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Was having a trip down nostalgia lane on YouTube, and it's amazing how many of these ads I can still quote word for word. I wonder if, in 20 years time, we'll remember the (currently annoying) GO COMPARE ads in the same way?


So, get on YouTube and post those ads you remember as a kid, from toys to choccie biscuits, go nuts. We should get a good mix here with some oldies, like me and Mr Odwin (sorry fellow old timer!) to you younger lot.





They drink it in the Congo apparently



I'll be your dog



Robin Hood



And my absolute favourite, remember watching it in stitches as a kid!



haha I remember those adverts (except the carling one). I loved the armadillo one when I was younger, it always made me laugh. Never knew it was Harry Enfield until now though.



Old Trio adverts. They were the nicest chocolate bar ever. Discontinued now though I think :(

Posted (edited)

I don't exactly want to bring the mood down already, but this is an advert that I still remember from when I was young. To be honest, I found it pretty scary back then.. particularly the guy with the long hair entering the pub :eek:



I would imagine most of you will never have seen it :indeed:

Edited by nekunando

Stop posting Youtube videos! I can't view them because of this backward country and their irrational fear of the internet!


uh... I mean...


Four Legs Good, Two Legs Bad!




Anyway, I loved Trio toffee bars... TRIIII-O TRIIIIIIO!



Sorry Iun ;)



I thought this advert was brilliant, can't believe it got banned

This advert has been banned by the A.S.A. in the U.K and Republic of Ireland, this is due to 700 complaints recieved because this ad made some viewers physically sick.


For those of you who can't see youtube for whatever reason it's a chewing gum featuring a dog coming out of a man's mouth


Anyway, I loved Trio toffee bars... TRIIII-O TRIIIIIIO!...


... I want a Trio and I want one NOW! :D




Except, you can't buy them anymore...afaik... :(

Posted (edited)
1996?! It shocks me that the Lurpak advert is that old :eek: Where is the time going..? ::shrug:
I know, scary isn't it!!


This Milky Way ads recently made a comeback, but this is the older longer version... and from a better time when Milky Ways used to be chocolate coloured on the inside!




Edited by Retro_Link

Toy adverts mainly stay in my memory...


Mr Frosty - "Mr Frosty He's such fun, he makes treats for everyone!"41EAWSFYYTL._AA280_.jpg



Mr Bucket -"Mr Bucket, fire's ball from my mouth..... Mr Bucket... Buckets of fun" - 0.jpg

Argh, this one was everywhere, and kids at school kept doing it with their own Jaffa cakes :( After watching the video again, I've noticed that the woman looks slightly psychotic...

The problem is that it's actually full moon, crescent moon, and new moon. That always annoyed me. :heh:

After watching the video again, I've noticed that the woman looks slightly psychotic...


Slightly!!!!. She must be evil, no teacher would tease the pupils with chocolate like that.

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