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Animal Crossing: New Leaf


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MERRY CHRISTMAS from my Animal Crossing town.


Time to confess, I messed up badly on my game (losing a character, yeah I try to keep them all) so became paranoid about losing another (OCD) so every time I missed a day I set my clock back a day (to take the game at my pace). Needless to say, this went wrong and at points I've been 9 days behind and still only at the 21st December. I wouldn't mind but I've been trying to make a Christmas town, and certain parts of my town were massively underdeveloped and I had so many items I'd been storing them in piles ALL OVER town. These last few days I caught up on 6+ days worth doing every Christmas thing while building the town up bit by bit (I don't want to time travel backwards or forwards past legit date...it's time consuming, especially with 6 billion xmas village events everyday). Oh and I totally brainfarted and planted a huge stock of my holly/cedar in the lower half of the town, losing a good chuck of stock I'd been saving for months towards this project.


Yeah, I know it's just a game, but my end goal for this game was some sort of ultimate Christmas town to put up on Dream and finish...and I feel I let myself down.


Doesn't help that I feel like I'm going to explode with anxiety (NOT game related, other reasons).


Oh well, probably going to put it up later(not half as good as I wanted). Yeah I know I'm talking to myself here (who'd come on here on Christmas day...?)


Have a good day (not as miserable as I sound, concentrated playing help me shift away from anxiety).

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MERRY CHRISTMAS from my Animal Crossing town.


Time to confess, I messed up badly on my game (losing a character, yeah I try to keep them all) so became paranoid about losing another (OCD) so every time I missed a day I set my clock back a day (to take the game at my pace). Needless to say, this went wrong and at points I've been 9 days behind and still only at the 21st December. I wouldn't mind but I've been trying to make a Christmas town, and certain parts of my town were massively underdeveloped and I had so many items I'd been storing them in piles ALL OVER town. These last few days I caught up on 6+ days worth doing every Christmas thing while building the town up bit by bit (I don't want to time travel backwards or forwards past legit date...it's time consuming, especially with 6 billion xmas village events everyday). Oh and I totally brainfarted and planted a huge stock of my holly/cedar in the lower half of the town, losing a good chuck of stock I'd been saving for months towards this project.


Yeah, I know it's just a game, but my end goal for this game was some sort of ultimate Christmas town to put up on Dream and finish...and I feel I let myself down.


Doesn't help that I feel like I'm going to explode with anxiety (NOT game related, other reasons).


Oh well, probably going to put it up later(not half as good as I wanted). Yeah I know I'm talking to myself here (who'd come on here on Christmas day...?)


Have a good day (not as miserable as I sound, concentrated playing help me shift away from anxiety).


I can't help but feel that this post is the true face of Animal Crossing and truer words have never been spoken.

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I can't help but feel that this post is the true face of Animal Crossing and truer words have never been spoken.


And this is why I couldn't, hand on heart, say it was my favourite game of the year. In all honesty, I can't decide whether I think it's brilliant or awful! Animal Crossing: the game that makes you want to do everything too fast, but doesn't let you do enough while you're still interested!


Don't get me wrong, I've had a lot of fun from Animal Crossing: New Leaf and enjoyed the deep, satirical side I believe it has, but I now only want to do two more things in the game: catch the last fish and catch the last crab. There's other stuff I once wanted to do as well, but I can no longer justify the time or effort (if I ever could).

Edited by Grazza
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@RedShell grinding to reach 100 million bells is so slow and painful. Stalled below 20 at the moment. On average how much would you buy each Sunday from Joan?
It is incredibly slow and painful, yeah. :zzz:


Anyway, I would use my 3 alt characters and buy enough to fill all of their lockers as well as that of my main character, so yeah... a lot of turnips. :heh:

Just over 70k I think.


That was back when there was much more online activity for the stalk market though, trying it now would be seriously risky. :hmm:

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I haven't played this in literally months so I suppose I should go back, might do that for New Years but I'm not looking forward to the inevitable barrage of letters probably including such delights as...


'you missed my birthday!'


'I'm moving to another town!'


'Call yourself a mayor?' etc.



*puts card into 3DS in preparation for the onslaught*

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God damn! I've played this game pretty much every other day since I got it but with work and Christmas I had left it for about 3 weeks...


and ZELL has gone! He was the best villager, so funny :( Reading his goodbye letter was like stabbing myself in the best multiple times.

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Does anyone have ornate clothing?


I'm at my last Gracie Grace Fashion Check and I've ordered what I think is ornate, but I'm not sure so I need a back up.


Here is a list with all clothes considered ornate in the game:



I would give you some items over wifi, but this category of clothes is so small! I don't think I have any of them in my catalogue! (maybe king's beard though)

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So did anyone legitimately watch the countdown to New Year in the Plaza? I can just imagine someone being at a New Year gathering only to whip out their 3DS in the midst of it all :D


Whipped it out at about 1:30 before I went to bed, not really celebrating holidays with my 3DS now am I :laughing:

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Planning on having a final look around town tonight, then watching the end credits at Club lol. Good way to close the book as it were. Will revisit months down the line but I think now's a good time to finish.


140 hours, longest I've spent on any game. My first AC, had a blast :-)

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So did anyone legitimately watch the countdown to New Year in the Plaza? I can just imagine someone being at a New Year gathering only to whip out their 3DS in the midst of it all :D


Me! I was just at a small gathering with a few friends. Just had it sat there on the table and watched the countdown reached zero. My 3DS hit midnight about 40 seconds after Big Ben, so I was able to say happy new year to everyone and clink a few glasses before glancing back down to Animal Crossing!

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Here is a list with all clothes considered ornate in the game:



I would give you some items over wifi, but this category of clothes is so small! I don't think I have any of them in my catalogue! (maybe king's beard though)


I managed to pass the test so no need for the beard anymore.


Gracie will finally be opening shop.

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