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3DS StreetPass Plaza


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I got Kid Icarus as well. That was a nice surprise, good to see Nintendo continuing to support StreetPass.




Yeah, same here returned from meetup and very nice suprise. Also since my friend Sarah who attended, had been to hyper Japan, she brought back a ton of pink pieces with her.


BTW @Mandalore, I do wanna attend the Cardiff meetup but my coach from Birmingham doesn't arrive until 13.45- and then returns about 3pm. How close is wood street coach station to GAME @ St Davids?

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Yeah, same here returned from meetup and very nice suprise. Also since my friend Sarah who attended, had been to hyper Japan, she brought back a ton of pink pieces with her.


BTW @Mandalore, I do wanna attend the Cardiff meetup but my coach from Birmingham doesn't arrive until 13.45- and then returns about 3pm. How close is wood street coach station to GAME @ St Davids?


It's right next to Cardiff Central train station. I usually get the train to there and it only takes me a few minutes to walk to St Davids.

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So looks like everyone got a Kid Icarus puzzle piece then. Good stuff. icon14.gif

Nintendo should definitely make use of SpotPass for the Mii Plazza more often.


Apparently they also sent out Iwata's gold trousered Mii via SpotPass in Japan yesterday, hopefully they'll do that for us at some point too.

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StreetPassed a real, genuine, keen gamer today - always a good feeling. He had been playing Tales of the Abyss!


What about if the opposite happens? I streetpasseed a female gamer last week who recently played "Shrek" (don't know which one)... :eek:

Surely if you don't know what game to get, then at the very least purchase 3DL or Nintendogs & Cats. but perhaps they didn't buy it themselves ::shrug:


It was vomit worthy nonetheless.

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I see he has all of the puzzle pieces aswell. :D
Yep, and automatically at Lv. 5 in StreetPass Quest. :awesome:


I bet NoA send out Reggie soon, but Europe get absolutely nothing. :indeed:


I'm still wishing for that day where all regions get identical service from Nintendo, everything is region-free and everyone can enjoy all content worldwide. :love:


*wakes up*


I thought something like that would have happened once Nintendo started utilising the internet, but apparently not. :heh:


*goes back to dreaming of a prefect Nintendo*

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Its things like this that make Xbox Live years ahead of Nintendo's service. The US and Europe get all the same stuff at the same time, none of this picking and choosing what region gets which games.


I think it was last year that Iwata acknowledged the success of the Live setup, shame Nintendo don't want to replicate it. :(

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Got 96 streetpasses today at the Birmingham Pokemon VGC (wish I'd counted before I left) since I could have stayed a little longer to reach 100.


Streetpassed someone from Wales so my UK map is now complete, and also someone from Japan and America. :yay:


Since everyone I streetpassed was level 1, I made a ton of progess on the puzzles, but very little progress in the quest.


Also got around 50 Super Pokemon Rumble passes, 14 Freakyforms passess, 7 Nintendogs (I really should deactivate the streetpass on this) and the maximum number on both Mario Kart and Super Mario 3D land.

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Got 96 streetpasses today at the Birmingham Pokemon VGC (wish I'd counted before I left) since I could have stayed a little longer to reach 100.


Streetpassed someone from Wales so my UK map is now complete, and also someone from Japan and America. :yay:


Since everyone I streetpassed was level 1, I made a ton of progess on the puzzles, but very little progress in the quest.


Also got around 50 Super Pokemon Rumble passes, 14 Freakyforms passess, 7 Nintendogs (I really should deactivate the streetpass on this) and the maximum number on both Mario Kart and Super Mario 3D land.


Damn, i should have gone too! That is some juicy streepassing. Where are all these people hiding during normal days?!

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Damn, i should have gone too! That is some juicy streepassing. Where are all these people hiding during normal days?!



That's a question I ask myself all the time, where do people hide? I wonder if they don't think to turn streetpass on, or maybe fear to bring their 3DS out the house?


I wish I had some cool streetpass power that would show me where people with a 3DS nearby were. I swear I would'nt use it for selfish reasons, I'd use it to bring people together.


BTW @Jav_NE next week I'm on early shift, so I'II be lurking in the normal spot in the evening waiting for you and your streetpass. Maybe if you have time we could get a drink? Unless your a streetpass and run kinda guy?

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  • 5 weeks later...

