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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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...iirc he promises to lay low and not kill anyone, and win along with the town, which is why I'm not voting for him...for now.


People can claim whatever they want. For all we know he is the one who killed Esequiel and the one who tried to kill Cube a few nights ago.

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Actually, thinking about it more, I'm going to Change Vote: Nintendohnut because the fact that he's a killer is quite off-putting to me. Granted that he has claimed to be neutral but could this not mean that he COULD be on the side of whoever wins? Also, I'm not sure if it was Nintendohnut who said this so apologies if it wasn't but memory serves that he needs to find Angus (Argus?) and kill him to win the game. What if he kills a townie trying to find this guy considering he does not know alignments? He'd just have to go on gut instinct and, sometimes, that's not really good enough. Also, if he was responsible for the death of one of the previous players, how would he know their alignment? What's more, how do we know he's not picking them randomly?


I've been watching Nintendohnut and the way he plays quite closely and I must admit, it's quite different. IF he was responsible for the death of one of the people, the Nintendohnut in the Disney Mafia, who was Good, would absolutely make sure he got the right person before voting. He plays carefully and, granted I have not seen him play as a Neutral (to my knowledge anyway), I imagine that if he is not a threat, he would surely play the same way?


I don't trust anybody in any Mafia game but, thinking about it logically, how do you trust a killer?


I agree, though Dohnut seems to constantly counter anything against him with slightly circular logic of providing us a description of his role, insisting it is true, and using that to then say that he can't possibly be evil because it's true. All Dohnut's arguments so far ONLY(afa i can tell) if what HE is saying is truth, if not then it all falls apart.



Btw if there's two deaths/kills tonight and one is me, then please totally go for Dohnut tomorrow, you'll see I'm not bad etc. I am somewhat suspicious of Eddie from what's been raised, but we STILL haven't had a killer come forth for Esequiel and I can't see why not. Unless it's Dohnut, then I can.



Also he's totally not addressed my request for direct confirmation it wasn't him.

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...iirc he promises to lay low and not kill anyone, and win along with the town, which is why I'm not voting for him...for now.


You promised people you were Good and that I was lying about you not being Mafia in the Disney Mafia game when you were. He may have promised to do it but it doesn't mean he kept his word, considering that's all we have to go by when it concerns him...or anybody else for that matter.

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I agree, though Dohnut seems to constantly counter anything against him with slightly circular logic of providing us a description of his role, insisting it is true, and using that to then say that he can't possibly be evil because it's true. All Dohnut's arguments so far ONLY(afa i can tell) if what HE is saying is truth, if not then it all falls apart.



Above should probably read something like;


I agree, though Dohnut seems to constantly counter anything against him with slightly circular logic of providing us a description of his role, insisting it is true, and using that to then say that he can't possibly be evil because it's true. All Dohnut's arguments so far ONLY(afa i can tell) work if what HE is saying is truth, if not then it all falls apart. Which means if he's evil/dishonest/own agenda'd etc, then he's lying/not in our interest.


Also he's totally not addressed my request for direct confirmation it wasn't him that killed Esequiel


I think I might be a bit drunk, sorries.

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It's a longshot, but is there anybody who hasn't posted today who could have possibly killed him?


If not, then it has to be one of our two killers. Unless its some part of a bogus mafia plan to fuck with our minds (which I think is unlikely).


The person who killed Esequiel killed him with a knife, as indicated by the slash in the write-up. Do we have any indication of how Dohnut can kill?

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I'm assuming since they're all hunters (Dannyboy, Nintendohnut and whoever is Angus) that they all use hunter knives. You know, just to make things confusing.


It would supposedly give us a good hunter, a neutral hunter and an evil hunter.

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It's a longshot, but is there anybody who hasn't posted today who could have possibly killed him?


If not, then it has to be one of our two killers. Unless its some part of a bogus mafia plan to fuck with our minds (which I think is unlikely).


