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Mass Effect 3


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True, least in with Matrix they DID give us a third film to explain it all in detail!


Yeh that was my point with Reloaded :). Imagine leaving it as The One as an actual joke with no purpose after spending the entire of the first 2 films saying the contrary.

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OMG moar dlc characters for ME3 Multiplayer leaked!


Today has been leaked the new MP Characters DLC named "Revenge Pack", and brings to our multiplayer this new amazing playable characters for free!






Everyone loves Krogan, so here we got another overpowered Krogan!


- He can throw biotic fireballs from his mouth causing massive damage with no refresh-time.


- 2000 health and 3000 shields at level 1.


- As a Krogan shaman, you can't pick a name when creating the character







The Hannar are angry with the Reapers for killing the Protheans, and the time for revenge has come.


- You can use two weapons at once, one with each front tentacle.


- They start with a Carniflex and a Paladin when created.


- You can only name them "This one" when creating character.


- Their melee attack is replaced with a constriction with their tentacles. It can be used even with shielded/armored enemies.


- At the Japanese version, the tentacles are censored.







They were intended to fight in this war from the beginning, but their slow-walking caused them being late.


- As a tank character, they have 6000 health and 10000 armor from the beginning!


- They can't equip weapons, they use their mounted dual-miniguns and missile-battery instead.


- They are very slow walking, but with every step they cause a little earthquake wich knocks enemies.


- They can perform Hamlet as a special power.


- Other players can mount them.







They have waited for this moment. Now, Volus can use all their deity powers at 100%. The galaxy will now know the true powerful power of the most advanced race.


- They have the most powerful biotics of all MP characters.


- Their power reload time is only 0,50 sec.


- When melee-killing an enemy, they detonate a biotic explosion wich instantly kills all surrounding enemies.


- They can only sprint for 3 seconds, then they have to take breath.




NOTE: As you can see at this awesomely drawn pictures it's obvious this isn't fake, so do not rage!

Edited by Deathjam
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Looking forward to the Elcor and Hanar.


For those who care:


You can still get the PC exclusive sniper rifle.


As for my late reaction to the “extended cut”.. I doubt it’ll give me my blue babies.


Oh and the patch.. It still doesn’t work completely. My recreated face actually wasn't that far of from what it imported. It’s a matter of changes in the artwork and 3D models I guess.. It’ll never look completely the same.


When the extended cut is releasede I’ll do another playthrough with my imported Shep, and get the very few things I missed first time around.

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Finally got to the end of this thing. I very much liked the ending, though I completely understand how it threw a lot of people the wrong way.


I chose to destroy all synthetic life (including the Geth and EDI), not trusting the Reapers and seeing it as the only means of guaranteeing they would never return, for the sake of any future life anywhere at all. I felt and do feel really super bad and even slightly disturbed about it. After reading up on the other choices I understand now it was pretty much the wrong one. Really worked in a very dark & tragic way in my Shep's whole story through the trilogy though.


I also really, really loved that "eternity" scene Liara shares with you before the final assault. She was my romance in the 1st before going with Tali. I know she stands with you that way what ever the back story is, but there was something about that just fit perfectly - a final intimate moment with an old lover and a dear friend.




Edited by gaggle64
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On the ending.


I like the ideas it dealt with. The idea that winning the battle comes down to your interpretation to the solution of the "reaper problem" is I think what they had in mind all along.


I don't buy most of the stuff in the "10 things we hate" video as actual plotholes. The circular argumentation he refers to isn't really true, the civilisation that created the reapers is just using a utilitarian basis with an eternity focused perspective. It's like how Sovereign mentioned in the first game that they end advanced civilisation at the apex of its glory. Their reasoning is that it's "all downhill from there" once the fight against machines start, and hence they quickly intervene and reset, to offer, in their eyes, more time in the universe for life to live with hope and more peace. If I was to look further in, perhaps they see it as a bleak future for organic life and only with that reset, can they always live with hope.


Of course the assumption is that the history of those who were responsible for this is the basis of their decisions and they didn't witness anything like the Geth Conflict ending. However, perhaps they did, but then also saw that it didn't work out. I see the "middle" ending as the one that represents belief in unity though. You can say that it eliminates diversity and that this it's counter-intuitive and it's true that it's hard to argue against it eliminating differences in genetics and that this could be analogous to many things. I don't think this is anti-diversity as a whole so much though as simply a practical solution for the synthetics issue in particular, which is what it was created to solve. It is true that the Geth and Quarians found peace and that we like this kind of theme, but it's also true that we have no empirical evidence of it working out in the long-run.


In regards to the "kill all synthetics" being the only one where Shephard can like, survive (if you can call that surviving), I guess that happens because it represents the ending where you consider the survival of organic life the only thing that's important.


