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The End Of The World Mafia

The Peeps

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The police officer set out to find 2 people tonight thanks to the extra provisions taken in last night. He found 2 very powerful characters and took them in for the night, though one was more willing to be taken in than the other.


Another powerful figure was irritated all night by a constant buzzing. Despite constantly swatting the air he could not shake the noisy thing.


Another earthquake shook the city to its core. The cracks in the ground splintered and broke the city into large segments. As the floor trembled and moved around, lava flows were created. It poured out of the fissures and down the streets. An old man with keen eyes seemed to be trapped. A large gap lay in front of him - too large to leap across and lava was pouring into the street behind him. He had just about given up hope when a figure appeared on the other side.


"Stn bck"


It tried to shout something but the old man couldn't understand. After some frantic gesturing he got the idea and moved aside. The figure from across the divided street pulled a weapon, aimed and fired. The bullet barely missed the old man and hit the fire hydrant beside him. 3 more shots were fired and 3 more hydrants blasted their contents into the road. As the lava hit the flooded street, it cooled and turned to rock. The old man ran across the burning street to safety.




A woman walks the empty streets alone. She has finally got some information after a string of complications over the last few nights. So happy is she, that she doesn't hear the shuffling of many pairs of feet drawing closer. By the time she does notice, it's too late. The horde have her surrounded. Anyone nearby would've heard a loud shriek ending abruptly as they closed in.




Sandra Beach is dead. She could interview her fellow survivors. She was good. Heroicjanitor has left the game.


15 Survivors:






















Majority is 8


Day Five has begun Phase will end at 11:59pm Wednesday

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Just want to throw this out, during Night 3 I jailkept Jonnas and there was no mention of the zombie horde in the write-up (only write-up not to mention them).

HeroicJanitor was trying to investigate him during the same night but could not find him due to Jonnas being jailkept and said so during the day and has now been killed by the zombies.


Not to mention that Jonnas had already been connected to the zombies before.


My guess is that Jonnas commands them and is therefore evil.


Vote: Jonnas

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Just want to throw this out, during Night 3 I jailkept Jonnas and there was no mention of the zombie horde in the write-up (only write-up not to mention them).

HeroicJanitor was trying to investigate him during the same night but could not find him due to Jonnas being jailkept and said so during the day and has now been killed by the zombies.


Not to mention that Jonnas had already been connected to the zombies before.


My guess is that Jonnas commands them and is therefore evil.


Vote: Jonnas


I just wish to point out that Jonnas hasn't been connected to the zombies before this - that was a simple misunderstanding on the part of heroic.


Still, this does seem interesting;


Vote: Jonnas


Jonnas, what have you to say about this?

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While that is something we should definitely look into, I also think its worth asking Tales what happened yesterday. There are a few leads to follow today - Rummy left us with a lot to look into. Not only was he sure about a few people as mafia, there was a voting list that must've contained mafiosos. I'm pretty sure Jonnas was on it, wasn't he? But also four others an tales. Would check myself now but I'm in bed and about to sleep.



There is a lot to do today, and I want to hear from Jonnas, Tales, and others.

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Likewise. Jonnas, what is your power?


It's also worth mentioning that we need to go back and look at yesterday's events to see if we can spot any mafia activity in the lynch with Rummy. I know how frustrating it can be to be lynched when you've done nothing but tell the truth and would hope that we can look at it and not let his death be in vain.


However, it's 2:15am. I'm not in the best of moods. I'm going to bed.

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Good tracking!

Just to throw some more information out there, I targeted Dannyboy and was given a threat level of 10/10 after carefully observing his abilities, characteristics and appearance.

Unlike with Esequiel, it hasn't given me any clue to what his character is (doctor, pilot, politician etc.) so I'm willing to believe he could be a zombie/alien or something.


Vote: Dannyboy the Dane to get some info out of him.

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Jonnas targeted heroicjanitor last night.

Doesn't look good for him.


Were you shot at last night?


Also, did anyone else get developments on the dart thing? I was feeling quite ill today.

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Were you shot at last night?


Also, did anyone else get developments on the dart thing? I was feeling quite ill today.


I was saved by a man with amazing aim.


Haven't heard anything about the dart/mosquito. It's mentioned in the write-up, which makes it sound like mosquitoes?

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What about last night? What happened to you then?


Okay, just so it is out in the clear, yesterdays events about the gun shooting and the shouting, I was trying to reach Dyson. Not really sure what this means for him.


Mr-Paul seems to have a strong word against Danny so I think Danny needs to help clear things up if he can.


Today, I was not impeded from reaching my target, hurray :) Only to find, someone was there not letting me near, I know who that is. Apparently this is not good for my self esteem :p Understandable, I've been pretty useless so far >_<

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Whoa, whoa, whoa, I'm not a zombie! Herojan accused me of that through sheer luck! Apparently, that disfigured man (who he thought was a zombie) he met even appeared in tonight's write-up, he's not related to me at all (nor to the zombies, actually)


And, as luck would have it, I do happen to be connected to the zombies: I am Scott Jones, the older brother of Steve Jones (you know, Zombie Steve from the first write-up?). I escaped contamination because I had a cold during that day, and now roam the land attempting to eradicate the zombies, by curing them.

When I target people, they either get vaccinated against the zombies, or be cured if they're already infected.


Here's the strange part: I targeted Herojan last night to prove him I was good. I found him barely alive, and administered a cure against zombification, which, I was told, takes 24 hours to work. I then come here to find he is dead.


Fuck, I need to leave now. But I will be back, please don't lynch me early :sad:

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Who have your other targets been then Jonnas?


I think he should say one person who is clearly town to confirm his story. If he's telling the truth then it's bad for the zombies to know everyone who is protected against them.

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Do we have anyone who is clearly town though?


Also, as for the mafia, it's not just zombies right? It's pretty much any kind of bad thing happening?

So zombies is one mafia member, the earthquake is another one, mosquito (or whatever) another member etc.



Or am I wrong in thinking this?

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