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Diageo; a lot of your opinions are based on beliefs and estimates. You believe the future of humanity will move away from religion, you think taht robots would never want to be human, you assume that if you wake up buried alive that you'd simply hold your breath 'til you died.


You seem to have a lack of modesty, and your mannerisms mean you come across in a way that isn't self-effacing, a social demeanor that is, unfortunately, often required when dealing with issues of tact and politeness.


Essentially; you are not polite in giving your opinion, despite knowing that it would cause an outcry. You then assume a hurt, childlike defense of semantics and definitions rather than attemptiong to confront what has been said by both parties objectively. You appear unable to compromise. Which will just make other people less willing to compromise and thus more likely to push their end of the stick harder.


I do not like puddings. I understand that this is pretty much wrong, yet it is a personal choice. Yet I don't go up to someone enjoying an ice cream and say "I think ice cream is shit. Tried it once. tasted crap. Even ate a whole tub. Still shit. The sweetness, the flavour... it bores me."


By insinuating that you found boring what others found thrilling you suggest that your interpretation of 'thrilling' is harder to attain, which indirectly assaults the character of anyone who believed differently to you.


So yeah. Can't you understand how you're being a dick?


Makeshift thanks.


I love when someone has enough to buy ammo for their stun gun.

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Diageo; a lot of your opinions are based on beliefs and estimates. You believe the future of humanity will move away from religion, you think taht robots would never want to be human, you assume that if you wake up buried alive that you'd simply hold your breath 'til you died.


You seem to have a lack of modesty, and your mannerisms mean you come across in a way that isn't self-effacing, a social demeanor that is, unfortunately, often required when dealing with issues of tact and politeness.


Essentially; you are not polite in giving your opinion, despite knowing that it would cause an outcry. You then assume a hurt, childlike defense of semantics and definitions rather than attemptiong to confront what has been said by both parties objectively. You appear unable to compromise. Which will just make other people less willing to compromise and thus more likely to push their end of the stick harder.


I do not like puddings. I understand that this is pretty much wrong, yet it is a personal choice. Yet I don't go up to someone enjoying an ice cream and say "I think ice cream is shit. Tried it once. tasted crap. Even ate a whole tub. Still shit. The sweetness, the flavour... it bores me."


By insinuating that you found boring what others found thrilling you suggest that your interpretation of 'thrilling' is harder to attain, which indirectly assaults the character of anyone who believed differently to you.


So yeah. Can't you understand how you're being a dick?


You're brilliant.

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[One of my favourite things about the show is how great actresses Grace Park and Tricia Helfer are. Both of them succeed in making it really obvious when they're a main character, and when they're just a random model. Like, all the Sharons which aren't main look really disinterested yet bitter with life.


And also Trish is so great at acting whilst in Gaius' mind. Just so stun.]

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I didn't study James Joyce.


I watched a whole season to see if I enjoyed the show. Gaius Baltar, the only guy who seemed to have a bit of scepticism, was portrayed as a man with delusions, as a coward, who turned to prayer at the moment he was imprisoned. I thought this was badly done.


I believe that the world will move away from religion more and more as we enter the future, and the fact the so many people were religious in this future world, I thought was unrealistic.


The robots wanted to become human, they wanted to feel emotions, something I don't think robots would ever come to do. I thought they would view religion and emotions as pointless, and feel superior for it.


I didn't really see any development of the spirituality side of things. The robots just spoke of the plan of God and everything it entailed, and seemed to somewhat be able to predict the future. The Asian girl cylons seemed extremely bi-polar. Fearing the fact they were cylons one minute and trying to kill herself, and then planting charges and shooting the general guy in the end.


Then came the thing about that arrow and the fact that they had to follow scripture to save themselves. It's a story that has been told many times before and I got bored of it ages ago.


There was also the thing where the ship had years worth of water, lost 60% of it, and then had only like 5 days of water left. However, I may have misinterpreted it.


Although I don't understand a lot of things, the show didn't captivate me, and didn't make me feel like there was greatness to come. I didn't dismiss it as soon as I heard the word God. I watched the whole first season. I don't know why I should just keep waiting for it to get really good if I'm not captivated by the whole first season. I don't see how watching the first season means I didn't give it a chance.


You're pretty much just proving me right. You didn't like it because you

Yes. And I don't see why the cylons would care to want to become human, to be scared of admitting they aren't.



