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I'd just expect the movies to be moved a couple of months forward, not 8 months. Especially since - I think - they are almost done with them and just need to release them.
I guess the problem is, you need a gap to put them in. All the sept/oct films aren't moving, so you leapfrog those, and put it into the gap left by the films that have had filming delayed instead.
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Scheduling films for the cinema appears to be a logistical nightmare from what I've heard in the past. Need to consider competition, # of screens available, whether it is the right 'time' of the year for given film, awards seasons periods (where applicable), balancing the studio's output across the year etc. 

I would guess they want to wait until at least after summer because before that they would risk it being postponed again but then you're creeping into Halloween, Christmas, the awards dumping ground known as January and suddenly it's March. 

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First look at Timothée Chalamet as Paul Atreides in Dune


This film is still currently slated for December, and I'm worried for its box office performance if it ends up being delayed. It picked the best time imaginable: the December after the last Star Wars film for a little while, and the only December in the next few years which isn't caught up ping-ponging between Avatar and Star Wars


Tenet is still somehow holding out for a July release, the only blockbuster left standing now that Disney has moved Soul to November (which is now stacked). I'm sure Nolan would rather chew his arm off than have that film go to streaming, so a delay seems inevitable. 

Edited by Julius
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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm missing my cinemas!! It's driving me crazy!

I've been watching the MCU films now that I've practically done my studies.

Captain America: The First Avenger 
I really enjoyed this but I know some people who thought it was "just okay". For me, this is one of the better Marvel movies and I still feel a little emotional at the end with him and Agent Carter setting a date.

Captain Marvel
It's alright but it just felt out of place in the MCU. It's decent but it's not one I think I could watch again in a hurry. Action and effects are great though.

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New Tenet trailer, still looks awesome:

Very weird seeing 'Coming to Theatres' with no release date/window knowing just how close we were to release, wonder how much we're going to see that in the coming months? 

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9 hours ago, Julius said:

New Tenet trailer, still looks awesome:Very weird seeing 'Coming to Theatres' with no release date/window knowing just how close we were to release, wonder how much we're going to see that in the coming months? 

I’d heard he’s actually been pushing for Tenet to still come to cinemas even with the pandemic. Only going on Era (and we all know how dramatic people can be over there) but people don’t seem very happy at all with him because of that.

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1 hour ago, Happenstance said:

I’d heard he’s actually been pushing for Tenet to still come to cinemas even with the pandemic. Only going on Era (and we all know how dramatic people can be over there) but people don’t seem very happy at all with him because of that.

Yeah, that's what I've been seeing too. There's no way that he's letting this go to streaming, regardless, dude loves his cinema seats and screen too much for that. The date not being in the trailer but still being in the description means they're still going for a theatrical release first, but I think it means they're ready to pivot on the date, they're just waiting to see what happens I guess, like everyone else. 

The preview blew me away when I was surprised by it when I went to see TROS in December for my birthday, and it's Nolan, so I think it'll be great, but definitely wouldn't be the same without that IMAX screen. 

22 minutes ago, Ashley said:

Yeah I believe they're still aiming for July? 

Yep, it's in the description for the trailer.


...coming to theaters 7.17.20. 

Crazy, but hedging their bets on a return to the norm by then I guess. Probably wrongly, but still :laughing:

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42 minutes ago, Ashley said:

Or maybe they're hoping theatres will want to open and even if they have distancing measures nothing else is available so all screens will be for this. 

Maybe, but it seems doubtful. This is Nolan's second largest budget (reportedly $205 million to $250 million) next to The Dark Knight Rises ($250 million), and the largest of his original films, so I don't see WB sending this out to die at the box office, so to speak. This was being positioned as a summer blockbuster by one of the few directors whose name has a pull to a wide audience, and considering how much WB put behind it, they were probably expecting a box office upwards of $750 million. 

Even if lockdown is eased by then almost everywhere and they were hoping to show it on every screen, then there's the cost of going hard in on advertising if they are hoping to be the only film in theatres/taking up most screens and seats, and because the public is likely to still be wary of potentially large public gatherings by then, their box office per theatre will likely nosedive, and I genuinely think they'd be fortunate to make much of a profit. I doubt it would be enough for WB to be happy, either way. I'm guessing that Nolan is the one adamant for theatrical release, and WB seem happy to do that, but throwing years of hard work under the bus knowing that it will likely flop seems like a great way to anger their golden goose. 

It seems wiser for them to just wait and see, at least for now. If they were all in on July 17th, I'm sure it would have been at the end of the trailer. As much as I want to see the film, I doubt I'd go opening weekend, even if it were being shown in theatres and social distancing measures were in place. It just doesn't seem worth the risk to me, and I imagine that will be the case for most. 

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I watched The Red Turtle last night and when it finished I cried for a solid 20 minutes or so. The superlatives do not exist to give this movie justice. A trailer doesn't communicate what it's worth. It is a work of art and a genuine masterpiece. I think I might be changed as a person and I absolutely did not go in expecting to be affected the way I was.


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26 minutes ago, gaggle64 said:

I watched The Red Turtle last night and when it finished I cried for a solid 20 minutes or so. The superlatives do not exist to give this movie justice. A trailer doesn't communicate what it's worth. It is a work of art and a genuine masterpiece. I think I might be changed as a person and I absolutely did not go in expecting to be affected the way I was.


I keep meaning to see this. Shame its not one of the ones they put on Netflix (although I know its Ghibli-ish).

Also amusing reading your post and then your signature.

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1 hour ago, Ashley said:

Or maybe they're hoping theatres will want to open and even if they have distancing measures nothing else is available so all screens will be for this. 

That looks like it's going to be the case. At least over here, in The Netherlands, I don't know what the current situation in the US is.

Cinemas are re-opening 01-06 over here, albeit with some measures in place, like having a maximum of 30 people at one screening.

But.. I had a look at the new program for one of the commercial cinemas.. With film releases being in a sort of limbo right now, the program is a mix of films that were running before the lockdown, and just some curated older ones. Apparently some people (like me), can't wait to get back into the cinemas again, and right now Interstellar is sold out on the first day.

So yeah, I can guarantee that at least over here, Tenet will be a big hit. I should probably get my tickets as soon as possible.

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We are one, the digital film festival, released their program.


Good thing to note is, that as far as I can tell, despite being digital, they wil emulate the festival feel by having screenings at set times. So if there's something you'd like to see, take not of the date and time it's playing.

Their youtube channel may be a bit easier to check as they convert the times automatically it seems.


I know what I'll be doing, and it's not playing Xenoblade Chronicles. Though it's annoying the festival takes place right at the time cinemas are re-opening here.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Watched L'uomo Senza Gravità (The Man Without Gravity) on Netflix last night. It's a good easy watch kind of film that was quite sweet in places and a surprising amount of Batman references.

Was good to see Elio Germano in something again. Mio Fratello È Un Figlio Unico is one of my favourite Italian films and he was the lead in that. 


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Oh, also: Michael Keaton may return as Batman in the upcoming The Flash-movie with Ezra Miller. Now that would be quite something!


I'm guessing this is either as a Batman Returns-like Batman or as an alternate Batman as in some plot featuring the Multiverses and/or Flashpoint.

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