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PlayStation Vita Console Discussion


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It's going to muck up the order of games/apps and you might lose data if you can't easily tell when it's being read/written to but it should be fine. All those games are pretty average/been on PS+ though.... And it doesn't mention if Lemmings has any level packs (Lemmings is free, like Phoenix Wright and Ghost Trick on iOS)


I left my Vita at the office today. Didn't realise how much I was enjoying Persona 4 until the withdrawal set in...

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Should I take advantage of the PS1 sale and get some games on the Vita, or is it worth paying more to get them on my American PSN account on my PSP to get the NTSC versions? I was ready to buy a few the other day, but then I found out that the PAL release of Metal Gear Solid is supposed to be really slow, so now I'm worried. :p

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The PAL version is slow? Wouldn't that only apply to console versions running at 50Mhz on a TV?


Welp, I'm out of space on my Vita card already and can't accommodate the latest PS+ updates. Shoulda splashed out for the 32GB...

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The PAL version is slow? Wouldn't that only apply to console versions running at 50Mhz on a TV?

Surely the PAL versions are programmed to run at 25 FPS or whatever? It's not like they'd speed up if you played them on a different television. :hmm:

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I would've thought the Vita should've been able to emulate them at 60Mhz, or have patched them (or just released the NTSC version in EU)... but gathering that it's not the case. So yeah get the USA one I guess. But is it that big a deal? I mean I played MGS on the PS1 a dozen times and never felt that it was too slow or anything...

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But is it that big a deal?

No idea! That's why I asked. On the one hand, if I have an easy way to play a better version, I might as well just do that. On the other hand, I really like saving money, so if the difference is negligible, that'd be great.


I didn't really think anyone had been sitting around comparing different versions of old PS1 games, but I figured I'd ask just in case. :heh:

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Considering picking up a Vita for it's remote play magic for PS4. Have the age old account problem though UK account has a ton of games from IGC however Canadian account will likely be the one the one I have to use next gen to avoid all these dumb problems I've had with DLC and online play.

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After waiting for what seems like a life time for a decent bundle, I finally snapped up the one Daft posted earlier. I traded in my Wii and games and sold a few 3DS games on ebay to net this haul.





I will always prefer physical goods to digital, hence the boxed games. I've only faffed around with the OS so far but everything is really fast and slick. It makes me even more exited about what the PS4 will offer.


I also have to laugh at the notion that the Vita has no games. There's quite a selection I have got to play, which will keep me busy for MONTHS. I've also got a bunch of PSOne and PSP games ready and waiting to be shifted over to the Vita.


*joins superior race* :D

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I also have to laugh at the notion that the Vita has no games. There's quite a selection I have got to play, which will keep me busy for MONTHS. I've also got a bunch of PSOne and PSP games ready and waiting to be shifted over to the Vita.


*joins superior race* :D


Its more that by comparison it has no games, where as the 3DS has buckets loads now.

In fairness though i only really play psp/psone games on my Vita, the only Vita game i play is wipeout


awesome haul there! that should sort you out till January! P4G could do that alone

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I meant those games are available (or will be) on PS+.


Ah, sorry. Yeah, I have Uncharted, Gravity Rush, Unit 13 and LKS next month with my PS+ account. I like to have the boxes and stuff though, even if the games are free digitally. If its a game I'm not bothered about keeping, like Ninja Gaiden, then I'll download it.


I have issues, I know. :D

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Yeah it's terribly unrealistic but I'd probably only consider a Vita if it was reduced to £100 with a decent memory card. Until recently I hadn't been downloading PS Vita + content, when I realised I might as well build a library if I take the plunge later on. If the PS4 streaming works well, that really is the tits. They really should market that.

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After waiting for what seems like a life time for a decent bundle, I finally snapped up the one Daft posted earlier. I traded in my Wii and games and sold a few 3DS games on ebay to net this haul.





I will always prefer physical goods to digital, hence the boxed games. I've only faffed around with the OS so far but everything is really fast and slick. It makes me even more exited about what the PS4 will offer.


I also have to laugh at the notion that the Vita has no games. There's quite a selection I have got to play, which will keep me busy for MONTHS. I've also got a bunch of PSOne and PSP games ready and waiting to be shifted over to the Vita.


*joins superior race* :D


Quite the haul indeed, how much was the actual cost (minus all the trading in) for all of that. Incredible!

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Quite the haul indeed, how much was the actual cost (minus all the trading in) for all of that. Incredible!


I only spent £22, which was for CoD ( not pictured as it arrived yesterday ). I got the machine and Assassins Creed using my trade in at GAME. All the rest was bought from ebay or Shopto using the money I made from selling various 3DS games on ebay.


Annoyingly I have yet to play an actual game on the thing. I've been too tired after to work to play and the past two days I have had terrible hayfever. The last thing I wont to do is to get snot all over the Vita! :D


I'm hoping to get Uncharted started over the weekend though, providing my hayfever calms down.

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Don't start with Persona 4, not if you want to try any of the other games any time soon.


Persona will be one of the last ones I play due to the time it requires. Uncharted first, then Resistance, followed by Little Kings Story. I'm a fan of all 3 of these franchises and eager to see how these instalments play.

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Uncharted GA is easily my favourite Uncharted in terms of level design and shooting and all that. The mechanic for fine-tuning aiming with the gyros is fucking brilliant. Would absolutely love to see this done on more games and the PS4.

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