The person who killed Esequiel killed him with a knife, as indicated by the slash in the write-up. Do we have any indication of how Dohnut can kill?


There's no way of finding that out considering nobody knows HOW Nintendohnut kills except for Nintendohnut and besides, what if he can somehow mimic somebody else. Like make somebody else look bad, kill them that way and then he'd say "Well, so and so has weapons like that as he said in this post"...


Also, are Mafia allowed two kills because I always thought it was one kill per night. If we're going by that rule, that must mean someone who is neutral (or at a stretch, a Good vigilante) killed...I've no idea, I'm off to bed. Night guys!

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I'm assuming since they're all hunters (Dannyboy, Nintendohnut and whoever is Angus) that they all use hunter knives. You know, just to make things confusing.


It would supposedly give us a good hunter, a neutral hunter and an evil hunter.


I'm struggling to think who the good hunter could be. Unless you're suggesting Danny is the good one?


Also, Eddie: Promises mean nothing. This is a game where people will lie their arse off to win the game. I would be disappointed if the mafia members told the truth all game. Its about deception.


There's a great chance Dohnut will screw us over, depending on his win condition, which I don't think he's shared with us. He must have one. Being neutral, you'd get it in your PM or something, or ask Jonnas. So, my instinct is that he's hiding it from us, to save us from lynching him.


Like I said, it's time to be a bit more ruthless. There is also a good possibility that he has used his killing powers. If he has, I want to know how he used his logic to kill Esequiel, or if it was just by chance.


On the other hand, there's a good chance he will be a man of his word and not kill. But, again, we need to know his win condition. He is neutral, so he must have one. Something.

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Quoting to make sure I'm not making you repeat yourself (sorry if you said this ages ago): what is your win condition? Just like a regular townie's/win when town gains majority?


Heh, the only thing I forgot in that list. :heh: I believe I added it in a post right afterwards.


I am good/town. I win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.


It would supposedly give us a good hunter, a neutral hunter and an evil hunter.


I hadn't even looked at it like that, but it makes perfect sense - a trinity of hunters. It only convinces me more that Dohnut won't win alongside any of the factions - he wins all by himself.

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I'm struggling to think who the good hunter could be. Unless you're suggesting Danny is the good one?


Why do people keep forgetting I am claiming good?! :p


I'm good, Dohnut's neutral and Angus (whoever it is now) is evil.


Dannyboy, I'll ask myself, just to clarify. Did you kill Esequiel? Or, did you have anything to do with it?


Are you the good hunter?


No, I had nothing to do with Esequiel's death.


Yes, out of the three hunters, I am the good one.

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Why do people keep forgetting I am claiming good?! :p


I'm good, Dohnut's neutral and Angus (whoever it is now) is evil.


Being good and being the good hunter are different things.


Anyway, gonna put my money where my mouth isss.


Give theese people aiiir!


Changevote: Dohnut.


Doublepost: Well, how can that be, Danny? People don't just kill themselves. Somebody must know something. Pretty sure Ese didn't slash his own throat.

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Well, seeing as the theory about the good, the bad and the ugly neutral hunter is entirely based on the fact that we know of three hunters in the game with those respective alignments, yes, it is actually the same in this case. :heh:


Well, not really. You could be good without being the good hunter. Just like some of us are. :heh:


Anyway, 5 votes on Dohnut. Four more needed.


Doublepost: Actually, forgot Dazz's vote. 6 votes. 3 more needed.

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Doublepost: Well, how can that be, Danny? People don't just kill themselves. Somebody must know something. Pretty sure Ese didn't slash his own throat.


My theory is that Dohnut's role is exactly like mine in the previous game in that he has not only a primary target (mine was the Princess, his is Angus), but a number of secondary targets as well. While killing the wrong people will reveal his role, killing his secondary targets won't, and Esequiel was one of them. If his role is indeed like mine in that regard, he has descriptions of the secondary targets (like a sportsman, for instance), and he probably figured out that Esequiel fit one of those descriptions.


