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I wanted to like this episode, but there were times where I couldn't suspend my disbelief any more. Just too many nonsensical happenings.

Why was the artillery in front of the infantry, why was no one manning the walls, what was Bran doing the entire episode, did the wights in the crypts just break through stone, how is Sam still alive, did they forget to write dialogue for this episode, how was it established that killing the Night King kills all the other white walkers, why did the undead giant... 

Even from a pure action point of view, I was disappointed we didn't even see one white walker duel. We have 4 characters with Valyrian Steel swords and none of them kill a white walker.

I honestly think they made the episode so dark and added that fog to cover up any cheap/bad special effects, I'm guessing there will be another battle in King's Landing which will take a big chunk of the season's CGI budget.

I still think the best battle episode they've produced is Blackwater. Not the best in terms of action, but the best in terms of dramatic storytelling.

Not a huge fan of the ending since it diverges from the point of Arya's arc, but I guess we're so far removed from books now it doesn't really matter anymore.

So we now focus on who gets to sit on the iron throne. Thought the whole point of the white walker story was that it doesn't matter who sits on the iron throne, I'm guessing that Jon will bring this up next episode and then we'll all forget about it for the rest of the season. It will seem odd that the final boss is not the Lord of Darkness, but Euron and Cersei.

My only hope for the rest of the season is that they somehow surprise me, that there will be one final bittersweet twist.

P.S. RIP Theon, one of the best characters from both show and books. Alfie Allen, take a bow.


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It was established in s7 when Jon and company went north of the wall to capture a Wight. Jon killed a White Walker which made all the wights he created fall. As the Night King created the White Walkers, the same rule must have applied.


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Once again a very good episode that handled the things from last episode really well. 


The plotting behind Denaerys' back is really great and keeps things very interesting.

However, killing off the dragon that way seemed a bit too fast and didn't really believe it first. I think they should have build it up a bit better.

Didn't think that Missandei would die when I filled out my betting sheet at work. Damn. I also find it a bit weird that Euron somehow captured her and seemingly not others. Did the rest of the army die there? 

Honestly can't see Denaerys winning now unless Arya comes to the rescue. 


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Question - ep 3 spoiler:


Why was Jon even brought back by the Lord of Light? He didn't really do anything to the Night King so him being brought back didn't mean much. Sure, he gathered the reinforcements to defend Winterfell but that means that anyone participating in the battle could have been brought back... 


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It was all a bit meh to me, to be honest. Now it all seems rushed, and they're not not stiching it together well.


I mean come on, just look at the dragons. In the books, they're the strongest magical beings in the GoT universe. They have impenetrable scales, and their only weak point is their eyes. But seeing as Daenerys has two of them, and that is OP, let's just kill one of them. With a big arrow. From 1 km away. Shot off a boat. AND let's just hit it three more times, just for good measure. 

.........like, what the hell? 

And Jon, sending off Ghost, his life long partner, good boi, and bodyguard, who's saved him loads of times. But now he's not a stark anymore, so who needs a direwolf then?

And why the hell did they even split their army into two groups? I guess their war council went like this: "Oh, let's see... Cercei has the biggest fleet in the entire realm. Why don't we sail half our army over? Do we have anyone who can fight while at sea? No? Oh well, I guess it'll work out, right?"

And the "face off" between Daenerys and Euron.... Why did they even need to do that? Let her storm towards the ships, while they're firing their ballistae, and when they're done firing (and have to reload, because they're not automatic...), she just bails. When they were done, couldn't she just fly right on top of them and burn them all to ashes?? And when her entire fleet is taking hits, she just chills somewhere else. Wow, what an inspiring leader.

And why do they ONLY capture Missandei and noone else?? Wouldn't they be able to capture someone else as well? It all just went 120% Hollywood, and I hate it.

And lastly, for now at least, why, oh why didn't Cercei shoot Tyrion when he's RIGHT in her reach. She's been waiting for that moment for SO long, and now that he's right there, and Missandei has been killed off so they have no more bargain chips, it would be way more satifying for her to be done with her brother, by her own hand. I mean, it doesn't make any sense. None of it does. 

The show has lost it, and I don't feel it anymore. The previous episode had it's flaws, but it was still really good. This one on the other hand just messes up time and time again. What a mess..

