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Iron Man 3


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I finally got around to seeing this film, and I really didn't think it was anything special. I really enjoyed the beginning and the film seemed to set itself up for something really special.


At the beginning Stark appeared to be an emotionally and mentally broken wreck. He had lost all touch with his old company, had become obsessive over the Iron Man suits and he had lost his connection with those around him who he loved. He almost seemed like a washed up superhero. His efforts to have meaningful interactions with Pepper were failing and he was haunted by the things that had happened to him.


Then out of nowhere comes a genius super villain - The Mandarin - who is basically a threat to the entire world. The Mandarin is using new technology (obviously devised by Aldrich Killian who has a beef with Stark over being snubbed all those years ago).


Stark is a mess though and Iron Man has become more of a celebrity than a hero. The hero work is being done by the Iron Patriot - which just comes off as a joke (which in this context is good as it shows what the whole Iron Man project has descended to - a stage show). Then when Happy Hogan gets wounded in an attack by The Mandarin, Tony steps in.


But Tony is stepping into something too big, against a foe that's too clever and he is in no fit state. He makes a boastful claim to the world, and for this boastful claim his home is wiped out and he is left for dead. Whilst he has been in his emotionally reclusive state the world has moved on and he has found himself out gunned and has become irrelevant.


Up to this point I loved the film, I was totally gripped and actually turned my phone to silent so I couldn't be disturbed! I loved the themes, I like the fact Tony had been affected by his previous actions and I liked the fact Iron Man had become more of a celebrity than a hero.


It reminded me of The Dark Knight Rises in many ways. A tougher, meaner and highly intelligent enemy presenting a new and deadly threat, at the same time the hero is out of the game and has to rise to meet a new challenge, but isn't actually up to it - great themes for an epic film.


It was at that point the film took a turn for the worse. Tony hits a low, he is nearly killed. Then he teams up with a smart mouthed child, spends a lot of his time doing things like some second rate spy rather than Iron Man and finally assaults The Mandarin's hideout using improvised weapons like an episode of The A-Team!


Then it is revealed that The Mandarin is a big fake. I felt this didn't do justice to the character from the comics and it basically squandered the talents of Ben Kingsley who is an excellent actor and plays the role of menacing villains with superb skill. But instead, he is reduced to a comedic throwaway as the plot descends into farce.


This 'twist' then reveals the whole thing is just a set up by the other inventor who has a beef with Stark (over a snub that happened years ago). Killian is the real man behind it all and his motivation is so thin and pathetic it is untrue. The Mandarin appeared to want to teach the West a lesson, to show up Western Imperialism and make a point about the ways the West treats the rest of the world. Instead Killian is just pissed that he was left on a roof for an hour!


It all then becomes rather formulaic. A captured maiden, a bombastic end sequence that involves far too much going on and tries to raise the bar in all the wrong ways, a captured president and a villain who simply tries to physically overpower Iron Man (who's suits are now all ripped through like tin foil!). Killian is also shown having crazy power including breathing fire! Ifind the idea of a man like The Mandarin beating Iron Man through a mixture of wit and guile far more interesting than just another super hero punch up!


So the film went from being genuinely interesting and emotional with Stark being challenged by a criminal mastermind (The Mandarin) who was both brutal and intelligent and able to out smart Stark, not simply take him on in a physical battle. It then morphed into a paint by number Hollywood blockbuster which included a damsel in distress, an A-Team like scene full of 'comedy weapons', an irritating smart mouthed kid and a huge ending scene based on who was the toughest!


I think it was a missed opportunity that began with so much promise.

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  • 2 years later...

Hope I'm allowed to bump this thread.


I'm making my way through the Marvel Cinematic Universe right now. I've seen all of Phase One and generally loved it, and am now working my way through Phase Two. If I have a criticism of Phase One it's that sometimes it felt like the budget ran out (apart from Avengers, of course). Thor was an entertaining film, for instance, but I was surprised it didn't have a big battle at the end. Thought he was going to return to Asgard and kick some ass!


Anyway, I watched Iron Man 3 tonight and, although it was very entertaining in parts, my general feeling is a big "WTF?"!


I liked the tone they set out and started out thinking it was better than Age of Ultron. Parts were very funny and I belly laughed at times. Things got dramatic very early on - possibly too early - as I agree with what others have said about Tony Stark not spending enough time in his armour.


