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Final Fantasy Official Thread


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It's 25th anniversary of Final Fantasy! Actually, it was already, on 18th.


Anyway, if aynone is interested, I'm doing a Let's Play on Final Fantasy I (Origins Version) on YouTube. I just did Part 4 and more will come as often as I have time to record these episodes. The first part is right


Yeah, and english is not my native language, so pardon my accent.


How in detail about the game mechanics was your commentary on that? I might give it a look. :smile: Was actually thinking of replaying FF I on Dawn of Souls which is load time free unlike Origins!


The following is gonna be gobbledegook to everyone, but any pointers would be appreciated. I recently got back to a file I started last summer in FF V. I noticed I got fed up in the pyramid last year, so exited and levelled up to reacquaint myself with the jobs I was trying to build. The time I put in with that allowed me to absolutely cheese my way through to the final couple of bosses before I needed to think again about what I was doing. Then this morning I got to the final boss and have nothing against his second form. : | I skipped a lot/ all the optional stuff so I'm thinking of getting out of the Void to atleast grab the lamp and farm or buy some items for my chemist to mix. I thought I read years ago of a OHKO exploit you can do with the chemist which I was shamelessly willing to go for, but after some Googling I can find nothing about it.


As you can tell, I usually subscribe to the school of "if in doubt, grind it out" but I know that, at around lvl 40, my levels are easily good enough here. I just need the technique to see this out. Jobs are set up as Knight, RM, CHM, Ranger. If anyone can recall some FF V knowledge that I can't, I'd be greatly obliged. :bowdown:

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I tried to talk some of the in-game mechanics during my commentary, but most of was just random talking about whatever came to mind. Besides the LP is incomplete, cause my capture card broke during the LP, and I can't afford a new one right now.


It's not completely broken, but I cannot use splitters with it anymore. Therefore, I had to play it viewing only the image from the Caoture program, and it just doesn't work, there's too much lag to really enjoy the game.


As a side note, I'm planning to take advantage of Wii U's off-TV play, so I could capture the gameplay without using splitters.

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Are those the only jobs your guys have? Or can you still have a rapid-fire Berserker or a dual-casting summoner?


Is Berserker not a bit... uncontrollable? :blush:


I went out and did stuff I didn't think was really necessary - like get all the legendary weapons and the GBA specific jobs. Swapped my party round to two Gladiators, WHM and Ranger and lasted longer versus Neo Exdeath but ultimately died again to his multi status attack. Levels are now up round ~45 so I should be overpowered which is making this a bit embarrassing. :grin:


I have Hermes Sandals on all four characters but I might see how many ribbons I have and put them on instead to help guard against those status effects. I think I have a strategy in mind now after that defeat:


- get the !Mix command on

- boost my main attackers level through the roof

- go wild with the buffs using !Dualcast with the WHM

- ...gradually plink away at Neo Exdeath...

- ?????

- profit



@Andyliini that sucks with your capture tech. I will still have a gander at what you've done thus far. :)

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Is Berserker not a bit... uncontrollable? :blush:


Whoops, Rapid-Firing Gladiators is what I meant :p


Another thing you could do would be gathering the remaining Blue Magics. Surely some of them would be useful against the status effects? I know Wonder Guard would at least help with damage.


Or it could be as simple as bringing more than one dual-casting dude with you. Sounds like it's defense you need.

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I named Barrett Mr T on my latest playthrough, makes his dialogue sooo much funnier!


Hilarious. :santa:


I like to leave the names as they should be the first time through and then mess around on subsequent, more lighthearted files.


I was gonna go the whole hog and get everyone up to level 99 in FFVII


This is my intention in every single RPG I play. Never done it except in Pokémon Red and DQ IX which I swiftly reset back to lvl 1 anyway... I think I might eventually max everyone out in Chrono Trigger thanks to the NG+.


Whoops, Rapid-Firing Gladiators is what I meant :p


Another thing you could do would be gathering the remaining Blue Magics. Surely some of them would be useful against the status effects? I know Wonder Guard would at least help with damage.


Or it could be as simple as bringing more than one dual-casting dude with you. Sounds like it's defense you need.


I don't think I have any Ribbons unless only certain classes can equip them in FFV. I'm strong enough to withstand attacks and can get healed back up, its just when he hits with the status afflictions it all goes horribly pearshaped. :cry:



Just checked out episode one, @Andyliini. Its interesting to see you go with a thief but I think I know your longterm reasoning. :wink: Still, I'm hoping for lots of stealing shenanigans to follow!

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I don't think I have any Ribbons unless only certain classes can equip them in FFV. I'm strong enough to withstand attacks and can get healed back up, its just when he hits with the status afflictions it all goes horribly pearshaped. :cry:


That is why you one would want two dual casters. If one's down with a case of status affliction, the other one's still kickin' to patch things up. I do mean dualcasting white magic.


Then again, I never really tried a Chemist properly, maybe they have something that helps.


EDIT: By the way, you are using Mimics, aren't you? 'Cuz that's what I mean.

Edited by Jonnas
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This is my intention in every single RPG I play. Never done it except in Pokémon Red and DQ IX which I swiftly reset back to lvl 1 anyway... I think I might eventually max everyone out in Chrono Trigger thanks to the NG+.


I usually do if there is somewhere decent to grind at. If not then I just play until i'm at a decent enough level to take down the last boss with little effort. Most the time just circling the final dungeon in a RPG will do wonders for your levels.

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I really want to play ff tactics again after reading this. So many hours lost on those games!


Stick it on and do a few maps. I've only played Tactics Advance but found it (dare I say it) a bit boring in the longterm. I think I messed around making too many new characters and wasn't up to par for a boss fight when it came up.