You're pretty much just proving me right. You didn't like it because it doesn't abide by your rules. Because it doesn't work how you think.


Although I can't help but wonder why you would criticize this for being unrealistic and be such a huge house fan at the same time.


"An opinion is a subjective statement or thought about an issue or topic, and is the result of emotion or interpretation of facts."


Real opinions can't be wrong because it's down to your own personal thoughts on something. In other people's opinions you can be seen as wrong but neither side is ever truly wrong because it's all subjective.


And the church thing you mentioned is theory not opinion.


True on the theory front.


As for the rest, it's true in theory, but not in reality. Subjectivity has degrees. I mean, it's possible that someone's opinion is that Beethoven's Big Break is the best movie ever made... and subjectivity isn't enough to make him anything else other than wrong.

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Diageo being intentionally controversial!



I think we should talk more about this great show.

Just finished "Guess What's Coming to Dinner?" (S4E7)

I hope that I am not in some minority hoping for a peaceful Cylon-Human co-existence.

Because thats what I feel like the everything is headed but is destined to fail because of human/cylon nature is too bla bla bla



I hate how this is a show that almost always ends with something interesting so I just have to watch one more episode before I go to sleep.

Then I realize its 4 am and I realize I'm gotta get less than 3 hours of sleep this night.

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Diageo; a lot of your opinions are based on beliefs and estimates. You believe the future of humanity will move away from religion, you think taht robots would never want to be human, you assume that if you wake up buried alive that you'd simply hold your breath 'til you died.

Still hung up on that coffin thing I see. Everyone has to have expectations of what the world will be like in the future, and everyone has expectations for what they think is realistic. And of course it's based on opinions and estimates. When you watch anything, you have an opinion of how plausible the events that unfold are, that's how you decide if something is realistic. I don't see what is wrong with that.



You seem to have a lack of modesty, and your mannerisms mean you come across in a way that isn't self-effacing, a social demeanor that is, unfortunately, often required when dealing with issues of tact and politeness.

You're right, I'm not a fan of tact and politeness. Especially in written text as I prefer to just get the point across. I was modest at the start, never wanting to start a row or anything, but this is a discussion forum, and if I'm not going to get my opinion in, I don't know why I would want to stay.



Essentially; you are not polite in giving your opinion, despite knowing that it would cause an outcry. You then assume a hurt, childlike defense of semantics and definitions rather than attemptiong to confront what has been said by both parties objectively. You appear unable to compromise. Which will just make other people less willing to compromise and thus more likely to push their end of the stick harder.

I am hardly hurt by comments of random internet people. I am sometimes annoyed or surprised, but never hurt. You don't know enough to hurt me. I disagree with you, and have an opinion that seems somewhat radical to people here. I like sticking to definitions, and staying on the practical side of things. I thinks it's more objective than you seem to think it is, as apparently to you I'm not answering the issue. I'm all about objectivity so I don't know where you are going with that. And I don't think I'm childish. But obviously you do so there's nothing really I can or care to do about that. I can compromise, when I feel it is fair or there is a need for it. There's never really a need to compromise here, especially since I was giving my opinion on what I thought of the show, and I don't believe I need to compromise on that. I didn't really like it, found the subject matter boring. So I'm going to compromise and say what? I wasn't actually bored?



I do not like puddings. I understand that this is pretty much wrong, yet it is a personal choice. Yet I don't go up to someone enjoying an ice cream and say "I think ice cream is shit. Tried it once. tasted crap. Even ate a whole tub. Still shit. The sweetness, the flavour... it bores me."

I don't it is ever wrong to like a food. I don't like Ice Cream either. It appears you are complaining that I came in here and gave my opinion on the show. Which as far as I know is the point of a thread about the show. It's nothing like going to a random person and interrupting them to tell them you don't like their food. Not that it would be a big deal to me, I know people differ in tastes, there is no right taste and another person's opinion on a taste will not make me like it less.



By insinuating that you found boring what others found thrilling you suggest that your interpretation of 'thrilling' is harder to attain, which indirectly assaults the character of anyone who believed differently to you.

