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Well I'm now level 32, 48 hours in (ish). Have done the companions, cival war, dark brotherhood, thieves guild and College questlines. Just started back on the main quest now.


It almost seems like there is never ending quests though! I go to a new place and end up with a few new quests! lol.


Was starting to get a little tired of this and the feeling of 'I just want to get this finished' but overall I am still enjoying it a lot! :)

you just finsihed the forbidden legend mission (the Gaulder amulet one)?


did you feel slightly disapointed in how poor the amulet finally was? especially when all the books etc tell of an amulet that was so powerful? felt like an anticlimax


I'm not exactly disappointed as the amulet is actually useful but I did expect more. All of the stuff you collect during the mission blew the amulet out of proportion but I'm still chuffed I did it.

I'm not exactly disappointed as the amulet is actually useful but I did expect more. All of the stuff you collect during the mission blew the amulet out of proportion but I'm still chuffed I did it.


I actually felt the amulet was pretty good: how many other items have a triple bonus right across the board? Besides, there was a shitload of good stuff to collect during those missions. But the Amulet was by far the best.

I actually felt the amulet was pretty good: how many other items have a triple bonus right across the board? Besides, there was a shitload of good stuff to collect during those missions. But the Amulet was by far the best.


Yeah, I like the amulet but the reading material you collected about it blew the thing out of proportion. I mean, it's not a colossal amount of points but it is good and it came in handy when fighting and you were low on health so I thank my stars I have it sometimes when I'm in that type of danger.

Posted (edited)
I actually felt the amulet was pretty good: how many other items have a triple bonus right across the board? Besides, there was a shitload of good stuff to collect during those missions. But the Amulet was by far the best.


I agree, the triple enchantments on the amulet gave it the edge in my opinion. My character is wearing it now, along with legendary Dragon Scale Armour, which I'm finding awesome!


I also came accross an interesting bug whilst looking for the Stones of Barenziah. I'd missed one in the Dwemer Museum, so I went back. However, I still had...

...Gallus's Encoded Journal...

...and the Hard Answers quest restarted. I'd killed all the guards, and the doors were unlocked, so it was easy to walk to the objective and complete it.


When I'd done that, I returned to where it told me to before and...


...Enthir and Karliah were there. The normal mission dialouge transpired and I ended up getting another Nightingale Blade! The stats on it were better too, as I'm a higher level.

Once that was all done, everything returned to normal. Wierd, but very advantageous

Edited by CoolFunkMan

Without even looking the other day, I picked up a soul gem. And suddenly the damn thing started speaking to me!


Well, when I say "speaking" more sort of "berating": kept yakking on about the time someone borrowed a few pennies from it but never gave them back, or once when it's underwear wasn't ironed properly by the maid at a hotel and how a while back it got a funny look from a cat and that it thought cats should all be burned alive as a result.


So I actually took a look at the thing, and it turns out it was a Petty Soul Gem.


Can't remember where i am, last check i was doing the Mage college missions, training up to become my desired character. A combo of a mage and master swordsman. A good combo i believe, along with skills in archery.


I'm 40 hours into my second play through (clocked up 200 on my first run). Just picked up the completed Gauldur Amulet, the quest wasn't as much of a grind as I remember it to have been last time.


I decided to pick a side this time round and join Ulfric, though I really do think he is just in it for his own personal gain rather than the benefit of Skyrim.


I really regret joining Ulfric. The game initially sways you quite cleverly towards his side because the Empire initially do try and kill you etc. Turns out the 'noble rebellion' as advertised is home to racists and extremists - chief amongst them being Ulfric himself.


I think I'll see it through anyway just to see how it goes but my next run is definitely Imperial.


Being with Ulfric as a dark elf is fun, openly being told elves are scum to your face.


There was no way I would side with a faction that tried to chop my head off 10 minutes before.


Plus, you kill the emperor in the Dark Brotherhood, so it really doesn't make any sense.



So i thought i had finished the dark brotherhood story when:


Astrid betrayed me!!!!



