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Pokémafia 9 : Red and Blue


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Not read all yet but fuck you Nintendohnut and Dannyboy!

Also well played :p


This was a fantastic game. I bloody said Nintendohnut could affect my investigation! I had no idea that there were 2 mafia left though... 6 is too many ReZ! [/bitter]


You guys must've been loving it :laughing: 6 mafia and 2 of them had a double vote? :(


Still.... not a clue at the end of the game so well done for playing it so convincingly!

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This was a fantastic game. I bloody said Nintendohnut could affect my investigation! I had no idea that there were 2 mafia left though... 6 is too many ReZ! [/bitter]


I would argue that;


- Started with 5

- Town had shit loads of investigators. Like...SHIT loads.

- Why the hell did you guys lynch Eenuh. :p



I actually think town was overpowered.


Diageo was incredibly solid with protecting. Got like....1/3 of his targets correct.

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I would argue that;


- Started with 5

- Town had shit loads of investigators. Like...SHIT loads.

- Why the hell did you guys lynch Eenuh. :p



I actually think town was overpowered.


Diageo was incredibly solid with protecting. Got like....1/3 of his targets correct.


Yes, why did you lynch meeeeeee? =(

Nothing ever pointed at me being evil. All the info you got was right and fitted in with what I said.


Also, did my power ever do anything ReZ? I don't have the feeling I ever did anything useful in the game.

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I'm personally fine with opening up the mafia forum by the way.


Like I said there, I had forgotten all about it, but I assume Dohnut was the one who would evolve me into Vaporeon mafia?


Great game ReZ, as always. I didn't comment on it during the game I believe, but I was perfectly fine with the 2 odd Pokémon. But I would have preferred oldskool sprites ;).


It was funny how I was to replace the guy who suggested my previous role. I could've probably done more in the game as a replacement though.

Edited by Sméagol
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Also, did my power ever do anything ReZ? I don't have the feeling I ever did anything useful in the game.


It did, yeah.


When you targeted yourself and Dannyboy targeted you it gave him the only 100% truth result he got. Undeniable truth of your innocence....which apparently didn't mean anything to everyone else. :p


Then for other things it worked a couple times. A couple times it gave (The Peeps, I think) name of Pokemon and alignment. When Ell targeted Chair, it melted the ice immediately, (so stopped the roleblock) but enhanced the stalk (again, think it was name of Pokemon).


But yeah, it did quite a lot.

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I'm disappointed I never guessed who was going to be killed. If I'd just got it right one time...


Also, how mr-paul completly ignored his own interpretation of the write up. He was right all along. But who made the kill....the fire Pokemon did :nono:


Anyway, well played mafia. Lying like no tomorrow and getting away it, I'm going to be bitter about it until the next Pokemafia.

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Haha! :D The last dayphase was absolutely epic! I was so amazed that people didn't jump onto me straight away for being the obvious killer.


I must say, it really paid off that I had actually been townie the first 8 days. It gave me a lot of evidence to fall back on, like the fact I had helped take down three mafiosos. On the night that I was turned was actually when I figured out the theory with the Water/Ice Pokémon, which is why I went for Sméagol that night. Tentacruel and chairdriver were my other suspects, though I couldn't fathom the three starter Pokémon being evil. But I do wish you'd mix it just a bit more up with the types, ReZ. :heh:


Regarding Eenuh, I really am sorry. You can blame Rummy the most, I think. He was eminent at persuading us that you were evil.


Oh, and the migraine I felt - was that purely because of the Fire/Ice thing?

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We were pretty lucky, but yeah cannot believe the town went with us on the last day.


The luckiest thing in the game was that the night that the Peeps investigated Dannboy was the same night as the time we targeted him an he became mafia. Lucky for us we targeted him AFTER the Peeps investigated him, meaning he appeared as good, then instantly became evil. Perfect!


The mafia forum will be really interesting for townies I think. We spent a long time working out who people were etc, and there were a lot of times when we just seemed to have so much bad luck and were cursing Rez for making things difficult for us. I have to say I think the combination of luck and really good playing helped us win, the town played a REALLY good game.

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I'm disappointed I never guessed who was going to be killed. If I'd just got it right one time...


Also, how mr-paul completly ignored his own interpretation of the write up. He was right all along. But who made the kill....the fire Pokemon did :nono:


Anyway, well played mafia. Lying like no tomorrow and getting away it, I'm going to be bitter about it until the next Pokemafia.


I'm really sorry Tales, my biggest mistake all game! I'll make it up to you sometime.

I came up with so many theories but didn't act on them. Lots of them turned out to be right. Once Peeps had been convinced you were evil they could just jump on it. We'd never contemplated there was more than one mafia left. Once Nintendohnut had cleared himself from the kill, I wanted to move on to question Dannyboy but the focus got shifted onto you and me and Peeps got caught up in that.


At that point, Danny had already joined the mafia and you had your voting privileges taken away, so there was no way to win. They were just playing with us, teasing us.

I think had Dannyboy not been recruited so late in the game, we would've won. It really threw a spanner into the works.

