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I was really gutted to hear she'd died, far more so than for the deaths of two major characters just before. The latter had a send off, chose how they wanted to go out, but Kelly didn't even get a cutscene, I just heard two NPCs talking about it. Whilst likely not intentional, the glibness of her passing made it hit home more than the cinematic deaths.


Across the games I saved everyone I could, she was the only crew member I failed. However, it can be avoided...


Oooo, how?


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Who else did you guys lose then?


As with Kelly I was actually suprised how sad I was when Thane died, even though he was the one I pretty much knew was coming. Legion I was sad to say I didnt really care about his death.


Grunt.....I was sad for a minute until his awesome return. Got to be one of the best moments in the game when he runs out of the cave after you think he died


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Oooo, how?

If you talk to her prior to the Cerberus invasion one of the dialogue options is to suggest she changes her identity; I almost selected that but went for the 'Paragon' option instead although I can't remember what it is. If you do that apparently she survives.


On a somewhat related note, Samantha Traynor is one of my favourite new characters. I found the conversations with her to be really natural and helped Shepard seem more human, less like a cypher.



Mordin sacrificed himself on Tuchanka in order to release the genophage. It was really well handled and I didn't feel bad about it; he made his choice and it fit the character perfectly.


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If you talk to her prior to the Cerberus invasion one of the dialogue options is to suggest she changes her identity; I almost selected that but went for the 'Paragon' option instead although I can't remember what it is. If you do that apparently she survives.



On a somewhat related note, Samantha Traynor is one of my favourite new characters. I found the conversations with her to be really natural and helped Shepard seem more human, less like a cypher.


I kept expecting her to be working for the Illusive Man or something. She just seemed a bit too perfect.


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Having Wrex temporally back on the team, he's been missed from my sqaud. Even though it's only temporary, it's still nice.



Wouldn't mind doing some multiplayer tomorrow night, say from 9pm. Looking for some peeps who know how to play as a team, compared to the recent people i've played with. No wonder we lost very match.

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It's a shame the ending has clouded most of the discussion for the game. There have been some other rather daft plot moments I wanted to discuss, but it seems like it'll be irrelevant now.


So instead I'll just say that I absolutely love the combat. Seriously the most fun I've had in action sequences for a long time. Setting off Liara's Singularity and then following it up with a double Throw, which explodes in a 'biotic combo'. All this without ever really breaking your stride, and moving straight onto the next enemy with well controlled assault rifle fire. Great stuff.


Most of the time I have Garrus and Liara on my squad, with Warp and Anti-armour Ammo set to apply to the whole squad. I love bringing down the Atlases using Warp ammo, overload, grenades and mines, then switching to armour based attacks when the shield's gone down.


There are some annoying bits too. It bugs me that once an engineer has started the turret deployment animation, it's fixed that the turret will come up. Left to his own devices, you'll see the engineer pressing buttons and preparing the gun. So why is it that if you kill him the moment he grabs it, the turret can still deploy anyway?


I chose to play the game on Hardcore, even though I started on Normal (didn't remember to set my difficulty before I started, so I won't get the achievement, but starting a game at level 30 on Normal was just too damn easy). I'm definitely glad I did, but those turrets could be a real pain early on.

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It's a shame the ending has clouded most of the discussion for the game. There have been some other rather daft plot moments I wanted to discuss, but it seems like it'll be irrelevant now.


So instead I'll just say that I absolutely love the combat. Seriously the most fun I've had in action sequences for a long time. Setting off Liara's Singularity and then following it up with a double Throw, which explodes in a 'biotic combo'. All this without ever really breaking your stride, and moving straight onto the next enemy with well controlled assault rifle fire. Great stuff.


Most of the time I have Garrus and Liara on my squad, with Warp and Anti-armour Ammo set to apply to the whole squad. I love bringing down the Atlases using Warp ammo, overload, grenades and mines, then switching to armour based attacks when the shield's gone done.