Anyway the only real issue for me is the lack of diversity in terms of what your previous decisions do. I don't expect to see every war asset being used, but I did expect it to be equivalent to ME2's ending in terms of "If I have a key asset, it'll save some lives" and so forth. I'm glad that at least everyone that was alive for me was still there, that I got last conversations with them and I liked all the depth to the interaction with them throughout the game. However, they did promise a more customised ending. I'm fine with the end conclusion decisions being made at the moment and not determined by everything else, but I think the final battle should've been more customisable.


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  • 5 weeks later...

I left this for a while, just in case Bioware released the new endings as such. (Apologies for the bump)


My thoughts


Finally being able to shoot the Illusive Man was sugar to my lips. Idiotic moron, but finding out that he was right about trying to control the Reapers did make me think. I knew my plan, and that was to destroy the Reapers no matter what. Which i did. Upon hearing on how bad the ending was, obviously i had to see it for myself. All i can say is wtf was that. Expected the weapon to be used, got the "blue" light ending. Upon reading later on the net, it says that the crew members you see getting off the Normandy in the Destruction ending are the ones who were in the last mission with you. Bull, i picked Garrus and Javik in the end. So why did Ashley and Tali get off the ship.


Shepard died in my ending, due to not having enough Galactic readiness (short by 300). And upon watching the perfect ending, only seeing what was probably left of Shepard move slightly was un-expected. I felt let down in a way, i was expecting it to be a little mixed of ME1 and ME2. And with the final scene on the planet with the kid and his grandfather (who sounds like Illusive man), could be a sign of a new era of Mass Effect. A non-Shepard era, i think we've seen enough of that era.



And didn't i read somewhere that Bioware asked us to keep our save files from 3?. If thats the case, mines vanished


It's gone back to before i attacked the Illusive Man's base, maybe the DLC fits between this mission and the next. Basically, if i want to do the end again, i need to go into his base (again) and do the whole Earth mission again.



Maybe i'll wait until the DLC gets here before i do this

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I left this for a while, just in case Bioware released the new endings as such. (Apologies for the bump)


My thoughts


Finally being able to shoot the Illusive Man was sugar to my lips. Idiotic moron, but finding out that he was right about trying to control the Reapers did make me think. I knew my plan, and that was to destroy the Reapers no matter what. Which i did. Upon hearing on how bad the ending was, obviously i had to see it for myself. All i can say is wtf was that. Expected the weapon to be used, got the "blue" light ending. Upon reading later on the net, it says that the crew members you see getting off the Normandy in the Destruction ending are the ones who were in the last mission with you. Bull, i picked Garrus and Javik in the end. So why did Ashley and Tali get off the ship.


Shepard died in my ending, due to not having enough Galactic readiness (short by 300). And upon watching the perfect ending, only seeing what was probably left of Shepard move slightly was un-expected. I felt let down in a way, i was expecting it to be a little mixed of ME1 and ME2. And with the final scene on the planet with the kid and his grandfather (who sounds like Illusive man), could be a sign of a new era of Mass Effect. A non-Shepard era, i think we've seen enough of that era.



And didn't i read somewhere that Bioware asked us to keep our save files from 3?. If thats the case, mines vanished


It's gone back to before i attacked the Illusive Man's base, maybe the DLC fits between this mission and the next. Basically, if i want to do the end again, i need to go into his base (again) and do the whole Earth mission again.



Maybe i'll wait until the DLC gets here before i do this


Some stuff:



1. If your plan was to destroy the reapers, why did you go and get the blue "control" ending, aka the one where you believe the Illusive man's idea was right? Unless you meant to type Red?


2. The ones getting off the Normandy aren't supposed to be the ones on the mission with you. However the ones on the mission with you CAN get off the Normandy, which is what people find weird/find to be a plothole. It isn't always them though.


3. I don't think the end part is a sign of the future of Mass Effect, it's just to show that time moved on and that future generations survived, able to tell and hear stories of how "The Shepard" saved the universe. I'd expect future games to just be across random points in the Mass Effect universe, much like Star Wars games. E.g., games based on the Rachni Wars. Also, the voice actor of the old man is Buzz Aldrin, the 2nd guy on the moon after Neil Armstrong.


4. You are to keep your save, yeah, but they meant for future DLC. The game always reverts to your last save before the Cerberus base, because after that point the game is irreversibly changed (you cant return to the Citadel). Also, after the ending Shepard is dead, there's no Mass Relays and the Normandy is stranded, so they cant just stick you back in the game after that point and let you fly around the universe.


Edited by James McGeachie
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Some stuff:



1. If your plan was to destroy the reapers, why did you go and get the blue "control" ending, aka the one where you believe the Illusive man's idea was right? Unless you meant to type Red?


2. The ones getting off the Normandy aren't supposed to be the ones on the mission with you. However the ones on the mission with you CAN get off the Normandy, which is what people find weird/find to be a plothole. It isn't always them though.


3. I don't think the end part is a sign of the future of Mass Effect, it's just to show that time moved on and that future generations survived, able to tell and hear stories of how "The Shepard" saved the universe. I'd expect future games to just be across random points in the Mass Effect universe, much like Star Wars games. E.g., games based on the Rachni Wars. Also, the voice actor of the old man is Buzz Aldrin, the 2nd guy on the moon after Neil Armstrong.


