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I'm really loving this game, i am not loving how much of my weekend it ate lol!


Am i spending too long grinding for titles? when i got to Bryce i beat him in 25 seconds and you get a trophy for under 60...

I've got to level 5 with most titles as i figured that was how to improve your character best, but i don't want it to be too easy.


only just ended chapter 2

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Posted (edited)


Am i spending too long grinding for titles? when i got to Bryce i beat him in 25 seconds and you get a trophy for under 60...


Depends what difficulty you're playing the game on. Took a few tries but I beat him in 43 seconds on Hard mode.


Mind you the other under 60 second ones seem almost impossible for me on Hard mode. I had to turn it down on the fight in the seaside cavern (You'll understand when you fight it) but made it a separate save so I wouldn't disrupt the hard mode trophy.


Unlocked evil difficulty but I dunno, the boss battles are taking a few tries on hard mode, let alone Evil so I might hold on that one.

Edited by Emerald Emblem
Depends what difficulty you're playing the game on. Took a few tries but I beat him in 43 seconds on Hard mode.


Mind you the other under 60 second ones seem almost impossible for me on Hard mode. I had to turn it down on the fight in the seaside cavern (You'll understand when you fight it) but made it a separate save so I wouldn't disrupt the hard mode trophy.


Unlocked evil difficulty but I dunno, the boss battles are taking a few tries on hard mode, let alone Evil so I might hold on that one.

If you want the difficulty trophies, only the final boss count. You can play the entire game on Easy, then turn on Hard or any other difficulty just before the final boss and you will still get the trophy.


I have several questions


Does Sophie ever get some Royal crablettes?

Does Pascal ever decide on 10 or 14 puddings?

Who is the woman next door Pascal dedicates battles to?



Does anyone else love the skits and after battle skits as much as me

I have several questions


Does Sophie ever get some Royal crablettes?

Does Pascal ever decide on 10 or 14 puddings?

Who is the woman next door Pascal dedicates battles to?


Does anyone else love the skits and after battle skits as much as me

1] Unknown. I loved that skit "royal crablettes... royal craableettees..."

2] Unknown. (isn't it between 10 and 12?)

3] You'll find out later.


I love the skits, especially since they're all animated/voice acted. Beats other Tales games easily. The review in GamesTM slams the skits.


Slams the skits? they are awesome oe of the best things about the game and the victory skits have really entertained me (certainly takes away some of the monotony of grinding)


Do costumes always change the battle theme?

still don't quite get weapon development, reading online seems to suggest that despite certain qualities seaming bad or good, that the amount of letters in the quality is an indication of rank so a 5 letter quality is better than 4, so tolerable would be better than grand


and am i right in thinking that if you dualize a weapon and remove the dualizing, it looses an effect, but keeps the stat boosts? so you could have a steel sword + 20 being stronger than a katana? if so then i need to stop upgrading weapons so easily and keep two for each character and grind weapon development


I haven't the damndest idea about what you said about dualizing there. But I basically dualize something with a weapon/armour if the stat will increase. That's it.


I didn't get many of the costumes. In fact most of the characters don't have an alternative costume apart from the ability to stick a melon on their head/nose. It kept distracting me during cutscenes.


I kept Malik in his swimwear, mainly because it looked funny during cutscenes and I never battled with him.




I had to take a picture when I saw this, gave me a nice chuckle.

I haven't the damndest idea about what you said about dualizing there. But I basically dualize something with a weapon/armour if the stat will increase. That's it.


I didn't get many of the costumes. In fact most of the characters don't have an alternative costume apart from the ability to stick a melon on their head/nose. It kept distracting me during cutscenes.


I kept Malik in his swimwear, mainly because it looked funny during cutscenes and I never battled with him.




I had to take a picture when I saw this, gave me a nice chuckle.



HAHA thats awesome!


I got a costume for Asbel last night after playing magna carta twice and winning, some dark stranger costume


from reading FAQS the weapons seem to be able to become dualised upto level 90, and that in theory you can make some swords more powerful than the "ultimate" weapons in the game

I haven't the damndest idea about what you said about dualizing there. But I basically dualize something with a weapon/armour if the stat will increase. That's it.


I didn't get many of the costumes. In fact most of the characters don't have an alternative costume apart from the ability to stick a melon on their head/nose. It kept distracting me during cutscenes.


I kept Malik in his swimwear, mainly because it looked funny during cutscenes and I never battled with him.




I had to take a picture when I saw this, gave me a nice chuckle.


I'm pretty sure all characters have at least two costumes each. The beach set, and the formal set.

I'm pretty sure all characters have at least two costumes each. The beach set, and the formal set.

Of that I have no doubt, but I haven't unlocked any for Asbel* (I think), I believe I have three/four for Sophie.



*Technically, I have the ability to turn him into Richard or Hubert.

HAHA thats awesome!


I got a costume for Asbel last night after playing magna carta twice and winning, some dark stranger costume


The dark Stranger costume, have you played Tales of Vesperia? If you have you'll recognize it. I think you unlock the costumes for getting perfect victory's on the 4 difficulty levels? I got Asbel and Cheria's on the US version at least.

The dark Stranger costume, have you played Tales of Vesperia? If you have you'll recognize it. I think you unlock the costumes for getting perfect victory's on the 4 difficulty levels? I got Asbel and Cheria's on the US version at least.


:weep: never played it and every time i've bid on a copy on ebay i get sniped in the last few min :weep:

Download it from Xbox Live like a normal person. :p




It got a reprint...



:facepalm: I never even thought to check on there, i assumed by now it was like Tales of the Abyss (was after its first run that is), haven't seen a copy in a physical shop in years and i never thought of live!? uhhh i never even expected that at all so just never looked





i'll order it on shopto when i'm paid again/I've finished Graces F whichever comes first


Can you change the controls in Graces? Since Symphonia hard-wired Tales controls into my brain I've always had to switch 'block' and 'artes' around in every game since.


Goddamn, Richard on hard was just too tough, had to bump the difficulty down to moderate, fucker kept healing himself before I could finish him off eventually depleting my revival item stock. Maybe I shouldn't have taught him that spell that can obliterate my entire party in one move if they're too close together.

  • 3 weeks later...

its probably not a spoiler or anything.... but

When hubert uses his level 1 eleth guage attack Blitzkrieg waltz (or similar) he, as the others do, says a few lines

Which i'd assume is meant to be "dance of the damned Blitzkrieg Waltz"


only to me it sounds more like "dance of the damned instant balls!"

and now i can't unhear it either, its all i can make out "INSTANT BALLS" even my girlfriend said to me "what did he say about balls?"


anyone else noticed this?


HA now i'm going to hear that all the time! "DANCE LIKE A DAVE - INSTANT BALLZ"


Sadly due to having my PS3 wiped I can't do a Grade enhanced game, but I've restarted Graces to pass the time before Black 2 arrives (I did start another go at Tales of Vesperia but didn't want to play a game I'd put on hold for mon action and then forget everything.)


I want to get to a point where I can play as Hubert, then I can DANCE LIKE A DAVE whenevrr I want.

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