There are some annoying bits too. It bugs me that once an engineer has started the turret deployment animation, it's fixed that the turret will come up. Left to his own devices, you'll see the engineer pressing buttons and preparing the gun. So why is it that if you kill him the moment he grabs it, the turret can still deploy anyway?


I chose to play the game on Hardcore, even though I started on Normal (didn't remember to set my difficulty before I started, so I won't get the achievement, but starting a game at level 30 on Normal was just too damn easy). I'm definitely glad I did, but those turrets could be a real pain early on.


Are you me?! That's exactly how I play the game, same crew members and same tactics.

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The only thing more awesome is a Drell's adept melee attack in the multiplayer.


Speaking of which,


Was anyone else really disappointed at the lack of reaction to Thane's death? I know nobody from the original crew really knew him, but it would've been nice to get some words of sympathy from a single person somewhere. Shepard's own reaction was also a bit... minimal.


At least he got to go out fighting though, not spending his last days slowly dying in the hospital.


Random side note: There are some inconsistencies in the story. You can do missions before you should be able to. I had Shepard talking about Crucible before Hackett had actually said what it was called.


Edit: @Happenstance - ha, ok, some standout ones so far:


Why do I let Thane fight alone? He's half dead for crying out loud, and since when do I use a crappy pistol like that? I could've easily taken out Kai Leng. When he's on top of the car, I also use a pistol. Fuck that, I would overload his shields then throw him off!


I may be jumping to conclusions here, but surely the Citadel itself is going to be instrumental in defeating the Reapers. Why else would Cerberus attack? It looks like it opens up, maybe it's even the catalyst. If I can think of this, the galaxy's brightest should be able to. Please don't comment on whether I'm right or not, without at least second level of spoiler tags!


Only Mordin could do that? He just pressed a few buttons! A robot, drone or VI could've done that. EDI could've done it, sacrificing her robot shell. Even if he needed to think on the spot, he could've done it via video feed.


The way Kaiden thinks you're the bad guy when you come bursting out of the elevator is a joke. I just re-established trust with him on Mars, came to visit him all the time in the hospital... he has no reason to trust Udina over you. Guy's always been a scumbag.


Sacrificing Aralakh company for the Queen or vice versa, I can see how they love forcing these decisions on you, but you could shoot the device holding the queen over a minute earlier, then order Aralakh to fall back. The company would definitely survive and there would be a chance of the queen surviving. This really bugged me as they were forcing an illogical ultimatum.


I'm sure there's more but I didn't make note :heh:

I've loved most of the rest of the game, the story included, but since you asked me to mention the bits that have bugged me, there they are....

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The only thing more awesome is a Drell's adept melee attack in the multiplayer.


Speaking of which,

Was anyone else really disappointed at the lack of reaction to Thane's death? I know nobody from the original crew really knew him, but it would've been nice to get some words of sympathy from a single person somewhere. Shepard's own reaction was also a bit... minimal.


At least he got to go out fighting though, not spending his last days slowly dying in the hospital.



Random side note: There are some inconsistencies in the story. You can do missions before you should be able to. I had Shepard talking about Crucible before Hackett had actually said what it was called.


Did your Thane die straight away in the fight then? Mine got stabbed but carried on fighting for a bit and then I went to the hospital later and was there with his son while he died and we both said a prayer. It was actually quite nicely done.


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The game is still more of a shooter than an RPG but the story is so much better than the second game.


:blank: I'll pass for now. I thought Bioware brought back more of the RPG elements.


The story had to be better than the second one, because it was really crap. And from what I've read the ending of Mass Effect 3 seems to annoy a lot of people...


Will wait for a price drop.

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Did your Thane die straight away in the fight then? Mine got stabbed but carried on fighting for a bit and then I went to the hospital later and was there with his son while he died and we both said a prayer. It was actually quite nicely done.

