 conference (Prof Layton & The Miracle Mask and I would think that one to be a dead cert to appear tomorrow). I think it likely that this list will get updated afterwards.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's coming out in japan this year so no extra development time, just translating time I guess. New video looks great, but still looks worrying the same as it always has. Really can't wait for new details. Problem is that the ideas in my head are infinitely better than the ideas they'll actually implement.

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Yeah, looks nice, but doesn't really show anything new. Except the train in and out of the city, that looked nice :)


I'm sure people will direct the video and get loads more little niggets. I just pray for a proper economy in the game where people all over the world can buy your designs and you get money for them, Aninal Crossing commerce, would be amazing!!!

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Looks amazing. :love:


So you can basically customise everything now!? How your house looks on the outside (as well as the usual roof colour/size increases), and the style and placement of objects around the town. :yay:


Loving that the train is back too. :)

Also, LOL @ mini Wii Balance Board. :laughing:


Man, I hope this is early 2013 for Europe then. Very early, like 1st week of January early. :heh:

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WOW from that short video it looks amazing. I was ready to come in here and slag it off for not having anything new but the customisation is really selling me. I'm a HUGE AC fan, played my imported gamecube copy to death cleared all my debt had all the NES games (shame virtual console basically killed that feature) Played the DS version a ton as well but couldn't get into the Wii version at all. Actually sold it. Hoping to jump on now.

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Has no one done an analysis video yet with all the secrets it holds? @RedShell, I think you should do it :)
I kind of did that already, no? Don't think there's much more to take from that vid. :blank:


Ah, I see...
Yeah, I learn the Japanese language to Riva John Paul Morse. I live in Sapporo from September until June next year. But, this language is still very bad my day!
More or less. :heh:
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I kind of did that already, no? Don't think there's much more to take from that vid. :blank:


Never, there'll be so many tiny little moments and stuff that get revealed. A touch more customisation isn't quite enough for me I don't think. The whole community and online aspect needs to be enhanced, the economy of the game etc. I just can't play through the same game for the 4th time...

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One thing that I think I got (from a translated video) was that street pass will be used in the way that when you streetpass with someone, you seem to build up a streetpass community in that all the houses will be there for you to visit.

Houses will appear via streetpass more appear as more are passed

You may tour their homes

This is from this video (around 2:05 into it.)


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Ah, I see...

More or less. :heh:


Oh Google Translate.. Never change.


EDIT: HOLY SHIT, I wonder how many houses is the maximum? That's an awesome idea, street pass is gonna be wicked on this game.


..Did I just say wicked? How embarrassing. I meant pukka.

Edited by Debug Mode
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A touch more customisation isn't quite enough for me I don't think. The whole community and online aspect needs to be enhanced, the economy of the game etc. I just can't play through the same game for the 4th time...


This. The game would be so awesome with community style online...Now it seems they're just adding some customisations options, and that's it. The graphics are still exactly the same, the shop layouts are pretty much identical to the previous versions, etc. Seems just incredibly lazy : (

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  • 1 month later...

Some fresh details on the stale formula.


  • New shops, including a garden centre presumably selling things you could get in Nooks in previous versions
  • Roof tops to decorate, like in previous games
  • New furniture fuck me, these innovations come thick and fast
  • Museum is open 24 hours because it never was in the previous iterations
  • More fossils, more fish because digging and fishing is so much fun
  • It will require you to press buttons unless you use the stylus
  • And might come in a box if you buy it from a shop


Thanks, IGN.com

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Well, I'm glad there are more fossils - the museum is great!


If there was one game I'd like to have now (instead of New Super Mario Bros 2 or whatever), it'd be this. There's something about Animal Crossing that suits the autumn so much. I'd love to come home from work, play this in bed and listen to KK Slider or whatever's happening at the time.

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