What do you want me to do, lie? I found it boring. It doesn't mean I need more than you to entertain me, it means I need something different. That I have different tastes to you, and I'm not sorry about that. This is like when Dyson complains that the Wii board won't take negative opinions. Is it disallowed to disagree with someone on taste. Is this thread only here so you can enjoy your show and talk to other people about how great it is with no other view points. I am never sorry to give my opinion and I don't care if you think I'm a dick.


So yeah. Can't you understand how you're being a dick?


You're pretty much just proving me right. You didn't like it because it doesn't abide by your rules. Because it doesn't work how you think.


Although I can't help but wonder why you would criticize this for being unrealistic and be such a huge house fan at the same time.

I doesn't cater to my tastes, to my ideas, you are right. It gave a different perspective and I gave it a chance, but I didn't like it. I watched the whole season and didn't like it. I didn't slam the laptop down as soon as I heard the word God. I looked at where they were going with it and wasn't interested in it. Wasn't entertained by it. I was hardly writing it off as a bad show and never said no one else can get enjoyment out of it. But I probably won't because the theme doesn't interest me. Why should I force myself to like it if I don't. You say I write it off solely for the theme. I believe I gave it a fair chance, one season, and still didn't like what was going on, so I stopped watching it.





True on the theory front.


As for the rest, it's true in theory, but not in reality. Subjectivity has degrees. I mean, it's possible that someone's opinion is that Beethoven's Big Break is the best movie ever made... and subjectivity isn't enough to make him anything else other than wrong.


Diageo being intentionally controversial!




I think we should talk more about this great show.

Just finished "Guess What's Coming to Dinner?" (S4E7)

I hope that I am not in some minority hoping for a peaceful Cylon-Human co-existence.

Because thats what I feel like the everything is headed but is destined to fail because of human/cylon nature is too bla bla bla



I hate how this is a show that almost always ends with something interesting so I just have to watch one more episode before I go to sleep.

Then I realize its 4 am and I realize I'm gotta get less than 3 hours of sleep this night.

I'm not being intentionally controversial. I had an opinion that was different, and people decided to question it, complain about it. I gave my reasoning behind it, but that wasn't enough. People then had to get into a conversation about me and my personality.



It's great to get insight into what other people think of me. Regardless of the fact I agree with it or not. It's a learning experience none the less. But whenever I have an opinion that is strange or different from the norm, people attack it. Basically force me to elaborate. So I do. I'm not going to back down because they use big words. I'll take everyone else's opinions into account and accommodate my owns if I think they have merit, but if I don't agree with them I won't.


This is a topic about discussing the show, and now some of you feel like it was nearly an attack on you. An outcry because I had a different opinion. Well sorry for coming into your thread for a show you love so much and trying to tell you what I think of it. Obviously I'm not sorry.


I think you are overreacting jayseven. And I'm surprised at the defensiveness that this show entails. But I'm not backing down on my ideals because you proceed to insult me. At least when I disagreed with your opinion on House, I didn't attack you for it. I even said I respectfully disagree, because I know people differ in opinion.

There seems to be an elitist air in this thread. That you are all superior for liking the show and you see it as an attack on you if I don't. I think you are the one that needs a little modesty.


Is this to do with the whole subjectivity argument I get on all the time. That I'm somehow pretentious for not thinking that there is an objective scale to media. That I defend artists and songs that you deem detrimental to culture. Perception itself which includes media and conversation rely around language and the personal definitions for the different words people use. When I disagree with someone, I think about the fact that people may have two or more different interpretations for one word, and I feel it needs to be brought up so I can know if we are actually on the same page. But apparently that is hiding childishly behind definitions and semantics. If you don't go by the definitions of the word, why use them at all.


I am somewhat against the culture itself, and when I do things out of the ordinary, I seem to get attacked for it. I do things the way I feel is the most efficient, most practical and with the most purpose. I like to question the way things are run, the way things happen. I like to bring things to the surface and see if the reasoning behind them. People do things because they have always been done. And I don't agree with that. Most things are outdated anyway and have lost their purpose and I like changing that.


Now I've pretty much moved away from BSG but you made this thread about me so I will continue with the trend.

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Funny, you didn't respond to my last line; don't you realise you're being a dick? Because that's what it boils down to. I am glad people have differing opinions, but there's a difference between having your opinion heard and respected. To be heard, one can easily use aggression (passive aggression works too, as it draws a response), but to be respected one has to utilise ethos - that is essentially the respect of the other voices around you.