Picked up 3 street passes in Dublin today :yay:


My wifes sister arrived from Denmark today for a week holiday, we picked her up at Dublin airport and I got 1 SP from someone from Hawaii there :D... though I find that odd as I was in Terminal 1 which doesn't serve any US flights anymore as they all moved to terminal 2 ??? No puzzles pieces from her though :mad:


We then took my sister-in-law to Dublin city and did the open top bus tour. Towards the end of the tour I noticed the green LED on. Checked it and it was actually a Mii I had before in Dublin, Lucy, who I picked up when I met @Diageo in Dublin couple months back. Kinda weird that I street passed her again while on the bus tour, as I doubt she was on the bus so I think she might have been walking passed/alongside the bus for a bit when it went through Phoenix Park, haha. Picked up a pink piece for teh MK7 picture too (which is my first piece for the one too :D)


Then heading back to the car to finish up in Jervis shopping centre picked up a 3rd SP with a Resident Evil Revelation hit too :D And nothing pink puzzle piece, :yay:

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Started bringing my 3DS into work, i seem to pick up the saame 2 people on my floor. Think i've met them a combined 19 times, and yet neither have new pieces to share. And both are useless on the Streetpass Quest, neither are light blue.


But i do pick up one or two other people in Cardiff a few times a week, which is nice. Usually on the station.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone else filled in all their 'Titles using StreetPass' slots?




I don't have all those titles in my current collection. Some were rentals or games I played through once and then sold, but it's still cool to be able to give as much SP data to others as possible. I wonder if a system update will allow us to have more than 12 slots someday?

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Hold on, I didn't even know you could only have 12 streetpass titles...damn


*checks own 3DS*


hhhmmm I only have 8.... so still 4 slots left before I have to start to pick and choose


its a little random sometimes street pass, i've got a a few hits one day when i was driving around, no idea where i got them


I wonder if maybe it was someone in a car that was directly in front or behind your car?


I know I've had some streetpasses before while in my car but thought it was from people walking past on the street, I know one was at least so I know it works through one car... possible the signal car go through two cars too?

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Has anyone else filled in all their 'Titles using StreetPass' slots?




I don't have all those titles in my current collection. Some were rentals or games I played through once and then sold, but it's still cool to be able to give as much SP data to others as possible. I wonder if a system update will allow us to have more than 12 slots someday?


I'm not as nice as you. I'm very selective about my data, mainly because it kind of bores me getting them for games it aint fun anymore on (Street Fighter for example) because my work mate has it and I'm sick of doing the same stuff. I love it off randoms though.


Also noticed that on Ridge racer and mario kart, my mate gives me the SAME ghosts every time, why doesn't it vary it.


And lastly, more mario kart than anything, but I played a single player GP today and it put a street pass guy in there with me. This has never happened to me before!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally finished the last of the original 7 puzzles that I had left.


Kirby, had one panel left for ages on him, just got it at random with play coins :yay:


Anyone finish any of the "new" puzzles yet with the pink panels?


The closest one I have is the OOT 3D one, got one normal panel left and 3 pinks :heh:

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I just don't see how I'll ever be able to complete the newer puzzles.


Originals: 5x3 (15 pieces)

2nd Wave: 6x4 (24 pieces, including 4 pink)

3rd Wave: 8x5 (40 pieces, including 12 pink?)


Now GAME has closed (which was the only place I could get them), I've given up. It's the pink pieces that have ruined it for me. If it was just about walking, fine... but it's not; you have to StreetPass someone who actually does Puzzle Quest.


To make matters worse, they keep starting you off on boring new puzzles, like Mario Tennis, when I still want to complete Ocarina of Time!

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I've given up. It's the pink pieces that have ruined it for me. If it was just about walking, fine... but it's not; you have to StreetPass someone who actually does Puzzle Quest.


I would agree that it almost seems impossible to be able to collect all the pink pieces for the puzzles but this is probably the very thing that should encourage you to take your 3DS everywhere you go :heh:


My only concern is not having anywhere to put my 3DS now that the summer is arriving and I don't have to wear my jacket everywhere. I guess I'll just have to wear a backpack :indeed:

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I was wondering why I hadn't been getting any new hats for a while in Street Pass Quest II, so I looked it up online and it turns out the only ones I've got left are inside the final locked room in the bottom right-hand corners of the map. Apparently, to get the key..


..you have to beat the Dark Emperor using 25 Miis or less.



Glad I looked that up, as I don't know how I would have ever found it myself! I'm just at the bottom of the tower in my current run through, so it's probably still going to be a good few weeks until I can even get the key, let alone use it to get into the final room! I'll be kind of relieved when I've got all the hats, though, as I'll be able to start spending my play coins on something else for a change!

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..you have to beat the Dark Emperor using 25 Miis or less.





I got the Golden key just last week. I just kept rehiring the same level 7 Mii on a daily basis using my 10 coins.


You normally deal 18 Damage to the Dark Emperor, (provided you hit 6 damage each turn) so it will take you about 2 weeks. However I got lucky and hit critical damage on a few days so that helped a lot.



The lowest route has the best hats in my opinion as well :)

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