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Kirby's Adventure Wii


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They gave it a 10/10. :o


Gonintendo showed off a couple of designs Nintendo were thinking of using for the game. I love the first one.





I really can't wait for this. I just finished Kirby: Mouse Attack on the DS this week and LOVED every minute of it. This week Kirby: Mass Attack gets a release on the DS aswell. So much Kirby in so little time. :bowdown:

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Gonintendo showed off a couple of designs Nintendo were thinking of using for the game. I love the first one.
Right, so Nintendo decided on the worst looking design option!


Yeah the one that looks like the Wario Land Shake Dimension engine is great!

Hopefully we might see that one turn up on 3DS at some point... combined with the second one maybe! :p

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When I read Deadly Premonition I thought of Deadly Creatures and wondered whether I'd missed out on a stand out Wii game. :indeed: As for this Jim Sterling fellow, I'd never heard of him until this thread and as far as this Kirby trolling goes, I'd rather see some sensationalist reviews that lavish praise on the game than a sensationalist review that bashes the game just to get attention. Its a nice change and Kirby deserves it. :heh:

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Accepting biased/bad journalism when it fits your agenda means you have no right to voice your disagreement about biased/bad journalism that goes against it.


Basically, you're accepting/supporting trash like this Kotaku article.


Here it is summed up:


Should you Buy Kirby’s Return to Dreamland? No.




It looks like the sort of game that will be just as entertaining a year from now as it is today[...]

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I posted the review as I was just shocked that a "professional " reviewer gave the game a 10/10.



It's very rare a "professional " review will sway me into buying a game. Being 29 years old and having played games the best part of my life I know what I like and I don't like. I prefer reading a review/impressions from a person who has the same tastes as me ( RedShell, darksnowman ). If they enjoy it then I most likely will.


Most reviews i've read about this game have complained about the lack of difficulty. It's a freaking Kirby game! If your looking for a challenge then look elsewhere, but if your looking for a light hearted, colourful platforming game, then this will no doubt deliver.

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They gave it a 10/10. :o


Gonintendo showed off a couple of designs Nintendo were thinking of using for the game. I love the first one.





I really can't wait for this. I just finished Kirby: Mouse Attack on the DS this week and LOVED every minute of it. This week Kirby: Mass Attack gets a release on the DS aswell. So much Kirby in so little time. :bowdown:


Both of those look way better! Thinking of picking this up to play with the girlfriend over xmas.

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More info and a third game...




In the latest Iwata Asks column, Kirby producer Shigefumi Kawase has revealed three Kirby projects that were abandoned by developer HAL Laboratory.




The first was a four-player cooperative adventure. It was planned for a release shortly after Kirby Air Ride in 2003, but ultimately scrapped due to "how difficult it is to make a game that is both multi-player and single-player."




The second game was a 3D open-world game that featured "extremely challenging gameplay." Kawase says it was abandoned because "we weren't able to achieve the quality we hoped for and it never reached completion."




Finally, the last game was a side-scrolling adventure made to look "sort of like a pop-up book." It featured Copy Abilities, renewed from previous Kirby games.


The games were developed over the past eleven years, and ultimately abandoned in favor of Kirby's Return to Dream Land, which was released this week.


Gametrailers Review


Edited by Retro_Link
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Accepting biased/bad journalism when it fits your agenda means you have no right to voice your disagreement about biased/bad journalism that goes against it.


Basically, you're accepting/supporting trash like this Kotaku article.


Well... I... er... hmm... oh.


Kotaku have confirmed that Kirby is a 10/10 game. :wink:


Most reviews i've read about this game have complained about the lack of difficulty. It's a freaking Kirby game!


Lol! Kirby games aren't meant to be difficult. :laughing: Sure you can fly over the entirety of most levels if you so decide!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I got this yesterday from Shopto and with Mario done and dusted I decided to keep Zelda shelved and start this. So far it's everything I wanted from a Kirby Wii game.


