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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Translated details of the Famitsu Smash Bros. 3DS review (37/40):


Reviewer 1 – 10


Although the controls are simple, players can express individuality in battles and the characteristics of the series are executed with the polish you’d expect. Even the small screens of 3DS are no problem, and it is easy to play from your field only. Special attack and Mii Fighter customization systems are also simple yet well crafted, and you can go to great lengths at the thorough optimization. Multiplayer battles are of course thrilling fun, but single-player modes are also admirably perfect.


Reviewer 2 – 9


If there are four characters fighting all over the small screen, it in some cases it is hard to keep up with situations, but there are things like emphasized outlines for characters that make it surprisingly easy to see what’s going on. It is interesting that character customization allows you to fight with battle strategies that are to your liking. Even though you can clear a mode in a short time, individual characters and many collectibles make it fun to replay. Since it is a Smash Bros. game that you can play anywhere you like, it is pleasant like none other.


Reviewer 3 – 9


This is a fighting game that you can fall in love with regardless of whether you are skilled or not and whether you know the references or not, isn’t it? You can sense the passion and heart that is put into this game from the impressive balance that consists of things like being simple and clear yet deep, characters’ strengths and weaknesses, technical stages and elements that turn the tide of a fight suddenly. Since 3DS is connected to the world, this game offers a new proposal of bringing it with you wherever you go and basically any place becomes “your room”. As this is a game that has high attractiveness in a living room, my expectations for the Wii U version have risen.


Reviewer 4 – 9


When characters with greatly varying sizes and feels of control meet at the same battle, it is an interpersonal experience. The character customization is unique since due to balancing of the system, it is hard to do simply powerful combinations as you have to accept some weaknesses and adjust your playstyle accordingly. The player can try out various ways to play and be broad-minded, and enjoy things like feeling the exhilarating of smash attacks while tackling action puzzles or viewing collected figures from various angles.

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OK, I know I'm late, but I still need to give my thoughts on the demo. Gonna shamelessly nick @Sprout's idea of separating stuff with spoiler tags.


Circle Pad is perfectly fine, I can pull off Smashes and tilts with no problems at all. That was my only concern with it and it's been proven wrong.


Although the sooner I can turn Tap Jump off, the better. I hate Tap Jump...


Now I have an XL, so I can't really tell if Small 3DS owners will struggle.

But I had no problems with keeping track of my character. Even with 3D on.


Speaking of, it's utter witchcraft how it can maintain that framerate with 3D on!

Really, Game Freak should be utterly ashamed of how they handle 3D now. And it doesn't look like it'll get any better with Ruby/Sapphire.




The extra hitstun present in this game has really made Mario a combo machine! Which is good. Because Mario has always been a bit underwhelming in my opinion.

His fireballs now make a "da-donk" sound when you hit someone, it's a nice touch.




HOLY TRIFORCE, ZELDA! Link doesn't suck! Out of the three veterans on this demo, he definitely got improved the most!


His shield blocks pretty much all projectiles, making him a nightmare for Mega Man.


His bow is far quicker. His bombs don't hurt you when you score a direct hit, even at point blank range. Even the boomerang feels like it has more "oomph"


But that dash attack. DAT DASH ATTACK! It has ridiculous launching power! And hitting someone with the tip launches them even further! (A bit like Marth)




Eh... He's pretty much exactly the same. There's a few new animations, but it's pretty much still Pikachu. Not that that's a bad thing.


Mega Man is an... interesting character.

Being mostly all about projectiles, he naturally works better at a distance.

I've never really liked projectiles that much in Smash, so he doesn't quite suit my taste.


Still a fun character! I could do far worse in Smash. Plus, he's full of nostalgia. Even if I never finished a Mega Man game until 2 came out on the 3DS Virtual Console.


Definitely the star of the demo here. Villager is just full of funny. Especially if you've played Animal Crossing.


Pocket is so incredibly versatile, especially when items are on. Saving a Hammer/Maxim Tomato for when you want to use it can really decide a game.

Of course, pocketing one of Mega Man's Charge shots is hilarious as well.


His Smash attacks are really awkward though. His down Smash seems to be useless on computers, and the Up Smash lacks launch power. (Good for combos though)

As for his Bowling Ball, dropping it from the edge of a platform on someone is immensely satisfying!



Yeah, I've already saved up over 3000 coins on the demo. Not sure if it'll get carried over to the full game, but I don't care. This is too much fun. Even if the game is teasing me with characters I can't play as.

I just want to try out Ninja Frog and British Bloke, damnit...

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Definitely the star of the demo here. Villager is just full of funny. Especially if you've played Animal Crossing.