That is why you one would want two dual casters. If one's down with a case of status affliction, the other one's still kickin' to patch things up. I do mean dualcasting white magic.


Then again, I never really tried a Chemist properly, maybe they have something that helps.


EDIT: By the way, you are using Mimics, aren't you? 'Cuz that's what I mean.


He has that attack that hits the whole party though. :( I have no one with the mimic skill in this current set up. Are there really no better ideas than the tried and true methods everyone knows? :heh:


There's no option to steal in FFI, IIRC. I took thief because he's good at escaping. :D


Forgot things started so quaint and simple. I thought you took it because of the promotion opportunity. :wink: Running from battles will be good to keep your videos progressing so thats a great choice.


I usually do if there is somewhere decent to grind at. If not then I just play until i'm at a decent enough level to take down the last boss with little effort. Most the time just circling the final dungeon in a RPG will do wonders for your levels.


Last time I played FF VII I was gonna level up in the final crater area with a view to taking the weapons down. It proved too tedious (even with my attempts at levelling materia added in) and I'm not a fan of the crater itself so hanging round it wasn't my idea of fun.


Come to think of it, is there an FF with a likeable final dungeon? They are always so abstract and removed from whats come before.

Edited by darksnowman
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He has that attack that hits the whole party though. :( I have no one with the mimic skill in this current set up. Are there really no better ideas than the tried and true methods everyone knows? :heh:


Well, at least one party member can still act after the attack, right? With two white mages, the likelihood of that person being one of them is good enough.


Mimics are good because they can adopt 3 skills at once, and mages won't be attacking that often. And really, I'm just talking someone who can use both white (defensive) and black/summon (offensive) magic (or even Blue, which works for both), the dualcast is just an immense boon.


On the physical side, there's very little besides finisher and rapid-fire (though Freelancers can dual wield automatically, remember).


Come to think of it, is there an FF with a likeable final dungeon? They are always so abstract and removed from whats come before.


A lot of RPGs have final dungeons that feel like they're on a higher plane of existence, true. Final Fantasy 9 has the best one for me, due to characters actually noticing it and talking about it.

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I liked FFVIII's final dungeon since everything you had got locked; you had to cleverly choose the order you regained your battle methods to not get annihilated. Oh, and it was full of bosses. And looked fun-kayy.



A lot of RPGs have final dungeons that feel like they're on a higher plane of existence, true. Final Fantasy 9 has the best one for me, due to characters actually noticing it and talking about it.

Yeah true. VII, VIII, IX and X all had weird alternate reality type dungeons. I kinda like them.

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Mimics are good because they can adopt 3 skills at once, and mages won't be attacking that often.


Mimics are game breaking if you have one summoner and three mimics. :grin:


Yeah true. VII, VIII, IX and X all had weird alternate reality type dungeons. I kinda like them.


What about I-VI. FF I has the Chaos Shrine, FF II has Pandemonium, FF III is a tower whose name I can't think of off the top of my head but its got the same interior design (I imagine from FF III DS), FF IV has you delving into the moon... they all present the same visual theme don't they. Well, unless I'm misremembering the moon and it is actually cavernous and cheesy. Its always a crazy crystally sort of place except for Kefkas Tower in VI, right? FF V has several different sections to its final dungeon but the last floors where it culminates have the usual sparkly sheen. With FF IX being a throwback I imagine its the same.


Is there a norse myth they keep drawing on for this? There's gotta be something.

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What about I-VI. FF I has the Chaos Shrine, FF II has Pandemonium, FF III is a tower whose name I can't think of off the top of my head but its got the same interior design (I imagine from FF III DS), FF IV has you delving into the moon... they all present the same visual theme don't they. Well, unless I'm misremembering the moon and it is actually cavernous and cheesy. Its always a crazy crystally sort of place except for Kefkas Tower in VI, right? FF V has several different sections to its final dungeon but the last floors where it culminates have the usual sparkly sheen. With FF IX being a throwback I imagine its the same.


Is there a norse myth they keep drawing on for this? There's gotta be something.


I believe it's because old-school Final Fantasy was all about the crystals, so it makes sense that the final dungeon would be crystalline, to keep with the theme.


Though "psychadelic final dungeon" is definitely a common thing in RPGs, not just Final Fantasy.


The one in Final Fantasy 9 is a trippy place where each room represents the characters delving into their pasts... and then the final section is a bright, white crystalline thing, like you guessed.

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I liked FFVIII's final dungeon since everything you had got locked; you had to cleverly choose the order you regained your battle methods to not get annihilated. Oh, and it was full of bosses.


I forgot all about that! Man, what a game. I really should replay it as it's been years since I went through it from start to finish.

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My personal favourite is actually Final Fantasy VII, but this was never released on a Nintendo console so maybe I shouldn't mention it here. Although, correct me if I'm wrong, it was originally supposed to be developed for the Nintendo 64, but then Squaresoft decided to develop it for the PS1 instead because of its larger memory, enabling them to make a game so large it could only be contained on three discs!


Would an N64 cartridge really be able to hold the entirety of Final Fantasy VII, along with the fully orchestrated soundtrack?

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My personal favourite is actually Final Fantasy VII, but this was never released on a Nintendo console so maybe I shouldn't mention it here. Although, correct me if I'm wrong, it was originally supposed to be developed for the Nintendo 64, but then Squaresoft decided to develop it for the PS1 instead because of its larger memory, enabling them to make a game so large it could only be contained on three discs!


Would an N64 cartridge really be able to hold the entirety of Final Fantasy VII, along with the fully orchestrated soundtrack?


Heh, don't sweat it, we have plenty of folk who also like non-Nintendo stuff.


I think the answer is no. Square needed CDs to do the FMVs, and other visual things that were impressive at the time. FFVII would be a very different game if it had been done in the N64.

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