So onto the next mission :P


Must be near the thieves guild end aswell:


Just found out that Mercer Fray is a lying cheating bastard!



Then il do the compainions missions, and i think i need to:


Release a dragon in the main mission now!



I think im around 70-80% done with the main missions, im 55 hours in and level 42. Pretty much nothing touches me anymore except for rooms full of hardcore mages :/ But i have enough potions now to deal with anything :D

So i thought i had finished the dark brotherhood story when:


Astrid betrayed me!!!!



I just had that, I mean... holy shit! What the fuck?!!!


Oh well maybe:


killing the emperor will make me feel better.


So it took me 72 hours and ahalf hours but I have unlocked all the achievements! :hehe:


Whereas I'm about 100 hours in and haven't really played the main quest yet :heh:


One of us is doing it wrong...

Whereas I'm about 100 hours in and haven't really played the main quest yet :heh:


One of us is doing it wrong...




When I got around 40 hours in (I think) I started to get a little bored of helping everyone out, exploring and doing random stuff so I switched to 'achievement mode' whereas I went and did the main campaign and finished the other quest lines that I hadn't done and just concentrated on doing what was needed for cheevos. The Daedric quests took awhile, some of them were simple and straight forward...others not so much!


I have lots of every games I need to get buying and playing! :p


Well patch 1.4 has now released! I feel like the stars have aligned for me to finally start this game, pretty much finished RAGE the other night just tiny bit to do, the weathers shit and it's half term next week! What better time to bunker in clock up some serious hours on Skyrim!


It fixes the following problems:




Skyrim launcher support for Skyrim Workshop (PC)



•General optimizations for memory and performance.

•Fixed occasional issue with armor and clothing not displaying properly when placed on mannequins in player's house (PS3).

•Long term play optimizations for memory and performance (PS3).

•Improved compiler optimization settings (PC).

•Memory optimizations related to scripting.

•Fixed issue with dangling scripts not properly clearing from memory.

•Fixed crashes related to pathing and AI.

•Fixed crash in "Haemar's Shame" if player had already completed "A Daedra's Best Friend".

•Fixed rare crash with loading saved games.

•Fixed issue with accented characters not displaying properly at the end of a line.

•Fixed issue where dragon priest masks would not render correctly.

•Fixed issue where quests would incorrectly progress after reloading a save.

•Fixed issues with placing and removing books from bookshelves in the player's home.

•Optimized bookshelf script in player-owned houses that would occasionally block other scripts from properly firing off.

•Fixed issue where weapon racks and plaques would not work correctly in player's house if player immediately visits their house before purchasing any upgrades.

•Fixed issue where the player house in Windhelm would not clean up properly.

•Fixed crash related to giant attacks and absorb spells.

•Fixed issue with ash piles not cleaning up properly.

•Fixed occasional issue where overwriting an existing save would fail.

•Fixed memory crash with container menu.

•Fixed infinite loop with bookshelves.

•Fixed issue where transforming back to human from werewolf would occasionally fail.

•Bows and daggers will display properly when placed on weapon racks.

•Fixed occasional audio issue that would play sound effects louder than intended.

•Fixed bug related to hitching between cell boundaries.

•Master Criminal achievement/trophy unlocks properly in French, German, Spanish and Italian.

•Fixed issue where traps in Shalidor's Maze would not work properly in French, German, Spanish and Italian versions.



•The Unusual Gem that was inside the Thalmor Embassy is now accessible after finishing "Diplomatic Immunity".

•In "Breaching Security", the quest token is no longer required to receive a fortune reading from Olava the Feeble.

•Fixed issue where Galmar would not complete Joining the Stormcloaks properly if "Season Unending" was an active quest.

•Fixed issue where starting "Season Unending" after finishing "Joining the Stormcloaks" would prevent "The Jagged Crown" from starting properly.

•Fixed issue where progressing through "Message to Whiterun" while "Season Unending" was still open would block progression for both quests.

