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Iron Man 3


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I finally watched it. After being so excited about the trailer for months and actually being able to afford it, I watched it...I was disappointed! Not that I didn't like it, I did, but I can't see why everybody loves it so much. Like, yeah, it's good but it felt there was something missing. OBVIOUSLY RDJ is my bro and he's awesome in the film but I felt it was pretty average.


I loved all of the action scenes and the fight scenes, they were amazing, but even then, I felt there was something missing and I can't put my finger on it. The story was hit-and-miss for me and...


the whole Mandarin twist (I've been calling him Tangerine all day yesterday! :p) because it was obviously going to be the geek dude.


I also didn't like the kid for some reason. It felt so unnecessary and cliched in some way. I don't know why this happened but when I saw Stark and the kid talk, all that kept popping up in my mind is the spoon-bending kid and Neo from The Matrix.


Oh and I wasn't a fan of some of the comedy, like the prototype suit! At first it was funny but when you see it being clumsy and stuff all of the time, it wore out for me. It was funny when it smacked Stark in the face though!


Other than that, I enjoyed everything else and would watch it again only if I watched the films back-to-back on blu-ray. I wouldn't pay cinema prices to see it again.




Also, how can the baddies use Iron Patriot? I always thought the suits were coded to specific users or can anyone use them? (sorry, not that knowledgeable when it comes to Iron Man)


How is Avengers 2 going to work now? (yeah, I didn't stay for the after-credits scene, I was disappointed and totally forgot about them, lmao). I can't see it working considering he gave up Iron Man for Pepper and if he were to be Iron Man again, Pepper wouldn't be with him, making that part of Iron Man 3 in some ways irrelevant.



But my thoughts on Iron Man 3? I enjoyed it but felt 1 and 2 were superior (yes, I enjoyed 2 more than this) but I think this will be a blu-ray purchase when it comes out!

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Also, how can the baddies use Iron Patriot? I always thought the suits were coded to specific users or can anyone use them? (sorry, not that knowledgeable when it comes to Iron Man)


How is Avengers 2 going to work now? (yeah, I didn't stay for the after-credits scene, I was disappointed and totally forgot about them, lmao). I can't see it working considering he gave up Iron Man for Pepper and if he were to be Iron Man again, Pepper wouldn't be with him, making that part of Iron Man 3 in some ways irrelevant.


1. They addressed this in the car scene I think when he rings Rhodey; AIM did the Iron Patriot rebrand work, presumably slipping something in in the process

2. Post credits was nothing of note. Answer - he's Tony Stark. He's Iron Man. He made 42 suits in his spare time, he'll make just 1 more in no time at all. They'll work in the reason, no doubt. She'll allow him, of course.


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Also, how can the baddies use Iron Patriot? I always thought the suits were coded to specific users or can anyone use them? (sorry, not that knowledgeable when it comes to Iron Man)


How is Avengers 2 going to work now? (yeah, I didn't stay for the after-credits scene, I was disappointed and totally forgot about them, lmao). I can't see it working considering he gave up Iron Man for Pepper and if he were to be Iron Man again, Pepper wouldn't be with him, making that part of Iron Man 3 in some ways irrelevant.



I think it has been mentioned before in here that the AIM company were the people who helped modify the War Machine suit to become the Iron Patriot - so they simply changed it to allow them to use it/control it remotely etc.


I have no idea how the Avengers 2 is going to work - but i think it makes it all a bit more interesting certainly. It would be a bit rubbish if after all the phase 2 films, nothing changed in them and they all ended up exactly how they started. Maybe Iron Man won't be a large role in it to make room for some of the new characters?



EDIT:Good lord how you frustrate me so Rummy!!

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1. They addressed this in the car scene I think when he rings Rhodey; AIM did the Iron Patriot rebrand work, presumably slipping something in in the process

2. Post credits was nothing of note. Answer - he's Tony Stark. He's Iron Man. He made 42 suits in his spare time, he'll make just 1 more in no time at all. They'll work in the reason, no doubt. She'll allow him, of course.