I don't care either way for what you say, merely how you say it, which is what I thought my entire previous post was about. Which is why I'm not breaking down your response and putting each part under a magnifying glass (I'm not objecting to your use of it at all by the way, I just think the argument would spiral and lose focus). I'm just saying "hey, you! The way you talk makes people think you're a dick."


You souldn't assume that my previous post is how I think of you in general. I recognise that your debating style is only a part of who you are. I am trying to point out that your form of reaction is provocative, and just as overreactive as anything else here.


I have friends that I respect that don't like BSG. They have the ability to put their views across in a way that I can respect and understand. if you don't call for respect then that's fine, but don't expect antipathy.


Sorry for the 'big words', but they're just more succinct.

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I'm not being intentionally controversial. I had an opinion that was different, and people decided to question it, complain about it. I gave my reasoning behind it, but that wasn't enough. People then had to get into a conversation about me and my personality.

[long post]

Now I've pretty much moved away from BSG but you made this thread about me so I will continue with the trend.



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Funny, you didn't respond to my last line; don't you realise you're being a dick? Because that's what it boils down to. I am glad people have differing opinions, but there's a difference between having your opinion heard and respected. To be heard, one can easily use aggression (passive aggression works too, as it draws a response), but to be respected one has to utilise ethos - that is essentially the respect of the other voices around you.


I don't care either way for what you say, merely how you say it, which is what I thought my entire previous post was about. Which is why I'm not breaking down your response and putting each part under a magnifying glass (I'm not objecting to your use of it at all by the way, I just think the argument would spiral and lose focus). I'm just saying "hey, you! The way you talk makes people think you're a dick."


You souldn't assume that my previous post is how I think of you in general. I recognise that your debating style is only a part of who you are. I am trying to point out that your form of reaction is provocative, and just as overreactive as anything else here.


I have friends that I respect that don't like BSG. They have the ability to put their views across in a way that I can respect and understand. if you don't call for respect then that's fine, but don't expect antipathy.


Sorry for the 'big words', but they're just more succinct.


All right. The problem is how I said it. I think it was mainly the fact I said I was bored of the theme. I said I found it boring, that it bored me, not that it was boring to everyone else, or that I'm too good to enjoy it. It was that it didn't cater to me, what's wrong with that?


And as far as the way saying things goes, do you not think your post had an insulting tone?



I don't see how.

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And as far as the way saying things goes, do you not think your post had an insulting tone?


It did, but it's fine because jayseven's more respected, and higher in the "chain".


I mean, if it were Daft who were saying (let's suspend disbelief for a moment) "BsG is shit", we'd all be like "I'm perplexed, but you're great, so it's fine". It's all about where we stand in life.


[/rude, but its true facts of the human nature.]

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It did, but it's fine because jayseven's more respected, and higher in the "chain".


I mean, if it were Daft who were saying (let's suspend disbelief for a moment) "BsG is shit", we'd all be like "I'm perplexed, but you're great, so it's fine". It's all about where we stand in life.


[/rude, but its true facts of the human nature.]

I get that. Doesn't mean I'll just sit here and take it because you all respect him. I'll fight either way. I don't care for respect.

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My post had a didyactic tone, so you would've found it insulting if you didn't think there was anything left to learn about manners and respect.


As for your desire to drag this out further with questions; I'm not an FAQ. I've said my piece, and I've made my peace.

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I get that. Doesn't mean I'll just sit here and take it because you all respect him. I'll fight either way. I don't care for respect.


Well fair enough, do what you feel like it would feel most right for you as a person would do.


My new bag is being true to yourself. What would your Cylon model unanimously decide to do?



[but realistically, that still means I hate the way you lie. Either way, deal with it.



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I get that. Doesn't mean I'll just sit here and take it because you all respect him. I'll fight either way. I don't care for respect.


Dude, I'm all for fighting your corner about having your own opinion but helping continue this bullshit analysis for over a page is not doing anyone's sanity any favours.


I think you have a right to not like BSG but to jump into a thread about liking it and trying to petrol bomb the floor is only going to get people's backs up. And yes it's all down to how you say it.


And if you don't respect anyone than can you please go away. We have enough of people banding around the "fuck all of yaz" attitude.


Now can we all STFU and get back on topic.

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I think a lot of you are being unnecessarily harsh on Diageo.