As I say, I do love comedy in films, but I wonder if they broke the illusion at times. I mean, Ben Kingsley coming out of the bathroom and warning the prostitutes not to go in there for 20 minutes! LMAO!! On a related note, although I am not familiar with the comics, I'm pretty sure Mandarin is not meant to be like that, right? Artistic licence is one thing, but it felt like this was a lesson in media manipulation for teenagers.


Then we have the finale, which was like something out of Transformers. The initial premise for the "villains" was fairly plausible, but in the end they were superhumans capable of smashing Tony's suits to bits! I know you have to suspend your disbelief for these things, I really do, but when Tony Stark can call upon suit after suit that attach themselves to him in a second or less, I wonder if they've gone too far.


It all ended with Gwyneth Paltrow in her sports bra, hitting Mike from neighbours with a pole!


If Age of Ultron was good, but not necessarily entertaining, Iron Man 3 was the exact opposite. Iron Man is a good Avenger, but I'm not too sorry his own series has ended (as entertaining as it was at times). Next stop - Thor: The Dark World and Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Looking forward to going back through this thread and reading it fully.

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Walking out the cinema, I was actually contemplating pretending it never happened! :p For that reason I was glad it didn't link into any of the other films at all.


Haha, agree. It can't have been that bad as I'm still laughing my head off at it, but I'm still going to pretend it's not part of the series.


I finally got around to seeing this film, and I really didn't think it was anything special. I really enjoyed the beginning and the film seemed to set itself up for something really special.


It was at that point the film took a turn for the worse. Tony hits a low, he is nearly killed. Then he teams up with a smart mouthed child, spends a lot of his time doing things like some second rate spy rather than Iron Man and finally assaults The Mandarin's hideout using improvised weapons like an episode of The A-Team!


Then it is revealed that The Mandarin is a big fake. I felt this didn't do justice to the character from the comics and it basically squandered the talents of Ben Kingsley who is an excellent actor and plays the role of menacing villains with superb skill. But instead, he is reduced to a comedic throwaway as the plot descends into farce.


This 'twist' then reveals the whole thing is just a set up by the other inventor who has a beef with Stark (over a snub that happened years ago). Killian is the real man behind it all and his motivation is so thin and pathetic it is untrue. The Mandarin appeared to want to teach the West a lesson, to show up Western Imperialism and make a point about the ways the West treats the rest of the world. Instead Killian is just pissed that he was left on a roof for an hour!


It all then becomes rather formulaic. A captured maiden, a bombastic end sequence that involves far too much going on and tries to raise the bar in all the wrong ways, a captured president and a villain who simply tries to physically overpower Iron Man (who's suits are now all ripped through like tin foil!). Killian is also shown having crazy power including breathing fire! Ifind the idea of a man like The Mandarin beating Iron Man through a mixture of wit and guile far more interesting than just another super hero punch up!


So the film went from being genuinely interesting and emotional with Stark being challenged by a criminal mastermind (The Mandarin) who was both brutal and intelligent and able to out smart Stark, not simply take him on in a physical battle. It then morphed into a paint by number Hollywood blockbuster which included a damsel in distress, an A-Team like scene full of 'comedy weapons', an irritating smart mouthed kid and a huge ending scene based on who was the toughest!


I think it was a missed opportunity that began with so much promise.


Absolutely nailed it. And LMAO at the bit about the roof.


You're watching these in all the wrong order dude...


Yeah, I know. I was mainly interested in Hulk and Avengers first of all, but they got me hooked.


Iron Man*

Incredible Hulk*


Iron Man 2**

Age of Ultron*


Captain America: The First Avenger***

Iron Man 3***


* = Was keen to see them

** = When it was on TV

*** = Taking it seriously now :laughing:



I've got Thor 2 and Cap 2 to watch, but not too sure about Ant Man or Guardians of the Galaxy (the former does look funny, to be fair).

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Oh man, Iron Man 3, the biggest disappointment in the MCU. Sure, a fun film by itself, but this one managed to promise something new, interesting and exciting (a magical opponent for whom technology is meaningless) while actually delivering a shallower version of the villains from the first two films (who were already shallow to begin with).


I had no issue with Tony spending time outside of the armour, the parts where he can only rely on a glove and/or a boot were pretty cool. That, and the fire breath scene, the few highlights of the film.


I've got Thor 2 and Cap 2 to watch, but not too sure about Ant Man or Guardians of the Galaxy (the former does look funny, to be fair).


Both Ant Man and GotG are really good, my two favourite of the series. Give both a watch.

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