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Met the directors (once again in a café in Soho, it all feels wankyLondon) to discuss the rough cut. Stuff to be done obviously, but all doable within the timescale. May call in sick to work, or leave part way through a day, to make life easier (and I am coming down with a cold anyway). But yeah, good to know it's not going to be chaotic :)


Bit of a pain that the premiere is the weekend I promised I'd go home. Can go home another time obviously, but was going to go home that weekend as the village carnival is on and tend to go (as boring as it is) because my granddad used to run it so it feels like a family thing. First world woes.

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Pretty decent! Got a TV and once I get my xbox back I can have access to sky sports (maybe atlantic too). En-suite bathroom, with a bath and (faulty!) shower-head that isn't fixed to the wall. That's my biggest gripe at the mo - having to have a bath each morning. I'll talk to them to see if I can use the shower upstairs -- probably will as their hours and my potential hours will mean no conflict.


The area is portslade-way, north of old shoreham road (so probably not an area you knew well!) essentially really safe, within 15 mins of a big tescos, sainsburys, iceland and aldi.


Double-glazed, big room, furnished... it is good. The thing is I didn't look extensively, and I've been told through a mate about a place for £50 a weekm though it's miles the other way, and a friend is looking to sub-let his room. If this friend is willing to do it at a reasonable price I may look to move there as it's more central and my social life will improve. However, I've basically accepted the full-time and part-time jobs my work has offered me, which will probably mean working 9am-8pm. It's 5 mins from hove station, so where I am means I can get there in 30 mins but where I'd be would take maybe 45. Is that worth a difference of, say, £25 a week? Honestly, if there's a shower there that works, and if this place refuses me access to the shower, then I'd save more than 15 mins by avoiding a bath each morning.


I've committed to 4-6 weeks here, but I think I'd be smart to keep an eye out. While I think this place will be a no-stress place, money is going to be tight for a while and there are lodgings/shared accomodation options that are cheaper, but of course each comes with a different set of down sides.


Potential obvious question: can you not replace the shower head yourself or is the problem more serious than that?

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Won the quiz (or qon it, if you're a facebook friend...) last night! We had a stonking game. First round we got all questions right. And the 2nd. 3rd... we nearly did, but the team went against my answer of Venezuela and instead went for Peru, so we dropped that one. 4th round was music, I got Postal Service and Kings of Leon from intros, the team got 9 others right, so we only missed out on one. Last round was a bastard, we dropped 6 points, but still won the entire quiz by a margin of 8 points, with 15 other teams competing!


Such a thrill. We only got 5 questions wrong. There were 3 of us for the first 2 rounds, which is more amazing. Of course I couldn't have done anywhere near as well by myself, but I got those crucial nobody-else-on-the-team-knows-it (including, bizarrely, the city Superman is generally set) that made me feel necessary


... Prize was £45. Which was alright!

@Charlie I can :) Good point.

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How did nobody else know that? Did they grow up in a cave?




I thought everybody knew that Superman was set in Gotham City. Remarkable.


Don't be silly, Iron Man grew in a cave, eating boxes of scraps.


Superman grew up in Atlantis.

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Goooood news!


Starting tuesday I have a full-time and part-time job! I will be working ridiculous hours, starting at 8 and finishing at 6 or 8. If my support worker applications are vaguely successful then this job will only be for a few months -- but enough for me to get money stuff sorted out.

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I'm a fucking moron; I completely missed the sign-up period for courses next semester. (Granted, they normally remind us when it is, which they didn't this time, but it's still my responsibility.) Now I need to apply for an exemption, and I have no idea how relaxed they are about such things. If they reject my application I won't be able to attend any courses next semester and possibly none for an entire year (due to courses being offered on semester basis), which might fuck up my student grant and my apartment lease.


So much potential shit simply for forgetting to sign up for courses. I could kick myself.

So as a follow-up, it seems several students missed the sign-up period due to the reminders now being posted somewhere else - a fact which hadn't reached a number of us, either. This should hopefully mean they're more lenient with our cases.

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Mate that's seriously awesome. I'd love to do something spontaneous like that.
Cheers man! :D The next thing that comes up for you, or that you're considering whether or not to do... just go for it!!... Like I say, this is the first spontaneous thing that I've done, but I'm definitely going to continue doing more!


That's awesome. I'm often sitting in my car and I think "Man, I could just drive down to the channel tunnel and start driving around Europe".
One of these days, just do it man! :p Even if it has to be on a weekend.


What's more awesome is that your name is Tom Clancy!
haha yep.
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I know, I know. :heh: It was just an opportunity to take a small jab at Brits who actually think of themselves as a separate entity to Europe.


I think those of us hanging out on N-Europe probably have it figured out ;)

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