Pocket is so incredibly versatile, especially when items are on. Saving a Hammer/Maxim Tomato for when you want to use it can really decide a game.

Of course, pocketing one of Mega Man's Charge shots is hilarious as well.


His Smash attacks are really awkward though. His down Smash seems to be useless on computers, and the Up Smash lacks launch power. (Good for combos though)

As for his Bowling Ball, dropping it from the edge of a platform on someone is immensely satisfying!


He can do more than that.


Super Smash Bros. for 3DS - Villager cancels Link's Final Smash


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I see.


If anyone would like a code (to use, not to sell) I have 3 UK codes going. (Bro didn't care.)


If there's no reply, I'll just post them up later anyway to be first come, first served.


I'd really appreciate it if you could give me one of them. I never got an email even though I have like 9000 stars registered on my club nintendo account.

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OK, I know I'm late, but I still need to give my thoughts on the demo. Gonna shamelessly nick @Sprout's idea of separating stuff with spoiler tags.


Circle Pad is perfectly fine, I can pull off Smashes and tilts with no problems at all. That was my only concern with it and it's been proven wrong.


Although the sooner I can turn Tap Jump off, the better. I hate Tap Jump...


Now I have an XL, so I can't really tell if Small 3DS owners will struggle.

But I had no problems with keeping track of my character. Even with 3D on.


Speaking of, it's utter witchcraft how it can maintain that framerate with 3D on!

Really, Game Freak should be utterly ashamed of how they handle 3D now. And it doesn't look like it'll get any better with Ruby/Sapphire.




The extra hitstun present in this game has really made Mario a combo machine! Which is good. Because Mario has always been a bit underwhelming in my opinion.

His fireballs now make a "da-donk" sound when you hit someone, it's a nice touch.




HOLY TRIFORCE, ZELDA! Link doesn't suck! Out of the three veterans on this demo, he definitely got improved the most!


His shield blocks pretty much all projectiles, making him a nightmare for Mega Man.


His bow is far quicker. His bombs don't hurt you when you score a direct hit, even at point blank range. Even the boomerang feels like it has more "oomph"


But that dash attack. DAT DASH ATTACK! It has ridiculous launching power! And hitting someone with the tip launches them even further! (A bit like Marth)




Eh... He's pretty much exactly the same. There's a few new animations, but it's pretty much still Pikachu. Not that that's a bad thing.


Mega Man is an... interesting character.

Being mostly all about projectiles, he naturally works better at a distance.

I've never really liked projectiles that much in Smash, so he doesn't quite suit my taste.


Still a fun character! I could do far worse in Smash. Plus, he's full of nostalgia. Even if I never finished a Mega Man game until 2 came out on the 3DS Virtual Console.


Definitely the star of the demo here. Villager is just full of funny. Especially if you've played Animal Crossing.


Pocket is so incredibly versatile, especially when items are on. Saving a Hammer/Maxim Tomato for when you want to use it can really decide a game.

Of course, pocketing one of Mega Man's Charge shots is hilarious as well.


His Smash attacks are really awkward though. His down Smash seems to be useless on computers, and the Up Smash lacks launch power. (Good for combos though)

As for his Bowling Ball, dropping it from the edge of a platform on someone is immensely satisfying!



Yeah, I've already saved up over 3000 coins on the demo. Not sure if it'll get carried over to the full game, but I don't care. This is too much fun. Even if the game is teasing me with characters I can't play as.

I just want to try out Ninja Frog and British Bloke, damnit...


Thanks for this! Cant wait :D

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What a bunch of jokers!


One code going here for any regular sort of folks. I might just give it to my mate otherwise, so I can go play on his 3DS :D


(having said that, got to play a bit today with Marcamillian via his and his lady's 3DSes - struggling to adjust to something about the 3DS, using attack and special in wrong places, pressing wrong thing to jump - thinking it's a mixup in my brain compared to the cube pad. I find the L button quite hard to use with the stick of the 3DS as well, so not sure whether I'll pick this up for 3DS straight off)

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What a bunch of jokers!


One code going here for any regular sort of folks. I might just give it to my mate otherwise, so I can go play on his 3DS :D


(having said that, got to play a bit today with Marcamillian via his and his lady's 3DSes - struggling to adjust to something about the 3DS, using attack and special in wrong places, pressing wrong thing to jump - thinking it's a mixup in my brain compared to the cube pad. I find the L button quite hard to use with the stick of the 3DS as well, so not sure whether I'll pick this up for 3DS straight off)


You can customise the controls. It's weird that this isn't in the demo.

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