•In "Arniel's Endeavor", fixed issue where a quest journal would trigger multiple times.

•In "Forbidden Legend", the amulet fragment can no longer disappear after player leaves a dungeon without taking it.

•Fixed rare issue in "Forbidden Legend" where killing Mikrul Gauldurson while sneaking would make his corpse unaccessible.

•In "The White Phial", the phial can no longer disappear if player leaves dungeon without taking it.

• "The White Phial" will now start properly if player already has a briar heart in their inventory.

•Player can no longer get stuck in Misty Grove after completing "A Night to Remember" .

•Fixed issue where leaving Riften during "A Chance Arrangement" would prevent quest from progressing.

•In "Darkness Returns", a door in Twilight Sepulcher will properly open if the player leaves the dungeon for an extended period of time before completing the quest.

•In "Revealing the Unseen", if the player leaves the Oculory for an extended period of time after placing the focusing crystal and returns, the quest will proceed correctly.

• "Onmund's Request" will now start properly if player has already found Enthir's staff before receiving this quest.

•Fixed instance where Tonilia would stop buying stolen items and also would not give Guild Leader Armor.

• "Repairing the Phial" will start properly if player already has unmelting snow or mammoth tusk in their inventory.

•Finding Pantea's Flute before speaking with Pantea no longer prevents her quest from updating.

•In "The Break of Dawn", fixed rare instance where a quest object would spawn incorrectly on the Katariah during Hail Sithis.

•Fixed rare issue in "The Mind of Madness" where player is unable to equip the Wabbajack.

•Fixed issue in "Pieces of the Past" where Mehrunes Dagon's Razor will not trigger properly if player leaves the cell for extended period of time before activating it.

• "Blood's Honor" will start properly if you visited and completed Driftshade and an extended period of time passes before starting the quest. .

•Fixed rare issue where "Dampened Spirits" would not start properly.

•Fixed issue where player would be unable to become Thane of Riften if they purchased a home first.

•Fixed issue where killing guards in Cidhna Mine would block progression for "No One Escapes Cidhna Mine" .

•Fixed numerous issues with "Blood on the Ice" not triggering properly.

•In "Blood on the Ice", Calixto can now be killed if player owns a house in Windhelm.

•In "The Cure for Madness", killing Cicero then resurrecting him no longer impedes quest progress.

•Fixed rare issue in "To Kill an Empire" where an NPC would fail to die properly.

•Clearing Knifepoint Ridge before starting "Boethiah's Champion" no longer prevents quest from starting.


I've literally seen none of those bugs :blank:


The only bug I've actually had is this lute... which I found without being told to. I finished the quest but she didn't take the lute off me, now I'm permanently carrying this 5 weight lute and can't drop it.


the only bug i ever had was to do with the temple of kinareth quest in windhelm, where you have to go to that forest cave with netlebane and get some sap to restore the tree in whiterun. a guy is meant to go with you, he give an alternate way to complete the quest, and he disappeared when entering the cave and i've not seen him since. I've heard tales he drops from the sky randomly



did anyone see games radar's feature on what mods/extras that besthada created after releasing the game? perk tree's on level up for vampires and were wolfs were some highlights as was kinetic controlled shouts and......DRAGON MOUNTS


its speculated given their effort (and fan enthusiasm for them) that most will become part of any dlc



Skip to 2:15.


Cube i could kiss you!


the video's are far better than Gamesradar's pictures


the guys reasoning after i agree with most, dragon mounts might be hard for the 360 (flying for instance) and would probably only work on high end PC's


but the subtle environement changes, and kill cams could come in an update


i'd like the vampire and werewolf perks adding in some dlc, morrowind had blood moon and skyrim already has werewolves so it seems logical that they include them especially considering how poor weres become in the game due to the complete lack of defense.


Thing is, half of this stuff has already been created by the modders. Not as accomplished, granted, but that was without the tools that Bethesda have used, and only just recently provided.


EDIT: oh and first dlc has been released. It was high resolution textures which i *think* is for the PC only.

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