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Funny Stuff Thread


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Nope. The video I posted was funny because it was scripted in a way that played around with your expectations, like watching a How2Basic video for the first time. The narration kept on describing the phone in a typical "unboxing video" format and what you saw was something else entirely. The video of the iPhone being dropped is just that: an iPhone being dropped. Unlike the previous video, I see absolutely nothing unique or interesting about it.


So only scripted comedy is funny?


The dropping video is funny because he's waited for ages to get this product, and is so chuffed with himself at being the first, and unboxing it on TV, that he accidentally drops it. It's unexpected, slapstick, schadenfreude humour. It's the same reason that people falling over is funny, the same reason why clowns pie each other in the face, and the same reason why sites like failblog are so big.


The video you posted on the other hand did not take anyone by surprise (which is the essence of comedy). It was clear the moment he stepped out of the door without breaking his "unboxing script" that he was going to do something different. It was badly delivered, and the punchline was entirely anti-climactic.

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So only scripted comedy is funny?


So I get accused of trolling for asking a legitimate question, and now this. It's almost as if I'm being deliberately misinterpreted.


No, that's not what I'm saying at all. I was simply stating that it was scripted as a part of describing the video itself.


The dropping video is funny because he's waited for ages to get this product, and is so chuffed with himself at being the first, and unboxing it on TV, that he accidentally drops it. It's unexpected, slapstick, schadenfreude humour. It's the same reason that people falling over is funny, the same reason why clowns pie each other in the face, and the same reason why sites like failblog are so big.


Yeah I get that, but none of that is in the actual video. Sites like Failblog post videos that have slapstick humor in the sense that the people who are falling/tripping/dropping something all do it in a spectacular fashion that makes it funny; or the way they reacted to it immediately after the fact was what made it funny. Like some obese man who wobbles as he walks, then falls down the stairs, tries to get up, and falls again. What makes it funny is both the fall itself and his attempts to get up (his reaction).


But again, we don't see any of those elements in the video. As you described, most of the "he's waited ages for it and is so chuffed at being the first" is merely projection. There is no build-up. He doesn't sound super excited at finally being the first to buy the phone, he never says anything about how hyped he is only to have it all crashing down before him, and for the most part, he just talks like a regular person. There is absolutely nothing spectacular about the phone falling or his reaction to it.


We're not even laughing at his incompetence because we didn't see him open the box incorrectly and cause the phone to spill out; it was a legitimate accident. He didn't cry like a baby when it fell, nor did he give any sort of reaction that would elevate the humor. We only heard the crowd surrounding him make noises and that was it. The only emotion you could see on his face throughout the whole thing was the fake smile he put on for the camera while opening it.


The video you posted on the other hand did not take anyone by surprise (which is the essence of comedy). It was clear the moment he stepped out of the door without breaking his "unboxing script" that he was going to do something different. It was badly delivered, and the punchline was entirely anti-climactic.


Well of course you'd know something different was about to happen. That's the whole point. And having him go outside without breaking character doesn't equate to the video going south by that point. Seeing him leave doesn't mean that the surprise is ruined since you still don't know why he's going outside. You're supposed to think "oh, hey, what's going on here? I thought this was an unboxing video. What's going to happen?" It's not supposed to spoil anything or lessen the enjoyment of the punchline. The "surprise" wasn't in him getting out, but in what happened after he did. Whether or not you actually liked the delivery of that is up to personal taste, so I won't bother going there. Maybe you would have enjoyed it more if he went outside to smash it or break a raw egg on it or something.


I've talked about this enough anyway, so here's some actual slapstick to get this thread back on track:




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But again, we don't see any of those elements in the video. As you described, most of the "he's waited ages for it and is so chuffed at being the first" is merely projection.

Considering the headline on the news channel is "Fans slept outside Apple Store overnight", the observation that he has waited ages seems rather accurate. As such his pride is implied with a heavy degree of accuracy.