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5 minutes ago, ArtMediocre said:

It was all a bit meh to me, to be honest. Now it all seems rushed, and they're not not stiching it together well.

  Some of my thoughts (Hide contents)

I mean come on, just look at the dragons. In the books, they're the strongest magical beings in the GoT universe. They have impenetrable scales, and their only weak point is their eyes. But seeing as Daenerys has two of them, and that is OP, let's just kill one of them. With a big arrow. From 1 km away. Shot off a boat. AND let's just hit it three more times, just for good measure. 

.........like, what the hell? 

And Jon, sending off Ghost, his life long partner, good boi, and bodyguard, who's saved him loads of times. But now he's not a stark anymore, so who needs a direwolf then?

And why the hell did they even split their army into two groups? I guess their war council went like this: "Oh, let's see... Cercei has the biggest fleet in the entire realm. Why don't we sail half our army over? Do we have anyone who can fight while at sea? No? Oh well, I guess it'll work out, right?"

And the "face off" between Daenerys and Euron.... Why did they even need to do that? Let her storm towards the ships, while they're firing their ballistae, and when they're done firing (and have to reload, because they're not automatic...), she just bails. When they were done, couldn't she just fly right on top of them and burn them all to ashes?? And when her entire fleet is taking hits, she just chills somewhere else. Wow, what an inspiring leader.

And why do they ONLY capture Missandei and noone else?? Wouldn't they be able to capture someone else as well? It all just went 120% Hollywood, and I hate it.

And lastly, for now at least, why, oh why didn't Cercei shoot Tyrion when he's RIGHT in her reach. She's been waiting for that moment for SO long, and now that he's right there, and Missandei has been killed off so they have no more bargain chips, it would be way more satifying for her to be done with her brother, by her own hand. I mean, it doesn't make any sense. None of it does. 

The show has lost it, and I don't feel it anymore. The previous episode had it's flaws, but it was still really good. This one on the other hand just messes up time and time again. What a mess..

Very valid points. I don't think they ruined it but it did feel a bit too much like a plot device.

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I'm probably overreacting, but the more I think about the obvious flaws the more irritated I get :p But there were some good points too, of course like 


the plotting against Daenerys, the feast and Thormund, and the cappuccino take away cup infront of Daenerys during the feast xD. 


I just need to cool down a bit. It's still entertaining, but if they keep this up it's gonna be a bad ending to a good show. 

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The Ghost thing really pissed me off. Not even a pet goodbye? Let me guess, they don't have the CG budget for Jon to say goodbye properly, just like they don't have the CG for elephants? You have the biggest show on television, just find the money ffs, and find a few more episodes so that you don't have to abandon characters or have others teleport around the map to suit the dodgy writing.

It's a shame because some of that episode was fantastic. It just felt like two stuck together, a well written one and a not so well written one. I'm not massively keen on what they're doing to Dany either...

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11 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

 I'm not massively keen on what they're doing to Dany either...


Yeah, they're quickly making her the "madmans" daugther. What happened to the calm, collected queen she was? It didn't take long until she started going cray cray... 


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5 hours ago, ArtMediocre said:

It was all a bit meh to me, to be honest. Now it all seems rushed, and they're not not stiching it together well.

  Some of my thoughts (Hide contents)

I mean come on, just look at the dragons. In the books, they're the strongest magical beings in the GoT universe. They have impenetrable scales, and their only weak point is their eyes. But seeing as Daenerys has two of them, and that is OP, let's just kill one of them. With a big arrow. From 1 km away. Shot off a boat. AND let's just hit it three more times, just for good measure. 

.........like, what the hell? 

And Jon, sending off Ghost, his life long partner, good boi, and bodyguard, who's saved him loads of times. But now he's not a stark anymore, so who needs a direwolf then?

And why the hell did they even split their army into two groups? I guess their war council went like this: "Oh, let's see... Cercei has the biggest fleet in the entire realm. Why don't we sail half our army over? Do we have anyone who can fight while at sea? No? Oh well, I guess it'll work out, right?"

