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The Dark Knight Rises (Spoilers inside, enter at own risk)


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Meh, I don't think a movie becomes boring because it's more realistic, or anything, I just find it that it's much easier to immerse myself on a film if it is grounded in a believable universe.


I live in a believable universe, I don't like it, I want an escape from it.


Batman Returns is my favourite Batman film too Monkey, by far. One of my favourite movies ever.


But it's not a very good example, as the villains had no powers either.


No powers sure, but they had gadgets, and they had class, and in my books that's a whole lot better than realism.


Anyway, that's just my opinion, I can see why other people like the more realistic approach, but it's not for me.

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Also just to point out that Batman Begins and The Dark Knight have their fair share of gadgets, the Batmobiles/Tumblers, that whited out eye server matrix shizz in TDK, the Bat Sonar thing in his shoe etc etc. :)


But yes, fair's fair.

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Batman Begins/TDK have loads of gadgets!! Bat-sonar, Bat-throwing stars, Radar eyes, sticky bombs, the plane flyby pickup thing, 'Batmobile' turn 'Batbike'...


I wonder if Nolan will hand us any other subtle references like he did with Batmans white eyes in TDK.


Batman will have been away for a while, he could re-appear with a few little costume tweeks?


I'm guessing there will be some form of Bat Cave, but it will probably a cross between the basic worktables of the first film with additions like the large TV wall from TDK.


And what do we think, will we see a new Batmobile?

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I loved the inclusion of the white eyes (visually). It'd be cool if that's just a standard part of his costume he can use whenever in the next film. (not all the time, but occasionally)


It reminds me of Catwoman's costume in the 90's (which had green lenses that could be retracted, but allowed her to see in the dark and stuff, but weren't fucking power level scanners or anything too great).

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And what do we think, will we see a new Batmobile?


Definitely. The one in TDK blow up or whatever so there'll definitely be a new one. Whether they choose to simple re-use what they had for TDK or move closer to the more iconic batmobile is another question entirely, although personally I'd like them to make a different form of batmobile in the way that it was different in TDK (I haven't seen Batman Begins but I assume the batmobile in TDK is the same one that was used in that one?) as I don't think the iconic look would fit within Nolan's grittier Gotham City.


And it seems I'm missing out on little subtleties in the movies having not read the comics. What's the significance of the white eyes, if someone would care to explain? Outside of the films, and some of the extremely campy TV show from the 60s, I know next to nothing about the Batman universe.


To be honest, I have become increasingly interested in looking at getting some of the Batman comics/graphic novels but don't really know where to start (it kind of started as an offshot of my desire to get hold of Absolute Sandman Volume 1 but I can't track it down).

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Batman is one of the best comics to just buy random graphic novels of, as he's got a lot of "out of continuity" stories.


The generally recommended ones are:


Batman: Long Hallowe'en

The Dark Knight Returns

Batman: Year One (heavily influenced elements of Batman Begins)

Arkham Asylum


All very different to what you might expect from a "comic hero". People might recommend Batman: Hush too, and it might be appealing to a new reader - it has like...all the villains.


Re: The white eyes -




Batman has white eyes in his costume, but this looks a bit weird on film/doesn't really work well - so it was nice to see it done reasonably.

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I have a feeling with him being more "on the run"/even more of a vigilante (this time with the police on his tail), they won't give him the Tumbler again, probably a smaller Batmobile, more evocative of the comic designs (though less cartoony obviously).

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The tumbler reminds me of cumbersome though.


I think they could implement a Batmobile that is more reminiscent of the the comic ones. Same visual as the tumbler, but perhaps more car-like.




It might just be me, but I was thinking about how Batman Begins was "coloured" sepia, and The Dark Knight blue (in the marketing campaigns and merchandise etc, there's a prevalent colour in the design, and also in the visual aesthetic of the film itself).


I wonder what colour Batman Rises will be? Hopefully not blue again like TDK. Red could be be stunning.

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The tumbler reminds me of cumbersome though.


I think they could implement a Batmobile that is more reminiscent of the the comic ones. Same visual as the tumbler, but perhaps more car-like.




It might just be me, but I was thinking about how Batman Begins was "coloured" sepia, and The Dark Knight blue (in the marketing campaigns and merchandise etc, there's a prevalent colour in the design, and also in the visual aesthetic of the film itself).


I wonder what colour Batman Rises will be? Hopefully not blue again like TDK. Red could be be stunning.


Red would be absolutely fantastic. Purple would work. Black and white would be too similar to TDK, but still acceptable. Anything else will feel disgusting to me.




I love giving things colour of identity in presenting/advertising/and such. Like the Vince' hardcovers (and my influencing hand over Kirkman) the darkest period of his life being black for Volume 6 - works.

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Yeah, it ties into my love of diversity within uniformity. The fact the Harry Potter cover "bars" at the top and bottom were all different colours, and the picture was different, yet the covers all felt homogenous.


And I've mentioned how much I like Stephen King's books being all designed in the same way covers-wise (in the most recent editions anyway).


On the topic of Batman AND our colour fetishes, I was admiring the 2009 rereleases of the 90's Batman films:




I need them all. Yes. Uniform. Yet diverse. Yes.