In short: I believe Dohnut is trying to win behind our backs by killing secondary targets he hasn't told us about, and I believe Esequiel was one of them.


Well, not really. You could be good without being the good hunter. Just like some of us are. :heh:


No, because the theory is built around me, Dohnut and Angus. The chicken actually did come before the egg in this case. :heh:


Eenuh simply observed that there is a good hunter (me), an evil hunter (Angus) and a neutral hunter (Dohnut), and thus the theory that there is a trinity of hunters, each with their own alignment, was formed.


Actually, it's not so much a theory as an observation in itself, but from the pattern in that observation I'm inclined to deduce that the three of us are the only hunters in this game, and that Dohnut won't win alongside any of us, since it would unbalance the equation.

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I hadn't even looked at it like that, but it makes perfect sense - a trinity of hunters. It only convinces me more that Dohnut won't win alongside any of the factions - he wins all by himself.


Hey, I thought of it first :nono:


You all know I have argued for this for the last 40 pages so Vote Nintendohnut

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Ugh. I'm sorry but we should be going for Eddie. Roleblocking Eenuh, and then protecting one of the most suspect characters in it? Don't buy any of it personally. :/


The Peeps have you targeted Rummy? Try him or Dyson or something (IMO).


Where is Dyson anyway/who are his targets?


Roleblocker is the most powerful power the mafia have right now, and Eddie is saying she is half one. As well as being half protector? Now I don't not-believe her power, but I'm sorry, so many townie protectors is ridiculous. Theres LOADS. Sort it out.


Also not comfortable with so many people jumping ship to Dohnut' so easily.


Also you guys are too easily swayed. IMO that story is flimsy for a lot of reasons - a lot of reasons that if I was mafia I would have employed.


- Over half of the targets are now dead. i.e. no way for them to back up.

- One or two of the targets are from outcomes "Eenuh roleblocked" when she has already come out as that.

- Etc etc etc.


I hate filth.

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Hey, I thought of it first :nono:


If that's the case, sorry about that. It was just Eenuh's observation that triggered the thought in my head.


ReZ, we can take her out tomorrow if need be, but for now I think we're best off getting rid of Dohnut. I've become more and more certain he can steal the win from us, and the fewer people that are left, the easier it is for him.

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I targeted Rummy last night and got the same result as I did on Dazz. He attempts to investigate alignments.


I'm sure Nintendohnut killed Esequiel, that's why I'm voting for him. I'm not sure Eddie has killed anyone or that she's mafia so I'm willing to give her another phase.

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Has anyone even looked back to jaysevens lynch yesterday to look at the voting list? Seeing as I'm two votes from a lynch and we know that the mafia (Esequiel) was trying to get me lynched yesterday, it would follow that the mafia are also voting for me now. Why not look back over the people who voted for Jay (I know I was one of them etc but we're looking for mafiosos in this list) so that we have a list of probably mafiosos.


Rummy I have said repeatedly that I did not target anyone last night. Seriously, in the first few pages I said it over and over. Why, did you target me or something? Are you going to come out with some epic 'objection' moment where you conveniently targeted me and somehow prove that I killed Esequiel when I didn't? Because to be honest, when someone has bee trying to off me for three days (and has been distracting the town from lynch mafiosos through all of it) suddenly gets convenient information that nobody can prove is true or a lie that will get me lynched, I'm afraid I'm not really going to believe you.


Seriously - we saw it yesterday with Esequiel: THE MAFIA WANT ME TO BE LYNCHED. They need the town to go along with it, and right now they are.


Dazz is acting very oddly for him in these mafia games. His posts reek of mafia to me, asking funny questions and making lots of suggestions to make me look guilty. Tales is the same, but he's still moody when me and Dannyboy beat him in the pokemafia so that could just be that (or it could be a cover)


Check out those two tomorrow if I'm lynched. But please don't just follow the crowd - the mafia want me gone, and the town are getting dragged along with them

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