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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Well, that's another veteran confirmed. We're still awaiting quite a few actually!


I’m sure we’ll see:


Captain Falcon


Ice Climbers


Pokémon Trainer

Mr. Game & Watch

Diddy Kong



I have my doubts about:




Meta Knight







Alternate costumes:


Zero Suit Samus


Almost sure won’t return:

Dr. Mario




Can’t imagine will return:

Young Link

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Although Young Link wasn't in Brawl was he? so I think he's already been replaced by Toon Link.


I just summed up all characters that made in appearance in any of the earlier Smash games.


So that's why not only Young Link, but also Dr. Mario, Roy, Pichu and Mewtwo are in that list. Even thought they missed out on Brawl.


Of these 5, I think it's quite obvious that Young Link has indeed the smallest chance of reappearing ;)

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You think Ganondorf won't be in it? Are you crazy?


Nah, sure hope he'll be in, but don't know. I have this nagging feeling that some veterans will be left out this time... ::shrug:


Especially afraid that next to Ganondorf, we won't be seeing Mr. Game & Watch, Lucas and R.O.B. return :(

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"Pic of the day. When Lucario shoots out Aura from its hands to fly with ExtremeSpeed, you can control its flight direction. If Lucario's Aura is fully charged, it can fly extremely far, so be careful not to accidentally launch out of the area."

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"Pic of the day. When Lucario shoots out Aura from its hands to fly with ExtremeSpeed, you can control its flight direction. If Lucario's Aura is fully charged, it can fly extremely far, so be careful not to accidentally launch out of the area."

Lucario is Iron Man

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If Falco isn't in it, my GOD. And I really hope we have Mewtwo back but I think it's far less likely now with the inclusion of Lucario.


Also, I've been hoping for more DK characters since Melee! Perhaps now that DK is back in the limelight, we may at least see Dixie Kong join the brawl!

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I think Meta Knight might be cut - how present has he been in recent Kirbys anyway?


I think we might see a new DK character announcement when Tropical Freeze is released.


There's no way Meta Knight won't be in the game, Sakurai created Kirby after all.


...Year of Cranky...?


That's true, I think Brawl had a bit too much Kirby if I'm honest.


No such thing, blasphemer!

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Falco is as much a Smash Veteran as Marth and Ganandorf & Meta Knight are dead certainties in my eyes.


Speaking about characters, here are some questions for you lot:


Who are your favourite characters in the series?

Who were your mains in the previous games?

Who do you plan to use in the next Smash Bros. (out of those confirmed so far)?


My favs are Snake, Falco & Captain Falcon.



SM64: Mario & Link

Melee: Mario, DK, Mewtwo & Falco

Brawl: Snake, Ike, Falco, Captain Falcon & MetaKnight.


So far I plan to use Pit, Rosalina & Link in the upcoming titles.

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Falco is as much a Smash Veteran as Marth and Ganandorf & Meta Knight are dead certainties in my eyes.


Speaking about characters, here are some questions for you lot:


Who are your favourite characters in the series?

Who were your mains in the previous games?

Who do you plan to use in the next Smash Bros. (out of those confirmed so far)?


My favs are Snake, Falco & Captain Falcon.



SM64: Mario & Link

Melee: Mario, DK, Mewtwo & Falco

Brawl: Snake, Ike, Falco, Captain Falcon & MetaKnight.


So far I plan to use Pit, Rosalina & Link in the upcoming titles.


Let's see here... I love Captain Falcon, Sonic, Donkey Kong, Bowser, Link, Ganondorf and Charizard, basically most of the heavy characters :D


in the original Smash Bros I mained Mario and in Melee I mained Captain Falcon, occasionally playing as Donkey Kong, Link, Mario, Luigi, Falco and Ganondorf. In Brawl I don't have a main cause I played as nearly everyone - Sonic, Captain Falcon, Ganondorf, Zelda, Luigi, Bowser, Yoshi, Falco, Link, Pokemon Trainer, Lucas, Pit and Ike. In Project M I think my best character is Charizard but I really like playing as Captain Falcon, Mewtwo, Ganondorf and Bowser.


In the new Smash Bros I'll probably use all the charactersr I use in Brawl. out of the new characters I'm probably most looking forward to Wii Fit Trainer, she seems like she'd be a fast paced combo type character similar to Captain Falcon. I'm rubbish with projectile characters so Mega Man's out of the question.


No way will Marth and Ganondorf miss out on the new Smash Bros... One is the first main character of Fire Emblem and the other is the king of evil, the big baddy from Zelda.

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Let's not forget this drawing.

Pretty sure the characters we can see here will be included.


As for why I didn't include Lucas.

I'd say his inclusion can be questioned because he is so similar to Ness and has only been in Brawl. The odds of him getting a revamped moveset are high though.

Still, I was just having a bit of fun, because, in all honesty, I can see every fighter from Brawl being included, even Snake, because there are as many reasons in favour of cutting characters as there are reasons for including them.

The fact that we can even discuss cuts is because of Melee and Brawl in relation to eachother.


Now it is as if cuts are a certainty, but as far as we know Sakurai might feel like pushing his limits with the team and working extra hard to get all the veterans in at least.


Anyway, my main in Brawl was Kirby and in Melee was Captain Falcon, but I loved playing with almost every character :D


The characters I have always had trouble with are Peach, Yoshi, Sonic, and Marth, because of various reasons, but I still pick them regardless.


It's such a incredibly awesome series and I chose Super Smash Bros. Brawl as my favourite game of all-time just because I love to see SO MANY CHARACTERS I've come to love come together, even introducing new ones along the way which gets me into contact with other franchises.

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1. Who are your favourite characters in the series?

2. Who were your mains in the previous games?

3. Who do you plan to use in the next Smash Bros. (out of those confirmed so far)?


1. Sheik/Zelda, Captain Falcon, Mewtwo, Mr.Game&Watch, Pokémon Trainer, Wolf, Snake and Sonic, for various reasons. Maybe Megaman, Wii Fit Trainer and Rosalina can join this list soon.



Melee: Ganondorf and Jigglypuff (though I also use C.Falcon, Marth, Fox and Mewtwo with ease)

Brawl: Zelda and Ike (with Snake, Toon Link, DK and Pikachu being favourites as well)


3. Megaman is the obvious must, for great nostalgia and representation. Wii Fit Trainer looks like a blast (in the same way as C.Falcon is), and Rosalina looks very, very intriguing.

Of the returnees, I want to check out Lucario (he seems to be getting substantially revamped, much more interesting), Bowser (ditto, except he was already fun :heh:) and my main Zelda (who, I repeat, looks amazing).

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