I think it has been mentioned before in here that the AIM company were the people who helped modify the War Machine suit to become the Iron Patriot - so they simply changed it to allow them to use it/control it remotely etc.


I have no idea how the Avengers 2 is going to work - but i think it makes it all a bit more interesting certainly. It would be a bit rubbish if after all the phase 2 films, nothing changed in them and they all ended up exactly how they started. Maybe Iron Man won't be a large role in it to make room for some of the new characters?


Oh yeah! I remember now you've reminded me of that! I do think it sucks that Pepper pressured Stark like that! Women ruin everything! :p


But yeah, Avengers 2 isn't going to work with him in it. As I said, if Stark is Iron Man in the film, it just defeats the purpose of having the Pepper/Stark story in the first place. Also, Rummy, when you were talking about him making the suits in his spare time and him making one more, did he remake the suits again after blowing them up or was it before he blew them up for Pepper. If it's after, then really, what is the actual point in the Pepper story?!




EDIT:Good lord how you frustrate me so Rummy!!

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He blew them up for Pepper and finished the film without any. I agree, they can't really have him bring back any Iron Man suits without poo-pooing the whole ending of Iron Man 3. Unless he makes a suit for someone else to wear....

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Arrrggh all the time watching this film it kept reminding me of something but I couldn't quite remember what it was reminding me of. I was trying to get to sleep last night when all of a sudden I figured it out. The story very much reminds me of Batman Forever.

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They'll tempt him in. He'll refuse to be iron, or to make a suit, and he'll be all happy. Then there'll be a major threat. Then there'll be Fury. Good ol' Nick Fury. Come on Tony, come back, you know you want to. But I have no suit! Ahh...that's where you're wrong! Bam. Fury has an iron man suit for him. Salvaged, made, who knows. Curiosity gets the better of him, could it match up? He tries it, falls in love, bam iron man.

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Why does Pepper have to feature?


Yeah I can see Iron Man getting his shit together and showing up in the last 20 minutes of Avengers 2 tbh. He'll realise how important the job is.





We also know Tony Stark/Iron Man plays another large role in the sequel, but the end of Iron Man 3 saw Tony destroying all the Iron Man suits we knew about, while seemingly stepping back from his time in the armor.


When I asked Whedon if that made it a challenge putting Iron Man in Avengers 2, he remarked, “Well, I feel like in Iron Man 3, even though he said, ‘I’ve changed' -- he blew up his remote suits, but I don’t think anybody thinks he doesn’t have one anymore. The question is, if The Avengers are called, does he show up? And the answer is, ‘Yes!’”


So yeah (salary negotiations aside)... he's in :p

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The point wasn't that he wouldn't be Iron Man anymore; he says so himself at the end - that's the one thing they can't take away from him. The point was that he used the suits as a distraction from the real issues he was facing. He made the suits his life and was living through them, so to speak; the scene where he lets his suit greet Pepper shows it best, I think. However, the problem wasn't the suits themselves - even Pepper admits at the end that she gets why he loves the suits so much. Blowing them up was him symbolically putting his distractions behind him and starting a new life - but still as Iron Man. If/when the Avengers need him back, I'm sure he will build a new suit and Pepper will understand.


That's my take on it, anyway.


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The point wasn't that he wouldn't be Iron Man anymore; he says so himself at the end - that's the one thing they can't take away from him. The point was that he used the suits as a distraction from the real issues he was facing. He made the suits his life and was living through them, so to speak; the scene where he lets his suit greet Pepper shows it best, I think. However, the problem wasn't the suits themselves - even Pepper admits at the end that she gets why he loves the suits so much. Blowing them up was him symbolically putting his distractions behind him and starting a new life - but still as Iron Man. If/when the Avengers need him back, I'm sure he will build a new suit and Pepper will understand.


That's my take on it, anyway.


