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Animal Crossing: New Leaf


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Whenever a villager says they want to see my house and sets a time, they either don't turn up saying they've forgotten, or they say they were there and I wasn't, when I was in my house the whole damn time. It's starting to annoy me


Haven't you got to be waiting outside your house for them, and when they arrive invite them in? I may be wrong.

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Thanks to @Haden and a short stint on his island after some fun multiplayer games, I was able to pay my second bridge. My layout is pretty good now so I don't think I need a third (I'm guessing you can't put one on the beach).



Is there a way to put paths down? I need to think about adding some.

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Today in my fortune cookie I won a Virtual Boy!



And I put plans down for a second floor in my house! Now to find some money for it haha.


Question: the flowers that can be planted - do you need a watering can to plant them or will they just grow on their own like fruit trees?

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Can anyone tell me what stuff happens at what time for the summer solstice? I kinda missed yesterday evening a little bit but I don't wanna miss out....


(dirty TickTock.jpger)



You can put your face in a summer themed cutout beside the town tree and take a picture.


I think that's pretty much it...

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You can put your face in a summer themed cutout beside the town tree and take a picture.


I think that's pretty much it...

And you get sunglasses.


Weirdly, the phsycic is in my town today, and she mentioned something about the island, tortimer and sunglasses. Going to head over there to see if somethign happens.

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Is there a way to put paths down? I need to think about adding some.


Most paths that I know of, are just patterns that people create to make a path. I don't believe there is a path that you can lay down.


I've had two requests from Lily to come to my house and she showed up both times about 25 seconds or so after the time set. Curlos asked me to go to their house, I showed up a minute early and still did the visit thing.

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I now have all fruit apart from persimmon.


I can sort you out with one.


I'm at work right now but I can have my 3DS on as it's the weekend. I'll open my gates and leave one kicking about by the gate for you!

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Can anyone help me out with some fruit please?!


I need the following:










Any help would be appreciated!


I have a fair few of those if you wanna pop over. Added your FC. I can leave one of each by the gate? Still at work so can't really chat.

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I have a fair few of those if you wanna pop over. Added your FC. I can leave one of each by the gate? Still at work so can't really chat.


Oh cool thanks Guy! I thought I had you added on my 3ds but mustn't have? Anyway, added your code. Not had a friend request / confirmation from you though? I can wait til your back from work or when it's more convenient for you if it's easier - no rush. I just wanna get my fruit on :D

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Oh cool thanks Guy! I thought I had you added on my 3ds but mustn't have? Anyway, added your code. Not had a friend request / confirmation from you though? I can wait til your back from work or when it's more convenient for you if it's easier - no rush. I just wanna get my fruit on :D


That's cool. I'll do it in a second, just gotta make sure you're added!




All open, come on over!

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Found this blue bag on the beach , named lost item? What do I do with it ?


I had a yellow one today!


Basically just go and ask all of your townsfolk if it's theirs!


The first person I asked said it was theirs!! But it turned out to be an empty bag anyway - he hadn't put anything in it ha.

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