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I think had Dannyboy not been recruited so late in the game, we would've won. It really threw a spanner into the works.


Without trying to make myself sound important, I think you're right. Not that I as a player made more of a difference than anyone else, but the simple fact that the mafia got a pretty solid townie on their side (even one with investigate powers) really did paved the way for their/our win.

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Page 17 with 40 posts. It was hard because you rarely said anything! :p It was so uncommon for you to be so quiet and saying so little, so that was actually another reason for me to suspect you.
Well, if I have nothing / little to say, I don't :rolleyes:. Which was the case as a mafia member who claimed to have no targeted abilities ;).

I dunno how ReZ calculates these things, I don't think it's a precise calculations, more of an estimate thing.. Tell a lie and your percentage drops or something. So perhaps 70 or 80? I only lied about having no targets, as Mcoy did have targets, but it was only one of two factual things I mentioned. The other were speculative / opinions. I thought claiming to have no targets would be easiest. I actually got away with it sofar, I was only lynched because of the whole type thing, which I didn't even realise myself at that point :rolleyes:.

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I was only lynched because of the whole type thing, which I didn't even realise myself at that point :rolleyes:.


Which is why I honestly think ReZ should abandon it or mix it up somewhat. I think it's just too easy a way to figure out the mafia. It's of course nice to have when you're town, but I'm always a bit disappointed by it because it just makes things a wee bit too easy.

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1. Why so many roleblockers? The investigators were a bit of a pest, but roleblockers are way more dangerous! And don't get me started on chairdriver which was a fusion of both, turned up to eleven (and who we were led to believe could join us).


2. Town was definitely overpowered when compared to the mafia. I thought this when I believed Diageo was immortal, but I still think it now, I mean, 3 townies that could revive, and one who needed 2 hits to go down? If Dannyboy hadn't joined, we would be utterly crushed.

Eenuh being lynched wasn't thanks to Dannyboy, so we had at least that, though :heh:


3. As far as being a Red&Blue game... that didn't work. New sprites, shiny pokémon, Ho-oh and Lugia... Did anybody ever really feel we were on the monochrome games of yore? Even Ho-oh appeared in the Anime, not in Red&Blue...

Basically, this should've been called "Fire Red and Leaf Green"

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Well done, Dohnut and Dannyboy!! :D


I'm still confused though...who or what killed heroicjanitor? Because it wasn't us...


Yeah wtf... I was basing my thoughts on the people trying to get her lynched. So obvious... Ellmeister and Eddie both voted for her before Eddie was killed.


Yeah, I can't believe people didn't take into account me (lynched mafia) going on about Eenuh's home implying that she's bad...sorry Eenuh :D


Thanks again ReZ! Auto-sign me up for the next one please :)

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(and who we were led to believe could join us)


Again, I never ever even implied it. I replied to this accusation (lol) on the mafia forum, and quoted the post in which you guys decided it was a good idea.


1. Why so many roleblockers? The investigators were a bit of a pest, but roleblockers are way more dangerous! And don't get me started on chairdriver which was a fusion of both, turned up to eleven (and who we were led to believe could join us).


I balanced that out by having lots of roleblock-immune things. Also to add to unpredictabilityness. "There is only one townie roleblocker" etc.



3. As far as being a Red&Blue game... that didn't work. New sprites, shiny pokémon, Ho-oh and Lugia... Did anybody ever really feel we were on the monochrome games of yore? Even Ho-oh appeared in the Anime, not in Red&Blue...

Basically, this should've been called "Fire Red and Leaf Green"


A fair point. But really I just looked at it as being Red/Blue in the sense that it was mainly Kanto Pokemon.

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Just saying I predicted all of the mafia before my death(boasting), except I substituted Nintendohnut for Sméagol in the hope that I wouldn't be killed if they could keep me fighting with Nintendohnut. It didn't work.


Good boasting.

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So we actually had no chance on that last day anyway due to Tales's vote being taken away... that makes me feel a bit better actually lol.


The mafia definitely played well and deserve the win. Such bad luck about Dannyboy though :nono: turned the same night I investigated him! This is probably what tipped it for the mafia in the end.


Fantastic game, let's hope Gentlemen's II can live up to this one :wink:

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I am seriously annoyed at you townies. Seriously, I cannot fucking believe you guys lynched me. The writing was on the wall in huge fucking letters:


1) I came out as a roleblocker, then was confirmed as a roleblocker.

2) Came out as a legendary, then a fire-type, then said I was Ho-oh. Then Ho-oh was confirmed to be in the game, ie I was confirmed to be Ho-oh.


Yet you still thought I was lying!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Why would I make up that Ho-oh was in the game?! Why was everyone so set in their ways in thinking that having Ho-oh in the game was such a huge improbability?


Of course, I was an idiot for posting my PM and getting myself silenced. I might have survived it I could argue back against your incredibly weak arguments!


In conclusion, the town were retards. For the record, I don't blame Rez for me getting lynched. I sort of thought it was fair that being Ho-oh would make me a little suspicious, seeing as I had an awesome power, but I never expected such a reaction! I actually enjoyed this game, for the two whole days I was alive.

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