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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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I've been playing with the Classic Controller for a few months now and honestly I think it works better than the GC pad. I have jump mapped to both A and B and then Y is normal attacks and X is special attacks. Very comfortable and easy to perform instant air attacks with this layout and I can use it on 3DS and Wii U too since the buttons are exactly the same on those.

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If Waluigi gets his own game, I want it to be about tying damsels to train tracks, tearing down orphanages, and other dastardly endeavours. Maybe it could play like an RPG/Adventure where your quests are the opposite of what people want you to do.


But I would also totes dig a new Wario Land on 3DS. I love that series.


About a decade ago, Nintendo might have given us that. :p

These days, nah.

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Pic of the day. Your character starts a Smash Run as a relatively ordinary fighter. But before the game, you can outfit yourself with certain items that can help power you up early, which will give you a big advantage later on!! These items are much like the Powers you'd find in Kid Icarus: Uprising.


For those who are wondering what Smash Run is, check out the Super Smash Bros. Direct. You can find the link on the post two days before this one.

Edited by Serebii
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I wonder.. with subspace gone, if every character will have his/her own ending with namco working on it it could be like they do for tekken that every character would have his/her own ending cutscene. I loved the cutscenes in brawl.

And i hope smashbros wiiU is packed also with mini games and trophy collecting etc. i like the fact that he showed that the music that will be in it is packed already lol.

I will definitely wait for the WiiU version.

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Pic of the day. Here's a very, very new fighter in the upcoming Smash games, Greninja. Greninja's sophisticated moves are extremely fun to use once you get used to how it controls!




The side special attack Shadow Sneak is a move that makes Greninja suddenly disappear and ambush opponents. If you press and hold the button, Greninja will move a greater distance. Another unique feature is you can move Greninja around freely while charging up.

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Yeah I think that's a bit ridiculous. Not practical for a bounty hunter or a fighter...


But then... this is Samus Aran we're talking about here, if any woman can fight or go bounty hunting in high heeled jet boots, then it's her! ;)

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Someone on GAF has gone over the frame data for previous Smash games and has used slo-mo footage from the direct to calculate the speed of Smash 4. Basically:


Total frames (brackets indicate amount of frames right before landing animation:

Brawl = 53 (50)

Smash 4 = 45 (43)

Project M = 39 (37)

Melee = 39 (37)




In short, Melee was bloody quick whereas Brawl was much slower. Smash 4 seems to be right in the middle, leaning closer to Melee than Brawl. That data only applies to Fox though, although given the direct showed off many combos, something which couldn't be done in Brawl, it's clear Sakurai acknowledges that Brawl went a bit too far when it came to catering for the casual Wii crowd. This game will hopefully feel different to both Melee and Brawl whilst satisfying the casual and competitive communities.

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This is the final destination version of Gerudo Valley. No more surprise visits from Koume and Kotake, and the bridge is gone. There are no distractions and there's nowhere to run. And the score that plays in the background is "Gerudo Valley."


You can make most stages turn into a final destination. Depending on the stage, it might be floating in midair or perched on a cliff.

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Someone on GAF has gone over the frame data for previous Smash games and has used slo-mo footage from the direct to calculate the speed of Smash 4. Basically:


Total frames (brackets indicate amount of frames right before landing animation:

Brawl = 53 (50)

Smash 4 = 45 (43)

Project M = 39 (37)

Melee = 39 (37)




In short, Melee was bloody quick whereas Brawl was much slower. Smash 4 seems to be right in the middle, leaning closer to Melee than Brawl. That data only applies to Fox though, although given the direct showed off many combos, something which couldn't be done in Brawl, it's clear Sakurai acknowledges that Brawl went a bit too far when it came to catering for the casual Wii crowd. This game will hopefully feel different to both Melee and Brawl whilst satisfying the casual and competitive communities.


It may be slightly controversial, but I think I prefer the speed of Brawl to Melee. The characters seem to have a bit more weight to them. Although, I did enjoy Melee for its speed. That game was on crack. Can imagine people having panic attacks playing that in multiplayer.




This is the final destination version of Gerudo Valley. No more surprise visits from Koume and Kotake, and the bridge is gone. There are no distractions and there's nowhere to run. And the score that plays in the background is "Gerudo Valley."


You can make most stages turn into a final destination. Depending on the stage, it might be floating in midair or perched on a cliff.


That idea of having final destination stages for each location is so genius. That idea never crossed my mind, but what a great idea it is. I don't like scrolling stages nor am I particularly fond of multiple levels. I just want somewhere flat, in a familiar location, with pretty visuals.

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That idea of having final destination stages for each location is so genius. That idea never crossed my mind, but what a great idea it is. I don't like scrolling stages nor am I particularly fond of multiple levels. I just want somewhere flat, in a familiar location, with pretty visuals.


I think this is Sakurai realizing that several "simple, basic stages with pretty visuals" was a bad compromise. This way, we can have several creative, original stages AND basic ones with the same visuals :)


You know, I just remembered that, in the Direct, one of the songs for Skyloft was "Saria's Song". I wonder/hope if it's the same arrangement from Melee, making a return. Can't believe that catchy tune was one of the few tracks they cut in Brawl.

Edited by Jonnas
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Does anybody know if the WiiU version will be compatible with the Wii classic controller (I'm not talking about the WiiU pro controller)? I would love to buy an adaptor for my gamecube pad to plug it into the Wiimote, but I really want to be sure that smash bros will work with wii classic controllers. (The adaptor makes the WiiU think the gamecube pad is a classic controller)

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Never tried Smash Bros games before, but I do enjoy solid fighting games (especially 2D - KoF!) and beat'em ups (Golden Axe!) - do you think this could be something for me? Are single player modes solid?

Note I am not really into myriad of nintendo charaacters, never been a hardcore nintendo guy (e.g. can't stand pokemon games, and don't think Zelda games are that outstanding - though I do enjoy Mario Kart Wii and Fire Emblem quite a lot!).

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