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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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I am very much wondering how people at NINTENDO and Co. are looking at Captain Falcon these days when they have to include him in Smash.


Who makes his concept art? Who makes his model?

And aren't there some fans of the franchise working on Smash who think that Captain Falcon has been dorment for faaaaar too long now.


It will be interesting to see how they will tackle his character and whether or not we can deduce from that that NINTENDO is thinking about F-Zero.


Please bring F-Zero back, NINTENDO! The F-Zero universe has soooo many interesting characters and sights which could make for an awesome story and an even more awesome spectacle.

Edited by Fused King
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I think he will be in it but yeah, a lot of the classic Smash characters seem more and more out of place (at least within the Nintendo universe) with each iteration.


Captain Falcon made sense in Melee but he was a stretch even for Brawl as far as his presence in the overall Nintendo universe is concerned. Then again, he's become such an icon in Smash now I think they really can't leave him out. The same applies to Ness (who really only made sense as an inclusion for the N64 game) and Ice Climbers who... well, their inclusion never really made sense at all.

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