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Just got Shemue II, yes it is the Xbox version but it is better than nothing! Only now I have started playing it do I remember why it is such an awesome game!! Shame about the hideous voice acting, I wish they had left the original voices in the Xbox version, but I forget about it after a couple minutes of playing! I just have one question...




Did the first 2 not sell well?? Sega make so much crap that you think they would try to continue one of their quality IPs! If I were Microsoft I would pay them to make it!

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Just got Shemue II, yes it is the Xbox version but it is better than nothing! Only now I have started playing it do I remember why it is such an awesome game!! Shame about the hideous voice acting, I wish they had left the original voices in the Xbox version, but I forget about it after a couple minutes of playing! I just have one question...




Did the first 2 not sell well?? Sega make so much crap that you think they would try to continue one of their quality IPs! If I were Microsoft I would pay them to make it!


The Xbox version is better than the Dreamcast one anyway.

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Everyone on these boards seems to like 2 more than 1. but personally I prefered 1. Maybe I just prefered it 'cos it was the first and it was different to anything else. Plus I loved the spaced out voice acting.


"You should speak to Simeasan"


Love it.


PS: excuse the incorrect spelling of the name.

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I've got an e-mail address but I'm not sure its the right one...I'll try it anyway!!


Edit: I wrote most the e-mail but my effing Mac, yes you read that correct, my Mac keeps having hissy fits!! I'm in a bad mood now...I'll finish it off tomorrow and send it after playing more Shenmue II when I will be in a good mood!

I also need the find the most appropraite e-mail...

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I've got an e-mail address but I'm not sure its the right one...I'll try it anyway!!


Lol, I like the attitude mate, but it's been done and got us nowhere (well, I didn't email, but I've moaned for years, and signed 'The Petition').


Microsoft would get a fair amount of love from every Shenmue fan if they were to pay for it to be made. I don't think it would sell masses of consoles, but I think it would make them as a company look good.

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I going to e-mail just so I know I've done my bit...plus it's good for my Japanese!


I remember I e-mailed Nintendo about Kid Icarus for the Wii...they said they would notifiy me when "more information of this product" would be available!


I like seeing the responses companies give!

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Daft, don't bother.


Everyone on these boards seems to like 2 more than 1. but personally I prefered 1. Maybe I just prefered it 'cos it was the first and it was different to anything else. Plus I loved the spaced out voice acting.

Although I don't like to compare the two as I look at them as one game, I prefer 1.

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Well, in Shenmue 1, you feel people know you, and that you're an important part of the community. In Shenmue 2 you feel like a lost kitten in a huge world.


Shenmue 1 = you are a big fish in small pond

Shenmue 2 = you are a small fish in the ocean


Both games are awesome, in their own way, IMO.

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I enjoyed both 1 & 2 on the DC.... got them dirt cheap too.


I dont know whether to say fcuk authenticity regarding the voice acting...Shenmue creased me up with Ryu's (vocal) attitude, total comedy gold.


If/when 3 arrives, I will be unhappy if I dont have the option of listening to English vocal version with the same actor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I want to get Shenmue II on Xbox now that it's 360 compatible. Mainly for collection purposes, and I want the DVD, and i'll most likely play through with english voices to check it out.

Problem is, I can't find it anywhere! All the places I buy games from online like Gameplay and play.com don't have it, and it's impossible to find in shops. Only option appears to be eBay but none are new and sealed, and I want to buy it new.

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I've got Shenmue 2 on the DC and Xbox. Sorry, not selling. I'm a fan too. >8) If you think the Xbox version is hard to find, try getting the DC version! I bought it last year for collection purposes, and it cost £25 second hand, and considering how expensive it CAN be, that was cheap!

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Finally after years... I bought this a few days ago:


-> http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=180101774675&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=008


Dreamcast+US Shenmue+PAL Shenmue II+Jap Shenmue I and II; What's Shenmue disc+DC-X+VGA+RGB+Composite cables, VMU's, HotD guns and a few other games and accesories. (about 30 games all summed)


Not bad at all, IMO, since I'd always pay a lot of pounds for postage (often more expensive than the "naked" console alone, so this way I had most of the games included in that; I'd spend a lot more if I was to buy all these separate, the guy even told me all was mint (the shenmues), can't wait for it to arrive.


I've saw a lot of Xbox Shenmue II new and sealed here in Portugal for 10 euros (7,50 pounds) in the cheap bins, never bought it though, and sadly haven't seen them in a while now.

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I've got Shenmue 2 on the DC and Xbox. Sorry, not selling. I'm a fan too. >8) If you think the Xbox version is hard to find, try getting the DC version! I bought it last year for collection purposes, and it cost £25 second hand, and considering how expensive it CAN be, that was cheap!

Yeah Shenmue II on DC cost me £32 second hand and Shenmue I around £20 I think. I would have paid £100 for both and still be satisfied though :heh:


I completed "Shenmue" last week and I can safely say that it is the greatest game I have experienced thus far. Will be 'aquiring' the second one very soon. Can't wait.

Damn right! Great to hear you feel the same way :hehe:


Finally after years... I bought this a few days ago:


-> http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=180101774675&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=008


Dreamcast+US Shenmue+PAL Shenmue II+Jap Shenmue I and II; What's Shenmue disc+DC-X+VGA+RGB+Composite cables, VMU's, HotD guns and a few other games and accesories. (about 30 games all summed).


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I want to get Shenmue II on Xbox now that it's 360 compatible. Mainly for collection purposes, and I want the DVD, and i'll most likely play through with english voices to check it out.

Problem is, I can't find it anywhere! All the places I buy games from online like Gameplay and play.com don't have it, and it's impossible to find in shops. Only option appears to be eBay but none are new and sealed, and I want to buy it new.


I was looking around at some shops for you and I found this:


http://www.gameseek.co.uk/pd/Xbox-360fa6h0c920x8/ :shakehead

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Finally after years... I bought this a few days ago:


-> http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=180101774675&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=008


Dreamcast+US Shenmue+PAL Shenmue II+Jap Shenmue I and II; What's Shenmue disc+DC-X+VGA+RGB+Composite cables, VMU's, HotD guns and a few other games and accesories. (about 30 games all summed)


Not bad at all, IMO, since I'd always pay a lot of pounds for postage (often more expensive than the "naked" console alone, so this way I had most of the games included in that; I'd spend a lot more if I was to buy all these separate, the guy even told me all was mint (the shenmues), can't wait for it to arrive.


I've saw a lot of Xbox Shenmue II new and sealed here in Portugal for 10 euros (7,50 pounds) in the cheap bins, never bought it though, and sadly haven't seen them in a while now.



I've got an American Dreamcast which can play games from all regions. One of my coolest possessions. :) I'll see if I can find my thread about it. :D




Don't push it. :wink: :red:


Forgot to tell you... Shenmue 2 on the 360 is terrible at the moment. Has graphical glitches, sound problems, and the 360 dpad makes the fighting a nightmare... Still may be worth it for you though, considering you're a fan.

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Forgot to tell you... Shenmue 2 on the 360 is terrible at the moment. Has graphical glitches, sound problems, and the 360 dpad makes the fighting a nightmare... Still may be worth it for you though, considering you're a fan.

Oh, that's unfortunate :sad:

I'll still probably by it though and perhaps keep it sealed, lol.

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