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good stuff thread.


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Haha, indeed.


Apparently it is damn expensive:




We did the 1200m so it's about 80quid a head and there were 20 of us, it could be interesting to get the n-ers on this though! :D

OK how can we make this happen!


700/1200m track... day or night(who doesn't love a floodlight!!)... team battles! Amazing!


Damn you nightwolf for making me want this! :p

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It's not actually bad Rez it's a lot easier than you think and the track was huge! It was weird though because it wasn't easy to steer given you're so low to the ground.


I've got bruises on my knees and I can't lift my arms, but I assure you it's good fun :).


Cube - we get fruit deliveries at work (every 2 days) and we were joking we needed to grab the bananas and use them! :D

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On the website it says the karts have a top speed 60mph. Maybe you guys were doing 70kph? (That's a lot less mental.)


We thought that, until one of the guys checking on us says we hit 70 at one point.


Basically I didn't, but one of the guys we work with used to do it ''professionally'' and wasn't taking his foot off the break, hence the 70mph, it was mad watching him.


But I still ache today, lesson learned, those things hurt! :love:


Bob - grats thats very good news :D

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I want to see that job application!


Three good things have happened in my life recently.


1: Quit my job!


Seriously hated it, and was spending most days just sitting on the computer watching the clock. Honestly the most un-organised and un-professional people i have ever worked with, and i am glad to see the back of it.


2: Passed my driving test!


Having failed the first time 6 weeks ago, i nailed it on my second attempt on friday last week. I am so relieved! Got 4 minors which isn't so bad i thought. Looking at car insurance soon takes away the joy of passing though!


3: Going on a cruise to Turkey, Egypt and Israel!


This one has snuck up on me. It is a gift of sorts from my mom, she is taking me and my girlfriend away as a treat. Not the first places i would have chosen to be honest, but hey, some sunshine, free drinks and food on board the ship and daily excursions all paid for can't be a bad thing. I might even see Jesus! (though i am not the least bit religious).

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I want to see that job application!


I think I shall post it at some point, when I find out the outcome (one way or another).


Woke up early to film some stuff. Came home and edited some of it. Waking up early tomorrow to edit more. Fun fun fun!


Congrats on all the good stuff Jav :)

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Finished building my new PC today and it's great :D I get too much nerdly satisfaction from stuff like that lol.


Had my second driving lesson last week too and it was mostly fine. There was one point where a little kid was playing with his friend in the road (lovely hot, sunny day) with water guns and he came running up to the car. I slammed the break on and so did my instructor (learner car with pedals on both sides)... quite impressed with my reactions as it was only my second lesson and I'd barely even touched the brake before then. It's hardly rocket science though lol. Got a long wait until my next one though as my instructor is on holiday!

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