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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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How about we wait to get more information before we decide that the games are gimped/compromised since other interviews have said that there will be a single player, but it'll be different to the subspace embassy






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I can't believe you guys actually enjoyed Subspace Emissary, I thought it was a bore to play through cause they somehow managed to make the game even slower than regular Brawl. The only good parts were unlocking the characters and seeing their cutscenes but if you can watch them all online then there's no point playing through the Subspace Emissary, which is probably why Sakurai's not doing it this time. He said he's still making all those cool cutscenes for each character so there's really nothing to worry about, plus did you notice the Yellow Devil at the end of Mega Man's trailer? He might be a boss battle in single player mode... Wonder what else there will be :D

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That is ridiculous!!


You can watch the entire of the Metal Gear Solid games online for example! Doesn't stop them making them!!


Pretty much every cutscene from every video game is on Youtube!


Yes, but when the main point of Subspace Emissary is to enjoy the cutscenes, but you can do that online, then what's the point of making a Kirby-style platformer around it? How many people praised that over the cutscenes?


Notice that Sakurai said they're still doing that type of cutscene, they just won't associate them with the single-player mode, necessarily.


And honestly, I'm glad he gets it. The SSE was fun, but the Adventure Mode in Melee felt more true to what the series is. Furthermore, I want them to create new stuff, not just rehash the formula they had for Brawl.

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I found Adventure Mode in Melee far more fun than Subspace Emissary. I've had to erase from my memory those horrendous looking enemies.:woops:


Adventure mode was much better.


But the cutscenes were glorious! :p


Just make a Smash Bros movie Nintendo!! (never gonna happen)

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SSE was essentially an applied extension of Adventure Mode imo, with a bit more content(sticker system that you probably rarely used but had a choice to, for example) that coaxed you along. Adventure mode in melee is/was all well and good but it was...rather samey after you've done it with each character on easy, then going to normal, then hard...etc. SSE didn't try any of that, and was the alternative way to unlock characters without repetition for those who don't neccessarily play a lot of multiplayer or kick a lot of single player ass. Cutscenes in it were great yeah, but they crafted the story for the gameplay, and tbh I thought it was a lovely story and great achievement managing to bring all those different aspects of different series and characters all together for that one megastory. I'd almost go so far as to call it a masterpiece for that alone. I loved it.


Put it this way, I played the crap out of Adventure Mode but moreso because I had no other choice. I played SSE once/twice, but never felt like it was too repetitive/boring. Don't get me wrong, I love BOTH Adeventure AND SSE, I'd love to see them have all of the aspects in it(Classic, adventure, all star, challenges, coin launcher, SSE-style story mode thats much longer/bigger/vaster than adventure). I just think reallly...why not?

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Not just...


But the point still stands, the Wii Fit Trainer is a fucking stupid choice.


Not when the series has sold 44million copies...

Due to this fact alone, the Wii Fit trainer may possibly be more recognisable than many other classic characters! :laughing:

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I wonder if Villager could get his own spin-of series like Tingle :p




Loving the photo, wish they were going full dojo style for this, but I guess the pics of the day will have to do. Agreed on MM looking pretty sick too.

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Loving the photo, wish they were going full dojo style for this, but I guess the pics of the day will have to do. Agreed on MM looking pretty sick too.

I don't. The less we know about the game before launch the better

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