Thats the same take on it i took away from the movie, i never saw anything as final

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The point wasn't that he wouldn't be Iron Man anymore; he says so himself at the end - that's the one thing they can't take away from him. The point was that he used the suits as a distraction from the real issues he was facing. He made the suits his life and was living through them, so to speak; the scene where he lets his suit greet Pepper shows it best, I think. However, the problem wasn't the suits themselves - even Pepper admits at the end that she gets why he loves the suits so much. Blowing them up was him symbolically putting his distractions behind him and starting a new life - but still as Iron Man. If/when the Avengers need him back, I'm sure he will build a new suit and Pepper will understand.


That's my take on it, anyway.


But could you not still say it defeats the purpose of...


having the Pepper storyline in the first place if she would just let him go back to 'suiting up'? I get that the suits were a distraction and him blowing them up was a symbolisation of starting his life anew with Pepper but Pepper was more or less wanting him to destroy the suits for whatever reason. If he goes back to suiting up and Pepper was all "I understand", why couldn't she understand that Iron Man did good to the world in the first place because she isn't a dumb woman and she knows he was doing a lot of good with his suits.


I just didn't like it! I can see the Avengers 2 being weak on THAT part if this is what happens. I sort of hope he isn't in it now so that doesn't happen but I really like Iron Man! lmao.


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I get what Animal is saying - its what i thought originally, but Dannyboy brings up a good point. It's not so much that Paltrow wanted Tony to give up being Iron Man completely, it's more that she wanted him to not retreat so far into the persona that he disappeared. So he could return in Avengers 2 as long as he is careful about it?

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I get what Animal is saying - its what i thought originally, but Dannyboy brings up a good point. It's not so much that Paltrow wanted Tony to give up being Iron Man completely, it's more that she wanted him to not retreat so far into the persona that he disappeared. So he could return in Avengers 2 as long as he is careful about it?


it just doesn't seem right at all. Like, Dannyboy brings up a great point but it would literally spit in the face of Iron Man 3 because everybody knows what a show-off Stark is. Also, you know he wouldn't be able to resist once he suits up because that's his personality. I just think Avengers 2 will ruin Iron Man 3 which will make half of Iron Man 3 totally irrelevant. However, I can't deny I'm excited for Avengers 2 anyway! I just wished the writers put a little more thought into these things. If Pepper said to use the suits less and focus on his life with her more, that'd be understandable, but she wanted him to go cold turkey KNOWING that he saves the world and protects it.


If she doesn't understand this after four films (counting Avengers), how could she possibly understand in Avengers 2? Would it be a certain villain or a group of enemies that will change her mind miraculously? Ugh!


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it just doesn't seem right at all. Like, Dannyboy brings up a great point but it would literally spit in the face of Iron Man 3 because everybody knows what a show-off Stark is. Also, you know he wouldn't be able to resist once he suits up because that's his personality. I just think Avengers 2 will ruin Iron Man 3 which will make half of Iron Man 3 totally irrelevant. However, I can't deny I'm excited for Avengers 2 anyway! I just wished the writers put a little more thought into these things. If Pepper said to use the suits less and focus on his life with her more, that'd be understandable, but she wanted him to go cold turkey KNOWING that he saves the world and protects it.


If she doesn't understand this after four films (counting Avengers), how could she possibly understand in Avengers 2? Would it be a certain villain or a group of enemies that will change her mind miraculously? Ugh!


At the end of the film Pepper says that she understands why he doesn't want to give up the suits (after having experienced the Extremis power) and when she asks about Tony's "distractions" he says "I'm gonna shave them down a little bit". He never says he's going to completely leave the suit behind him and never return to it, rather that he's not going to let it control his life. I think Pepper would clearly understand that he is still Iron Man and that if he is needed then he's going to suit up again


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But could you not still say it defeats the purpose of...


having the Pepper storyline in the first place if she would just let him go back to 'suiting up'? I get that the suits were a distraction and him blowing them up was a symbolisation of starting his life anew with Pepper but Pepper was more or less wanting him to destroy the suits for whatever reason. If he goes back to suiting up and Pepper was all "I understand", why couldn't she understand that Iron Man did good to the world in the first place because she isn't a dumb woman and she knows he was doing a lot of good with his suits.