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It might just be me, but I was thinking about how Batman Begins was "coloured" sepia, and The Dark Knight blue (in the marketing campaigns and merchandise etc, there's a prevalent colour in the design, and also in the visual aesthetic of the film itself).


I wonder what colour Batman Rises will be? Hopefully not blue again like TDK. Red could be be stunning.

On the topic of Batman AND our colour fetishes, I was admiring the 2009 rereleases of the 90's Batman films:


Seems history is repeating itself! :p


Lets hope they skip over the green then this time! :D


I too can see purple working for TDKR.

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Batman Heads Back to Asia


Nolan is currently scouting locations abroad.


It looks like Batman's heading back to the Far East in the upcoming threequel, The Dark Knight Rises.


Superhero Hype points out this tweet from the Los Angeles Times's Hero Complex blog that says Bat-director Christopher Nolan is currently scouting locations in Asia for The Dark Knight Rises.


So this naturally makes us wonder what might be bring Batman back to Asia. Batman Begins saw Bruce Wayne imprisoned and then studying with Ra's Al Ghul in the Asian kingdom of Bhutan. The Dark Knight brought Batman to Hong Kong to capture the mob's money launderer, Lau.


Might The Dark Knight Rises see the introduction of Ra's daughter Talia Al Ghul taking over her father's organization? Or maybe Batman following up on any loose ends related to the money laundering case in TDK (but Lau's dead, remember)?


Or perhaps Nolan has a very different reason for scouting locations there. You may recall that Nolan based The Narrows in Gotham City on Hong Kong's walled city of Kowloon. Maybe he's looking for some inspiration for another such Gotham setting?

Could mean all manner of things, but news nonetheless!
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Got a pinch of salt handy? Good. An "insider" is claiming that they've see the script and that all of the above villains will play a part! Hit the jump to read a pile of plot details and spoilers about all that and more...


We all know how unreliable these anonymous sources tend to be, but I know how desperate we all are for news on the third, and final, installment in Christopher Nolan's Batman franchise so figured I'd let you guys be the judge of whether this is genuine or not. If nothing else, it makes for an interesting read as there are a lot of genuinely excellent sounding plot points and characters included in the outline. The only thing that makes me doubt it, is the fact that it sounds just TOO busy for one two and a half hour film! Anyway, enough talk. Read on...


"My buddy works at WB, he emailed me the script, I asked him if I can "spoil the news" he said sure go ahead but not many would believe me, so I said ok. In other words, I have the script, whether you believe me or not, is up to you, btw, we will be getting a press release in mid January - qoute me on that!


"Main villain of the film is Dr. Hugo Strange, and I believe Tom Hardy is playing Black Mask. This movie will indeed blow everyone to shreds! It's more violent and darker then TDK. The female lead is Talia al Ghul and Sarah Essen, Bullock is in the film. Dr. Hugo Strange is the main villain, Black Mask replaces Salvatore Ramoni recruits Killer Croc as the muscle to take down the Bat. Killer Croc is known to be a psychopathic killer with diseased reptile function skinned, who's an expert in hand to hand combat and extremely agile.


"I don't want to spoil the opening sequence, but they mention both [Harvey Dent & the Joker], and they give a Harlee Quinzel reference. Batman and Gordon are on good terms, but they keep a very low profile since Gordon is the one who's leading the task force, and Bullock hates Gordon.


"Bat chopper is in the film, there will be flashback scenes with Ras and a young Talia. Talia is the second villain, Black Mask is the side villain much like how Carmine Falcone and Salvatore Maroni was in the Batman Begins and TDK, they tie in Talia with Dr. Strange. There is no Robin. Batcave is back, Batman has a shit load of new weapons as well, some seem a bit unrealistic though. Bat plane much like a jet plane, no mentions of a new Batsuit just yet.


"We see a torture scene with the Scarecrow by Dr. Strange, apparently Scarecrow was truly working for Hugo in Batman Begins. It was Hugo Strange who supplied Scarecrow with the fear toxin, Scarecrow failed him, so Strange wanted to teach Scarecrow a lesson in "true meaning of fear." Strange and Talia are tied in due to the fear toxin, Killer Croc and Black Mask are thrown in. Batman is combating a lot of guys in the movie, there's a lot of action here, epic fight scene with Talia on the rooftop of Wayne enterprise, a superb action scene with Killer Croc in the Narrows, and an awesome Black Mask confrontation at Arkham. Also, Scarecrow gets killed by Dr. Strange in Arkham."



Source - Comicbookmovie.



more than likely all bull shit, but until we get real news.. it's fun to speculate.

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That cast of characters seems kind of... overkill.




Debunked already. As the article says, it's highly doubtful that many more people other than the Nolans, maybe Bale and the other main cast members, have seen the script, let alone a random guy from Warner Bros. who's subsequently emailed the entire story to his friend.


Batman-News and Batman On Film have debunked the script leak, the latter site having contacted Warner Bros., who said that the story is false. There's no "insider" at WB emailing it to his friends and I can guarantee that there is an extremely limited number of people who have even touched the paper its written on, let along had the chance to read it.

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Killer Croc is do-able if they use the interpretation of him from Azzarello and Risso's Broken City, in which he actually looked like he had a skin condition (like he's meant to), not like a giant crocodile, and was more of a pimp-like character than some supervillain. Make him a cannibal/freaky - done.



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