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3DS StreetPass Plaza


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Got 2 passes today was awesome seeing the little green blip, I got giddy, lol


Question though, I got 2 yet only one of them registered under the puzzle and adventure, how do I get the 1st persons stuff or am i not able to now?

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On the contrary, in our region some clever spark decided we could use it as free press. They made a Mii called GAME which has the greeting set to "Trade In To Save".


Mokong had the very same idea - that the N-E staff could change their StreetPass message to "N-Europe.com".

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Got 2 passes today was awesome seeing the little green blip, I got giddy, lol


Question though, I got 2 yet only one of them registered under the puzzle and adventure, how do I get the 1st persons stuff or am i not able to now?


StreetPass needs to be activated for those particular games. It annoys me when people don't do that!

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Mokong had the very same idea - that the N-E staff could change their StreetPass message to "N-Europe.com".


Yes I did, I had the idea first before all others... load of good it's done me though, not had one streetpass since I got the idea (all of 1 pass before it :heh:)... hope the other staffers are getting more activity

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Anyway, I spent half an hour walking around a fairly empty town centre this evening, as was pleased to see I'd met someone on StreetPass. My joy was short lived, though, when I discovered that my wife, who, like last weekend, had been with me pretty much the whole time, picked up three StreetPasses in the same period of time! ::shrug:


Was just thinking about this, chances are a 3DS can only connect with one other console at a time, chances are other people's 3DS are connecting to your wife one first and then by the time they've exchanged their info ye've walked too far away for the other persons 3DS to then connect to yours?


Maybe she just happens to be "closer" to the other 3DS' most of the time so they connect to hers first.


Question when ye are out together do both yer 3DS' keep streetpassing each other?

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Was just thinking about this, chances are a 3DS can only connect with one other console at a time, chances are other people's 3DS are connecting to your wife one first and then by the time they've exchanged their info ye've walked too far away for the other persons 3DS to then connect to yours?


Maybe she just happens to be "closer" to the other 3DS' most of the time so they connect to hers first.


That's the most likely explanation, I think. Data transfer does take a while, even for something simple (going by my daily shopping on Dragon Quest IX, I estimate StreetPass could take 30 seconds).


I'm also beginning to wonder how good the range is, and how much it's affected by various factors. I know others have got it to work whilst it's in their bag or briefcase, but I've had much less success with mine since I bought the Power A case and put it in my rucksack. Maybe it still works, but the range is reduced?

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Question when ye are out together do both yer 3DS' keep streetpassing each other?


No more than they would do at home, which is usually three times a day. I guess there must be a limit of one StreetPass with the same person every eight hours.


What you suggested about her 3DS swapping with people in town before mine is probably right, but even so, I still don't believe that swapping data is as quick as Nintendo publicity would have you believe. Some days when I get home from work, I our green lights light up within 30 seconds, whilst other times it can take four or five minutes of them being in the vicinity of each other before anything happens.

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Got five and counting... I'm feeling stalkery on th train, though, watching people who look like the Mii's I meet on the train. Not berfore long or and Railsecurity will be having a chat with me. ;)


I'll take it with me when I go to band rehearsal in a few hours, and hope to score some more.


Addictive... Must. Go. Out. Nintendo has invented the golden egg! A way for gamers... to leave the house! =p

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2 Questions:

  • Does Streetpass only work when the system is closed?
  • Does Streetpass work when you close the system to put a game that you're playing on standby ?


I am of the opinion that it only works in sleep mode, even if you are playing a game (although probably only 3DS games, since you can't go to the home screen without quitting DS games for instance). I still haven't gotten any hits though, so I might not be the most informed source :heh:

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2 Questions:

  • Does Streetpass only work when the system is closed?
  • Does Streetpass work when you close the system to put a game that you're playing on standby ?


I received a StreetPass hit when I had the StreetPass Plaza opened once, so no, it doesn't need to be in Sleep Mode. I've also received a hit with Nintendogs in standby, too.

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