And the "face off" between Daenerys and Euron.... Why did they even need to do that? Let her storm towards the ships, while they're firing their ballistae, and when they're done firing (and have to reload, because they're not automatic...), she just bails. When they were done, couldn't she just fly right on top of them and burn them all to ashes?? And when her entire fleet is taking hits, she just chills somewhere else. Wow, what an inspiring leader.

And why do they ONLY capture Missandei and noone else?? Wouldn't they be able to capture someone else as well? It all just went 120% Hollywood, and I hate it.

And lastly, for now at least, why, oh why didn't Cercei shoot Tyrion when he's RIGHT in her reach. She's been waiting for that moment for SO long, and now that he's right there, and Missandei has been killed off so they have no more bargain chips, it would be way more satifying for her to be done with her brother, by her own hand. I mean, it doesn't make any sense. None of it does. 

The show has lost it, and I don't feel it anymore. The previous episode had it's flaws, but it was still really good. This one on the other hand just messes up time and time again. What a mess..

I agree with all of that and feel that they are rushing things massively now for no good reason at all


Euron's entire fleet hid behind that entire rock......which couldn't be seen by Danny...in the air....on a dragon...a mile up?

And if she couldn't see him, then he couldn't see her and he certainly couldn't hit a dragon once, let alone three times

And those balista are not rapid fire, and the scene implied it was all Euron......so how?

and as you said they've established time and time again dragons impregnable armour scales and thats what made Visceron's death so damn shocking! holy hell the dragons nobody has been able to scratch with conventional weapons have been killed by a magic ice spear. But now? we need a plot device to take out a dragon.....hmm big wooden arrows should do it. erm WHAT?  I suspect the book had a different death planned (Kraken he has?) but since they've departed so far now, they are taking the piss Liberties.

And Ghost, lovable Direwolf, protector of Jon, multiple war hero in his own right? Jon says good bye with a nod and sends him north with someone else (admittedly the best guy on the show, even if some cunts keep shitting in his pants) do the writers even have pets? only a sociopath would do that.


And surely if you'd just been told you were about to die by some bitch, and your both there a foot off a 40ft drop, you might as well turn and say "Lets go together" grab them and jump? Minor Criticism since it would end the show, but further makes the writing look sloppy. They could have achieved the same effect by doing a 'Seven' and sending a box with her head in.

I just think the writers have rushed it too much now and its become terrible, this was a popular show because it did character development and interaction right, whilst furthering the plot - now they seem to have gone the way of certain other franchises and decided on some cool set pieces and forced a plot to link them up in the run time allocated


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If they were just going to get rid of Ghost in such an insulting way they should have just killed him off in the last episode, coming to Jon's aid or something like that. That would have have resonated a lot more. But to have Jon just shrug and walk off, fuck that.

I'll say it again, this is fucking Game of Thrones, it took them how long to make this season? Ghost has been in this season for about 14 seconds total, do they seriously not have the CGI budget for a big wolf? Come on. Especially since, quite frankly production value wise, season 8 hasn't been up to much so far. Yes the Battle of Winterfell was great, but other than that we've barely had anything that will have really stretched the production budget.


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On 08/05/2019 at 1:07 AM, Ronnie said:
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If they were just going to get rid of Ghost in such an insulting way they should have just killed him off in the last episode, coming to Jon's aid or something like that. That would have have resonated a lot more. But to have Jon just shrug and walk off, fuck that.

I'll say it again, this is fucking Game of Thrones, it took them how long to make this season? Ghost has been in this season for about 14 seconds total, do they seriously not have the CGI budget for a big wolf? Come on. Especially since, quite frankly production value wise, season 8 hasn't been up to much so far. Yes the Battle of Winterfell was great, but other than that we've barely had anything that will have really stretched the production budget.


It's like when (Pokemon character) left (Pokemon) with (other Pokemon character)


Except it's in medieval times so it matters more

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I can see why they needed for Dany to go full heel turn and burn Kings Landing to the ground, but it still felt rushed. The decision to condense the last two seasons into 13 episodes was a baffling one. Like others have said, they’re needlessly sprinting to the finish line and for what? 

After all the talk of not wanting to be queen of the ashes and leaving the world a better place, this was a very jarring decision to make. She’d won. They had surrendered. Perhaps with more time spent with Dany exploring her descent into madness, they’d have made a better job of rationalising her decision. Like I said, I understand it, it does make sense. Tyrion, Sansa and Arya knew the truth and the people of Westeros love Jon more than they do her, but more time spent with Dany would have been possible with more episodes and less of a rush to tell the conclusion of the story.

