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Bin Laden is Dead


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You're right. I did make one with a Nigerian prince. He gave me control of his land to ban you from this thread. So...goody for me!

Ha, you got screwed over mate. I not only won his national lottery but helped him extort money from his life insurance.


Too bad the exchange rate blows... I ended up with a fiver, a toffee crisp and some blu-tac.

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From the thread yes. He said his piece and expressed his unique viewpoint several times but really he's long past contributing to the thread and just continued to derail it.


Just get it over with and ban him full stop.


Anyway nice one for banning him in here maybe now the conversation can finally take a different direction.

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I have a feeling this thread won't see much more activity.


why we can now constructively look at the impact his death will have on the world rather than the ifs and buts about him being dead or not.


An interested point brought up in a gaming podcast of all things was what word do we use to describe his death? was he murdered, killed, lawfully murdered assassinated?

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why we can now constructively look at the impact his death will have on the world rather than the ifs and buts about him being dead or not.


An interested point brought up in a gaming podcast of all things was what word do we use to describe his death? was he murdered, killed, lawfully murdered assassinated?


Because most of this thread has consisted of this Monkey business. I suspect an actual discussion about other topics regarding Bin Laden won't gather nearly the same amount of acitivity.

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Because most of this thread has consisted of this Monkey business. I suspect an actual discussion about other topics regarding Bin Laden won't gather nearly the same amount of acitivity.


I guess your right but Bin Laden is slightly bigger news than mad monkey and his idiotic trolling conspiracy theories?!

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why we can now constructively look at the impact his death will have on the world rather than the ifs and buts about him being dead or not.


An interested point brought up in a gaming podcast of all things was what word do we use to describe his death? was he murdered, killed, lawfully murdered assassinated?


I'd go with Suicide by Navy SEAL.

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Mail on Sunday? More like Fail on Sunday :p


They released supposed videos of Bin Laden today with no noise due to security concerns, perhaps talk of possible next targets were being discussed and it would cause a massive panic if people knew their place may have been targeted. Although apparently the videos aren't able to be directly connected to where Bin Laden was staying.


I think the evidence is mounting up that even conspiracy theorists must struggle to argue against it all now.

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A note to all the intelligence agents and police that will end up reading this due to the fact that it has a ton of the keywords your bots are probably constantly scouring the net for, the following is a work of fiction and falsehood, it is intended for satirical purposes only, and the poster in no way condones or takes part in any of the activities mentioned. Thank you for your understanding, and have a nice day.


This was a triumph!

I'm making a note here:



It's hard to overstate

my satisfaction.


Al Qaeda:

We do what we must

because we mad.


For the good of all of us.

Except the ones who are infidels.


But there's no sense jihading

over every mistake.

You just keep on trying

till you run out of virgins.

And the terror gets done.

And you destroy a neat tower

for the people who are

not infidels.


I'm not even angry...

I'm being so sincere right now-

Even though you broke my heart,

and killed me.


And pissed on me.

And threw me into the ocean.

As I sunk it hurt because

I was so pissed at you!


Now, these points of intel

make a beautiful line.

And we're out of afghanistan.

We're escaping on time!

So I'm Osam I got shot-

Think of all the things we learned-

for the people who are

not infidels.


Go ahead and leave me...

I think I'd prefer to stay inside...

Maybe you'll find someone else

to help you?

Maybe Hezbollah?

That was a joke! *HAHA- *No* Chance!*


Anyway this virgin is great!

It's so delicious and moist!


Look at me: still talking

when there's terror to do!

When I look out there,

it makes me Osam I'm not you.


I've bombs to explode.

There is jihad to be done.

On the people who are


And believe me I am

still alive.

I'm doing terror and I'm

still alive.

I feel fantastic and I'm

still alive.

While you're dying I'll be

still alive.

And when you're dead I will be

still alive.


Still alive.


Still alive.

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