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I unintentionally succeeded in taking the most emo picture ever! As I haven't been home in months, I will send it to my parents so they know I'm still alive!





Sorry - I realise I might be a bit of a cock saying this.


But are you a girl or a boy? I'm going with girl, I'm realise I'm going to be really insulting..

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Not only did I think it common knowledge, I thought it rather obvious from the picture. Jeez, way to make a girl feel good about herself! (tho tbf it is a pretty emo photo)






I love your face.

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Sorry - I realise I might be a bit of a cock saying this.


But are you a girl or a boy? I'm going with girl, I'm realise I'm going to be really insulting..


Girl :) It's not insulting at all, I love androgyny (in both myself and others)! I used to not want to be a girl, but I like being a girl now. I can make myself up to be a pretty convincing boy too, so I can just switch when I want :D So fun!

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I know this might be insulting, but are you a girl or a boy?


Oh god Moogle I love you so much sometimes, of all the times for me to run out of thanks! Post of the day for me.


(also Hamish is totally gonna appreciate a slight poke slant on the comment)

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Sorry - I realise I might be a bit of a cock saying this.


But are you a girl or a boy? I'm going with girl, I'm realise I'm going to be really insulting..


To be fair having Eddie in username makes this a pretty understandable question!


We are the saturday night loser crew



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Sorry - I realise I might be a bit of a cock saying this.


But are you a girl or a boy? I'm going with girl, I'm realise I'm going to be really insulting..


I find your need to pigeonhole her into a gender role offensive. It's obvious that society has conditioned you to need to know gender so that you can make assumptions.


It's not easy being this angry at the world all the time. I hope you people appreciate what I'm doing for you. Martyrdom FTW.

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GOD! Why can't people get over labels!??


"Oh, lighten up, faggot."



don't worry it's a quote from JIZ - the best thing every in the universe. Go watch it.

Edited by Paj!
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the posting of forum user images is a activity through which one user know other very well.


Well precisely. I actually think you've touched upon something....y'know, pretty damn insightful really. A lot of the human interactions, and certainly the way that people respond to each other in this thread is very interesting, highlighting the insecurities of some against the brash yet somehow dignified attention grabbing of others is a very thought provoking subject, and it took someone like you, an outsider looking in to really pick up on that.

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