It’s hard to say for sure until we see the finale, but I think people will look back on the final two seasons and think that a rushed approach to the storytelling will have put a slightly sour finish on what was an excellent show.


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11 hours ago, Dog-amoto said:
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I can see why they needed for Dany to go full heel turn and burn Kings Landing to the ground, but it still felt rushed. The decision to condense the last two seasons into 13 episodes was a baffling one. Like others have said, they’re needlessly sprinting to the finish line and for what? 

After all the talk of not wanting to be queen of the ashes and leaving the world a better place, this was a very jarring decision to make. She’d won. They had surrendered. Perhaps with more time spent with Dany exploring her descent into madness, they’d have made a better job of rationalising her decision. Like I said, I understand it, it does make sense. Tyrion, Sansa and Arya knew the truth and the people of Westeros love Jon more than they do her, but more time spent with Dany would have been possible with more episodes and less of a rush to tell the conclusion of the story.

It’s hard to say for sure until we see the finale, but I think people will look back on the final two seasons and think that a rushed approach to the storytelling will have put a slightly sour finish on what was an excellent show.


It's a real shame. I have no idea why they thought 13 episodes was enough to wrap everything up. The storytelling and writing this season has been a real let down.

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I agree that Daenerys' descent into madness seems quite rushed and forced. She has shown signs of it previously but it just went to a completely new level without real explanation. She has lost her second "child" / dragon, she lost her best friend (Missandei), and she is really pissed, I get it, she is mad - but not batshit crazy as she is seen in this episode. Too much, too fast. 

So yeah, the last two seasons could have done with a couple of episodes more. A friend of mine described the season as consisting of mainly highlights which is a good way of saying it, I think.

Overall I enjoyed this episode. Hound vs Mountain was awesome, Euron vs Jaime was tense. I didn't like how Cersei ended, though. I think that was an unfitting end and I'd rather that she had escaped instead.
I find it unbelievable that Daenerys was able to destroy the entire Iron Fleet and get into the city from behind without getting hit this time.
It's sad that Varys had to go but perhaps that for the best and the goodbye between Tyrion and Varys was good and fitting.

So next episode will be the fight vs. Daenerys. 


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1 hour ago, MindFreak said:
  Episode 5 (Hide contents)

I agree that Daenerys' descent into madness seems quite rushed and forced. She has shown signs of it previously but it just went to a completely new level without real explanation. She has lost her second "child" / dragon, she lost her best friend (Missandei), and she is really pissed, I get it, she is mad - but not batshit crazy as she is seen in this episode. Too much, too fast. 

So yeah, the last two seasons could have done with a couple of episodes more. A friend of mine described the season as consisting of mainly highlights which is a good way of saying it, I think.

Overall I enjoyed this episode. Hound vs Mountain was awesome, Euron vs Jaime was tense. I didn't like how Cersei ended, though. I think that was an unfitting end and I'd rather that she had escaped instead.
I find it unbelievable that Daenerys was able to destroy the entire Iron Fleet and get into the city from behind without getting hit this time.
It's sad that Varys had to go but perhaps that for the best and the goodbye between Tyrion and Varys was good and fitting.

So next episode will be the fight vs. Daenerys. 


Grief can be a powerful motivator to madness, plus she allegedly has an inheritance for going crazy. Not sure why the sudden snap is as surprising to others as it seems to be, she could easily have been hiding her feelings (See Robin Williams for an example, which we all agree was sad)


I'm surprised it didn't happen in the episode before, she managed to control herself though.

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45 minutes ago, EEVILMURRAY said:


Grief can be a powerful motivator to madness, plus she allegedly has an inheritance for going crazy. Not sure why the sudden snap is as surprising to others as it seems to be, she could easily have been hiding her feelings (See Robin Williams for an example, which we all agree was sad)


I'm surprised it didn't happen in the episode before, she managed to control herself though.



I know


and with Missandei gone - perhaps the only one who could temper her - it's not outragous that she goes mad now. However, I think it just went too fast in the story and should have been handled over a couple of episodes.


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