Whilst I'll admit it's not as funny as I thought it would be, I think you're reading too much into it.

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But again, we don't see any of those elements in the video. As you described, most of the "he's waited ages for it and is so chuffed at being the first" is merely projection. There is no build-up. He doesn't sound super excited at finally being the first to buy the phone, he never says anything about how hyped he is only to have it all crashing down before him, and for the most part, he just talks like a regular person. There is absolutely nothing spectacular about the phone falling or his reaction to it.


He is the first in line to get it, that enough is proof to anyone that he obviously cared about getting this phone.


You have over analysed this to an extreme - you don't need to go to lengths to describe why something shouldn't be funny, when it clearly is. Although in a self-fulfilling prophecy kind of way, over analysing has kind of killed the comedy value now...

Edited by Sheikah
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Considering the headline on the news channel is "Fans slept outside Apple Store overnight", the observation that he has waited ages seems rather accurate. As such his pride is implied with a heavy degree of accuracy.


He is the first in line to get it, that enough is proof to anyone that he obviously cared about getting this phone.


I didn't intend to prolong this any further but I'd just like to state that his waiting in line is irrelevant if we don't get to see the result of said anticipation represented in the video. The headline might tell us he's waited ages for it, sure, but his lack of enthusiasm/dismay at his phone falling says the opposite. If anything, it actually made it more unfunny since it mislead you into thinking he's going to throw a tantrum. Is the inclusion of the headline the deal-maker for this video? Would it still be considered funny if you were not specifically told this guy camped out for it?


You have over analysed this to an extreme - you don't need to go to lengths to describe why something shouldn't be funny, when it clearly is. Although in a self-fulfilling prophecy kind of way, over analysing has kind of killed the comedy value now...


Hey man, if something can die by just talking about it... then maybe it deserves it. :heh:

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You have over analysed this to an extreme - you don't need to go to lengths to describe why something shouldn't be funny, when it clearly is. Although in a self-fulfilling prophecy kind of way, over analysing has kind of killed the comedy value now...


I don't think that's entirely fair, a_f was only ever replying to my/Rummy's posts. He didn't just launch into a tirade unprovoked.


So I get accused of trolling for asking a legitimate question, and now this. It's almost as if I'm being deliberately misinterpreted.


No, that's not what I'm saying at all. I was simply stating that it was scripted as a part of describing the video itself.


I only wrote the post I did, not because you didn't find the iPhone dropping video funny, but it just seemed so weird that you posted an iPhone video and then criticised another. It kind of came across as "that iPhone video is rubbish, mine is way better". Obviously that's not what you were doing, it just had that sort of ring to it.

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Would it still be considered funny if you were not specifically told this guy camped out for it?


Would any joke be funny it it missed the punchline?


Why present hypothetical situations when those situations aren't what actually happened? You could do that with anything - 'would this have been funny if the guy didn't fall over and landed his skateboard fine?' The fact is, he waited in line a long time, which is proven by the fact he got his phone first. And...he dropped it. It's kind of funny because he has obviously queued a long time to get it, only to drop it. His reaction is largely irrelevant...all you can do in that situation to save face while on camera is to act like it's fine, so you don't look so silly having dropped it.

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Would it still be considered funny if you were not specifically told this guy camped out for it?


Well we all know about Apple launches, and how long you would have to camp to be the first one, so we don't specifically need the headline, but we do need the information.


That would be the equivalent of your video without knowing how hard it is to get an iPhone, and how expensive they are. Then it would just be some guy burying something.

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Was browsing Whose Line Is It Anyway? compilation videos and came across possibly the funniest WLIIA clip I've ever seen. (Yes, possibly funnier than the Arctic Tern clip.)


For those who aren't familiar with the show, Colin and Ryan have to act out a scene, and two members of the audience have to do the sound effects.



And the Arctic Tern clip:


Edited by MoogleViper
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