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Blue Dragon screens (360 mistwalker title)


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Not at all. I can see where your coming from with the ship etc. but on land it looks nothing like it.
I think it does; i can't remember the names of the places in Skies; but the second picture (the one in the red desert area) looks like an updated (would be next-gen) version of the first desert area you visit (where you can travel between buidings on those desert animals),


and the last screen looks like a next-gen version of so many of the little cutscenes you see in skies of your ship turning round or docking!


I'd imagine Skies of Arcada 2's levels to look alot like this in terms of style!

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Great find!!


I does look really great! Fantastic level design and graphics!

though i'm not to sure I like the design of the main characters at the moment!


The water looks fantastic. Like the music in the video too, bit like the skies of Arcadia theme I suppose.
Yeah the water looked awesome!!

And there were a few times in that video that the game reminded me of Skies of Arcadia!

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