4. You are to keep your save, yeah, but they meant for future DLC. The game always reverts to your last save before the Cerberus base, because after that point the game is irreversibly changed (you cant return to the Citadel). Also, after the ending Shepard is dead, there's no Mass Relays and the Normandy is stranded, so they cant just stick you back in the game after that point and let you fly around the universe.


I went the "Red Route", but got the blue background on Earth showing the Reapers were dead and Earth saved. And doing the game again to get the Shepard alive ending



Started a second play to get more achievements, but taking my time due to potential DLC coming soon.

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Leaked information:


Mass Effect 3: Earth:

The fighting is fiercest when it's your home at stake! Mass Effect 3™: Earth adds mods, gear, and new maps for Rio, Vancouver, and London. It features 3 new weapons: Piranha assault shotgun, Acolyte pistol, and Typhoon light machine gun. Six new human N7 classes are also available: Destroyer, Paladin, Demolisher, Slayer, Shadow, and Fury!


Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut:

An expanded ending for Mass Effect 3. Additional scenes and an extended epilogue reveal the impact of Shepard's choices on the future of the galaxy.

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More DLC for multiplayer, nice! Although, I've only managed to get one thing from the Rebellion pack so far, the Reegar Carbine which is awesome. Essentially a flamethrower that shoots electrics and cuts through shields and barriers so easily. Great for use on Bronze, not so much elsewhere.


Glad they incorporated an object recovery objective in that DLC as the multiplayer was beginning to get stale, although that hasn't really alleviated the problem. Wish they'd alter how you unlock weapons/characters as the packs aren't a great idea from a gamer perspective (great for the developers as it appears people are willing to spend MS points on packs in the hope of unlocking things which is ludicrous) but it's unlikely to happen sadly.


And I'd suspect that the Extended Cut will probably arrive in late August. They said summer but it's likely they'll push it out right at the end of summer.

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Shame, they need to improve the multiplayer. It's the same style of play, 3 rounds before a special round. Add team-based deathmatch or something would be sweet (unless i've overlooked that)


Still, the endings will be much improved.

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More DLC for multiplayer, nice! Although, I've only managed to get one thing from the Rebellion pack so far, the Reegar Carbine which is awesome. Essentially a flamethrower that shoots electrics and cuts through shields and barriers so easily. Great for use on Bronze, not so much elsewhere.


Gun is next to ridiculous on gold, just got to manage the lack of ammunition and the extremely short range very well.

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Gun is next to ridiculous on gold, just got to manage the lack of ammunition and the extremely short range very well.


It is a great gun if you know when/how to use it and the level layout. Took down a Geth Prime on my own on silver on Firebase Goddess with two clips :D Was beautiful. But yeah, lack of ammo and short range, as well as weight, are a bit of an issue. You really have to double it up with something and even with the Avenger, you're still down at about 60% recharge speed for powers which isn't great if you're needed for setting up tech or biotic explosions which I have heard is pretty necessary on Gold. Probably not useful putting it on a Turian Sentinel who is specced for crowd control.


Haven't made the move up to Gold myself yet as I haven't gotten the upgrades to weapons that I need or the item slot upgrades to make it manageable. Not sure if I'll bother either as you really need a group of friends for that setup. Silver on some maps with randoms can be ridiculously difficult if they're not using the right weapons or characters (such as people using human vanguards and constantly dying :nono:)

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It is a great gun if you know when/how to use it and the level layout. Took down a Geth Prime on my own on silver on Firebase Goddess with two clips :D Was beautiful. But yeah, lack of ammo and short range, as well as weight, are a bit of an issue. You really have to double it up with something and even with the Avenger, you're still down at about 60% recharge speed for powers which isn't great if you're needed for setting up tech or biotic explosions which I have heard is pretty necessary on Gold. Probably not useful putting it on a Turian Sentinel who is specced for crowd control.


Haven't made the move up to Gold myself yet as I haven't gotten the upgrades to weapons that I need or the item slot upgrades to make it manageable. Not sure if I'll bother either as you really need a group of friends for that setup. Silver on some maps with randoms can be ridiculously difficult if they're not using the right weapons or characters (such as people using human vanguards and constantly dying :nono:)


If you get the Reegar to X weight becomes a non-issue as it's lighter than most of the other really good shotguns like the Graal and GPS. If you know the maps well, you can just run around the map, killing enemies and running to a nearby ammo box, and not have a second weapon. There will be times you run out of ammo, but I generally tend to use the weapon on a class that doesn't mind getting in close like a Krogan Vanguard, so if I do run out, can just use powers and melee.


As for gold, it's much easier with friends, yes, but I often do it with randoms which gives the game a sort of extra excitement in that you really cant tell how you are going to do. Although it can be equally frustrating when your teammates are terribad.

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