The game starts off with an alien crash landing near Kirby and his friends. The crash caused some major damage to the spaceship so Kirby, being the helpful little fellow he is, has decided to help repair the ship. Sure, the story isn't going to win any awards but it's a short, simple start, which allows you to get straight into the action.


The game seems to be broken up into 5 worlds, but I imagine there will be at least one more once the ship has been rebuilt. Within the worlds lies 5 stages, 4 of which are normal levels, while the final stage is a boss fight.


Collectables are in this, just like most of the other Kirby games. This time there are numerous energy spheres hidden in all the levels, apart from the boss stages. The spheres can be found hidden high or low, others can be found in special doors. These usually require a special power up to obtain, some coming from a mini boss, so make sure you suck him up after you defeat him!


Speaking of power ups there are enemies littered around the stages that are quite special. These enemies glow and when eaten they grant Kirby the ability he would usually get off them but cranked up to 11. At this point Kirby becomes a WMD and can tear through the level, destroying scenery as he goes. While doing this keep an eye out for a portal/tear in space type thing, which is usually hidden behind some scenery you can break.


When you jump into the portal you get transported into a black and white world, where a dark purple energy chases Kirby. You have to use your speed and skill to keep racing through the level and get to the door before the purple energy catches you. Once through the door you will fight a mini boss and once defeated will net you 2 energy spheres and then send you back to the normal world.


Visually the game is an absolute treat. The worlds are so colourful and charming, which is to be expected given that it's a Nintendo game. I personally prefer the style used in this game over the one used in Epic Yarn. Sure, that game had a unique look, but this one just looks freaking amazing and is more to my taste. It's simple, yet effective.


Lastly I will quickly mention the music in this game. It's catchy as ever. :D Classic Kirby tunes and jingles are ever present and some of the new music in the levels is fantastic. There are a couple of great ones in the second world and I found myself humming away to them.


I've only scratched the surface of the game ( just finished world 2 ) so there is still plenty more gaming to be had. It's a Kirby game in it's purest form, go in expecting that and i'm sure you will have a blast.

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Glad you're enjoying it, H-o-T! Was it worth the wait and where does it rank amongst the Kirby games that have come out this past while? Reviews seem to have been all over the shop since that first 10/10.


Can you confirm that they changed the title to Kirby's Adventure Wii for us?


Yeah, the title is Kirby's Adventure Wii.


Having played both Epic Yarn and Mouse Attack this year I can easily say i'm enjoying this much more. That's not to say those games were bad, far from it in fact, it's just that this is just pure, platforming fun. It's basic, but it's such a joy to play.


I've been playing it on and off today and I should be finished tomorrow. I will post my final thoughts then.

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All done!


Was it worth the wait and my hype? Very much so. It was such a joy to play and despite being easy ( it's a Kirby game ) the last boss caused me a bit of hassle. Once I changed the power up I was using he became alot easier though.


I can't help feel that one of the levels was inspired by DKC. You fly through the level using blast barrels and even one of the hidden energy spheres was hidden in a DKC kind of way. On one of the DKC games, instead of heading for the next barrel, you blast towards the bottom of a wall. Same thing here. :D


As I mentioned earlier, the graphics in the game as fantastic. I took a few snaps to show off some of the levels and yes I took a pic of the snow world just for darksnowman. :)








Fantastic game that should be in any Nintendo fans collection.

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  • 5 months later...

Slightly regretting waiting for so long before getting this, it's actually quite a lot of fun! Certainly doesn't feel like it was designed for multiplayer like I first thought it would be.


The graphics are surprisingly nice and just feels right somehow. I liked Epic Yarns style but this one wins over it. It's got some nice effects such as the haze when you use a fire attack.


So far I think I prefer this over Epic Yarn, although it's still early.

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This is to all the Kirby Fans out there.


I've been a big Nintendo Gamer for around fifteen years now but not once have i played a single Kirby game. Its something i'm not proud of, and think now is the time to give that pink blob a shot.


Question is, where do i start? I'm looking to play through most of the titles, but are there any i should avoid, what are the series highlights? Basically if you were given a Kirby marathon, how would you work your way through his back catalogue?

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