No, it was the same, I agree that it was nicely done. It's not his actual death that I thought was weakly delivered. Rather, the reactions afterwards. Once you've left the hospital and maybe chatted to some of your team or returned to the Normandy, I thought someone would have something to say about it.


His name has even been added to the memorial on the Normandy, which Garrus stands right beside to comment on the dead, and neither of you bring up Thane. Garrus fought alongside him in the second game, he was even my Femshep's fling in ME2, yet no reaction from any of my squad...


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No, it was the same, I agree that it was nicely done. It's not his actual death that I thought was weakly delivered. Rather, the reactions afterwards. Once you've left the hospital and maybe chatted to some of your team or returned to the Normandy, I thought some people would have something to say about it.


Yeah thats fair enough. I had moments as well where I just wished there was more reaction to choices id made or things that had just happened. I remember Garrus standing at the death list at one point, not sure if he mentions Thane when you talk to him.


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I think I wanted more mention of relationship choices as well. Having chosen that I got with Ashley in ME1 using the genesis comic it would have been nice if she'd made some comment about Shepard now being with Miranda in my playthrough.


Speaking of Ashley, I can only hope that if you choose her as your romance option shes more interesting because in my game apart from the beginning she was pretty pointless. Barely any proper conversations, just a couple of words when you selected her.

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His name has even been added to the memorial on the Normandy, which Garrus stands right beside to comment on the dead, and neither of you bring up Thane. Garrus fought alongside him in the second game, he was even my Femshep's fling in ME2, yet no reaction from any of my squad...


One thing that annoyed me that after Mordin's death, you go back to the ship and have your nightmare. When asked who I was thinking about I have the choice between "All of them" and "Kaiden". I was like...WTF? I didn't give a shit about Kaiden - out of all the possible deaths in the entire franchise, he's the one I care the smallest about. On top of this I'm on the verge of tears because Mordin just died. Why can't I say that I was thinking about the person who has just sacrificed himself?


And I agree about Thane, that nobody else mentioned it. Even Kelly gets mentioned by the two engineers.



I really want to focus on the more positive aspects to. Like Shorty said, the combat is great. The biotic charge ability is even better than in ME3 and doing that while finishing off enemies in the few seconds of slo-mo after it is great. I was also surprised you can still do it on enemies who have been pulled into the air by other squadmates.


Although I always choose squad members who I think could have the most interesting things to say about the mission.


Despite the massive issues I have with the very end - Mass Effect 3 is still in my top five favourite games. I really want to stress that.

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man too many spoilers i think i skipped most of the page!


Multiplayer is really good, although i had an amazing team last night with two others!

disloyalsquid i think was one guy....anyway me him and this other bloke were in multiplayer, we always started with 4 players but the spare always dropped out leaving us three to complete rounds


we went through 4 full games to the end, and on the last one i had huge amounts of kills etc and had to do round 9 on my own because they got killed by a brute and banshee - i couldn't get close for a revive! but round ten started and we had to get an upload, then suddenly everyone froze....

I wandered round for 2 or 3 min then boom disconnected


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Yeah, multiplayer is fantastic. As long as you get a half decent team there's a real sense of comradery. The sub-objectives keep it fresh and keep you from hiding in the same place, and the powers work really well. The adept melee is seriously cool.


I had a game a couple of days back in which I was one of the lowest level on the team, there were a bunch of phantoms/nemesis and I was the only one left. Being the lowest level meant most enemies were quite above me. We were on wave 7 or 8 so I did not want to let my team down :heh: There were too many enemies around to risk reviving my teammates so I had to take it slow, using reave and sniper rifle headshots, and camping near ammo to restock grenades. Took me a good few minutes to finish the round, but I like to think the other 3 players were very happy when I managed it :p

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Only Mordin could do that? He just pressed a few buttons! A robot, drone or VI could've done that. EDI could've done it, sacrificing her robot shell. Even if he needed to think on the spot, he could've done it via video feed.

Had to be him. Someone else might have gotten it wrong.


Would have liked to run tests on seashells. :sad:


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