I just didn't like it! I can see the Avengers 2 being weak on THAT part if this is what happens. I sort of hope he isn't in it now so that doesn't happen but I really like Iron Man! lmao.


... you seem to be missing the point of what I'm saying - and what I think the film says. She never wanted him to NOT be Iron Man, she wanted him to stop making ridiculous amounts of suits to distract himself from the fact that he's suffering from PTSD and anxiety attacks! :heh: I put the fact that he decided to blow them ALL to smithereens at the end down to Tony's love for overdoing everything. :heh: Also note the name of the destruction command: "Clean Slate". That could (and should, I think) be interpreted as a clean slate for the Iron Man character.


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Just got back from seeing it myself. Damn good movie thats for sure


With the 42 Iron Man remote suits, they were all hidden under the basement floor with numero 42 prototype suit. I kind of guessed the geek would have been the leader of Mandarin, as soon as Stark didn't appear on the roof at New Years 1999.


The Prototype 42 suit, it was funny to see it messing up. The action scene at the end featuring all 42 suits vs the super-human enigma persons was certainly worth seeing. The humour moments were a little iffy, but they were good. And when Kingley revealed he was an actor in the terrorist role, that was great.



You have Pepper using the suit, the colonel chappie using the Patriot suit and Stark having his own suit which is powered by his electro-magnet. It's pretty easy to get another suit built up, Stark would have the plans to make more if required. And Pepper and the colonel used suits that didn't have the eletro-magnet powering it. So it would be simple enough to get one that didn't rely on his magnet power. Making Avengers 2 would be interesting, i can agree that i can see Stark refusing to partake, but caving in and returning as Iron Man with a suit he has locked away.



The movie as a whole was great, but not as good as Iron Man 2.

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I guess I can dig that. I get the whole 'clean slate' thing and how it symbolises him starting a new life and things and I guess it's good in that sense and I guess they didn't destroy the Iron Patriot but

I don't know, I still felt there was something about the ending that bugged me a bit. The movie was alright but I did enjoy the previous two a lot more.

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IGN's quite funny look at the Plot Holes in Iron Man 3 :p





The only thing I think they mess up on is Suit 42 was built and coded to protect Pepper too I presume... oh and the fact the other suits didn't come to Tony's rescue before because Jarvis was down right?... but the rest does paint an annoying picture in my mind.



Those suits are worth 100 MILLION DOLLARS EACH. Wasn’t there a way to shelve them that didn’t involve EXPLODING them?


Probably. Not to mention how pissed S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers are going to be when Thanos comes to town and they find out they could have had 30 Iron Man suits as back up but now they just have Man Man.

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The HISHE guys do it again :D


How Iron Man 3 Should Have Ended :D


(Warning will contain actual spoilers for those who haven't seen film yet)



I watched that yesterday coz I seen someone post it on fb! Made me actually lol at some points.


A certain character taking off his 'underwear' and shouting "REBOOOOT" being one of them! :p

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I think I forgot to say what my impressions were after I watched this for a second time. Seeing it in 2D and being prepared for stuff.


I absolutely loved it. Stellar movie. Great direction. I do have a few minor problems with it;


War Machines transition into Iron Patriot isn't SO bad, but what is bad are the actual bits with Iron Patriot (Rhodey). They are just simple cut to scenes, and they feel a bit out of place.


My only other gripe, is each of the suits in the finale should have had more of a spotlight, and it would have been nice if Rhodey got in a pseudo War Machine suit.



Also, Guardians of the Galaxy....


I guess at least parts of GOTG will be chronologically the first post-Captain America bits of the cinematic universe, assuming we see Starlord's origin,....which surely we will.



Be interesting to see how else GOTG slots into the cinematic universe. They want John C Reilly to play a character that we be a go between kind of role between the Guardians and SHIELD.

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