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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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Nintendohnut (1): Rezourceman


Majority is 13




New rule (actually mostly a reminder) added to the first post, because I think some people feel confused: If you did not receive a PM during the night, it's because your power (which does not involve info-gathering) worked normally, and nothing unusual happened.

Edited by Jonnas
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Ouch! Why do you hate me? :(


Besides, what automatically makes you suspect me? Because I made one post stating I have nothing to add?!


I mean, I don't know about anybody else but I suspect everybody at the moment and trust absolutely nobody so please tell me how you've cut the list reet down to those five. :)

....unless it was some random choice and you really have no reasons so therefore, instantly ignore my requests, lol...

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That list is hilarious Rez. And your mode of speaking is even more so. You vote for someone you don't even suspect to be mafia, because of lack of activity, you are retracing old steps. This has happened before.


Anyway, I'll say that someone tripped me up and brought me to their room, as I became unconscious from the fall.

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That list is hilarious Rez. And your mode of speaking is even more so.


You'll forgive me for saying that I think your mode of speaking is very....strange. I know not of your accusations.


And I echo again that Nintendohnut is still not here. Usually far more vocal, so I fear that something may have happened to him in the real land, or alternatively he is avoiding question answering for his inconclusive alignment!


Oh and the list was a half joke. Diageo because I think he is mafia, the others for adding little and Cube ftlolz. :p Its nothing more than that.

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I'm very busy with work at the mo'. Sorry guys. I'm not shady at all, and I strongly suspect Rez was affected.


I actually suspect heroicjanitor. I don't have notes yet (haven't had a chance with being so busy...but I will!) so I don't know if he's been cleared or what, but here's why:


I know I'm not evil (obviously) and while I understand Rez is voting for lack of activity not evil-ness (so I don't suspect - he's only voted and isn't suspicious of me or trying to get others to vote etc) heroic made this post after Rez had given his information but everyone else had moved on:





So you think Nintendohnut's alignment was inconclusive either because a mafia targeted you or because Nintendohnut is shady... Hmm.


Now this is extremely suspicious for me. It sounds exactly like a post a mafia would make if they wanted to draw some attention to a townie who had some vague evidence that could be twisted against them. The 'Hmmm' at the end only adds to the odd-ness of this post.


Anyway, no evidence at all and that's my only real suspicion, based entirely on one post. I will try to post more, but I think I'm going to the cinema with my gf tonight so will try to come on after that. Sorry guys!

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Cinema is no longer on the cards, my dear boy, although we were to see the 'movie' Rio, which is a rather fanciful tale about birds. We shall now be partaking in an excursion to the seaside so as to get maximum enjoyment from the sun's warmth.


Of course an eye upon me is certainly welcome, if not more than one eye, as I am as eager as a puppy to be cleared from these misunderstandings and given the 'all clear', as one may say.


Sir Rez, may I ask whether you believe you were altered in some way? I personally have no understand of how your results would be confused as there is no such attribute within my personality(role). This was, at least in part, the reason that I exclaimed my suspicions about the Janitor, as I strongly suspect that not only did the mafia affect you but that they were also attempted to use the events they put in motion to portray me as the evil one. Do you understand my meaning?

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Re-reading the thread, I noticed this:


The key worries me though. The day 1 write-up says there are 5 locks.. I wonder if the mafia can get through the door (and win the game) more easily if they happen to find all the keys before they get to majority..


There is no mention of any number of locks anywhere in the write-ups - only that Queen Olivia is locked up in her room, which I understood as meaning she is not participating in the game.


Now, was this a simple misreading on Sméagol's part? Or did he let slip something he is not supposed to know?


As for the sparse amount of other clues, we have a redirector in jayseven, whose actions are negatively worded, and a confused alignment investigation of Nintendohnut, who denies any knowledge about the result. Writing notes in the write-up with negatively twisted info is a relatively common power and could easily belong to either alignment, and a confused alignment investigation could also mean pretty much anything.


Cube, you've expressed concern about your info on Zell; what exactly did you find out?

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