He came in here, said BSG didn't grab him, and explained why. You all said his reasons were shit. But they were his reasons. I think it's quite rude to basically say "your reasons are shit, BSG is amazing and that's that." It would be ok if you were saying "I like BSG because of this, shame it didn't catch on for you", but its more like "you're a shit person for not liking it." I actually don't blame him for getting defensive the way he was jumped on. He has a right to come in here, he started a debate, but the way that BSG lovers jumped on him I feel is very rude. All of you and Diageo are intelligent enough to have a decent debate. Instead we get people judging him and pretentious stuff like

I mean, if it were Daft who were saying (let's suspend disbelief for a moment) "BsG is shit", we'd all be like "I'm perplexed, but you're great, so it's fine". It's all about where we stand in life.


Chair, be pretentious all you like, I find it quite amusing most the time, but not when you are using it to insult people like this. I'm sure Diageo can take it, but doesn't mean it should be done.

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It did, but it's fine because jayseven's more respected, and higher in the "chain".


I mean, if it were Daft who were saying (let's suspend disbelief for a moment) "BsG is shit", we'd all be like "I'm perplexed, but you're great, so it's fine". It's all about where we stand in life.


[/rude, but its true facts of the human nature.]

This isn't strictly true, for some of us at least. Yes, there is a "chain" of respect or whatever you want to call it, but largely the position a given person has on this chain is based on their past history of having well argued reasons for what they say. So if, say, Daft were to say "BSG is shit," we'd assume he would have a good reason for saying so, as he's demonstrated clear justification for views he's put forward in the past. (It is, however, a little rude not to justify your opinion though, whoever you are.) Diageo, by contrast, has a reputation of saying controversial things and getting aggressive about them (which isn't necessarily true, but is definitely what people seem to think). So he has to work uphill to get his opinion heard. Unfortunately, as jayseven has pointed out, his reputation has been earned from having a style of argumentation that comes across as combative and insulting, so when he argues like this again, it just reinforces what people think of him. None of this necessarily has much to do with his actual views, which may or may not be less reasonable in general than those of others. Realistically, this probably varies on a case to case basis.


TL;DR: Diageo's reputation is low, but this is a direct result of his style of argumentation, and to be taken more seriously the first step is to argue better than those with higher reputations.


All that aside, I don't know how so many people dislike BSG, but several of my (literature studying) friends have complained that "no-one seems to care about the world ending," when watching the mini-series, and so given up. I'm not sure what people are supposed to do when they do care...

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Chair, be pretentious all you like, I find it quite amusing most the time, but not when you are using it to insult people like this. I'm sure Diageo can take it, but doesn't mean it should be done.


I'm just so bored of skivvying round the truth / being a normalised drone of a person.

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If you both respect each other [Chair and Daft], then you can say anything you want to each other. But if I don't respect you, then by your logic, it's not okay for you to say anything to me. If you think jayseven's tone was all right, then he could say it to you, but not to me because he's not higher than me in my chain. Right?


My post had a didyactic tone, so you would've found it insulting if you didn't think there was anything left to learn about manners and respect.


As for your desire to drag this out further with questions; I'm not an FAQ. I've said my piece, and I've made my peace.

You mean didactic?


You were specifically talking to me in a post. I was obviously going to answer you. And if you do want to be didactic, then answer my questions instead of getting bored, or sulking or whatever you are doing. I can't answer until you make me understand the problem and if you don't want to make me understand the problem then don't try to teach me.


And it's not mannerly to call someone childish, even if it is true.


Dude, I'm all for fighting your corner about having your own opinion but helping continue this bullshit analysis for over a page is not doing anyone's sanity any favours.


I think you have a right to not like BSG but to jump into a thread about liking it and trying to petrol bomb the floor is only going to get people's backs up. And yes it's all down to how you say it.


And if you don't respect anyone than can you please go away. We have enough of people banding around the "fuck all of yaz" attitude.


Now can we all STFU and get back on topic.

Feel free to get back on topic. If my posts are in the way, don't read them or ignore me. Post something related to BSG.


I told you I wasn't trying to petrol bomb anything, I was answering what people asked me, and responding to comments at me.


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Well to bring this thread screamingly back on topic and to steer away from a conversation about absolutely nothing; has anyone played the BSG online open beta yet?


There is a Mac but that is stopping me from being able to play it atm but its looking nice so far for a browser based game.

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