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Rubbish Achievements/Trophies

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There's an achievement on Darksiders that pretty much represents stupidity.


Ride your horse for 100 miles.


Now, after 24 hours of gaming, I've clocked in 300 miles. I've checked the 'nets and the advice is to stick an elastic band on your controller and leave it be -- I wrapped an ipod cable round the 'stick... but after, what, 20 minutes?, the pad switches off. I gained about 8 miles.


So effectively I'm looking at 5 hours of running around doing nothing, just for the sake of a few g. It's not really worth it (but I'll probably still try...)...


My point is that it's an achievement that totally goes against the game, that is clearly based on no logic whatsoever. I understand if a game developer wants people to play their games for longer, but these sorts of achievements just leave a sour taste in the mouth.


And achievements like the one you got for finding and shooting all 300 (I think?) pigeons in GTA4 would be ok if you got a map! Otherwise I see no solution besides... using a guide. The sense of reward a few g would give you for what would surely be dozens of hours of work to find them all alone would just not be worth it in the slightest.


Anyone got any other examples? I could probably pull any game off of my shelf and find at least one rubbish achievement.

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I like how great achievements aren't hard to think of, and yet there's probably someone on the team that gets paid to do so, and makes them shit.


If you want bad trophies, look no further than Socom Confrontation.


My least favourite is the BFBC2 multiplayer one. Most of the trophies are pretty cool, but there's one called demolition man, where you have to kill 20 people by collapsing buildings onto the heads of enemies. It's bloody hard trying to force this, and I gave up for a few months just thinking it'd get completed itself.


I've played online tons, and always use RPGs etc, and through natural play for days worth I racked up 5. Why did they make the number 20?! It's so frickin' difficult. You just don't go in buildings with only a couple of walls left, plus, if they're coming down, there's a sound that telegraphs the event to all of those in danger, so you virtually have to be a retard to not escape.


However, over the past few days I've somehow managed to get 10 of these kills, bringing my total to 17, and even a couple of those somehow cropped up from glitches. Hunting for this trophy comes at the expense of any enjoyment, because you have to use a crummy class setup to make the task 'easy' to do. It's just a fucking piss take. You get raped in your attempts and there's a high chance that a couple hours of work at it will be fruitless.


Every other trophy was done months ago, this one has just been festering, preventing me from that juicy platinum.


Oh yeah, a kind of rubbish/insanely hard trophy:

Complete Mega Man 10 without losing a single point of damage.


You'd think you'd get 5 billion platinums for doing that.




No. Just a silver.

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Achievements can be annoying, like the ones on Guitar Hero that only expert players can do online or for deliberately being crap at a game.


But although it looks nice when it's 1000/1000, as long as the game is decent i'm not too fussed. Would rather have a decent game with 50/1000 than a crap but easy game with 1000/1000.


My achievement whoring days are long behind me.

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The pad turns off while you're moving? That's odd. Also, the achievey's 100 but you've done 300? Buh?

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300 miles of movement covers not just horseback but general trekking around on foot y'see. You get the horse so late in the game and can only really use it in a couple of places that it just seems so stupid to make an achievement.


And yeah! If the pad is facing just one direction, it'll automatically disconnect after a period of time if it's wireless, just as it would if one button was pressed down or a trigger held down all the time.

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Any achievement/trophy that rewards collectibles. I hate those ones and like you said the worst offenders are the ones that don't give a map or any indication as to where they are. Crackdown 2 did a great thing in giving you a beacon and telling you how many were still in that area.


I also hate multiplayer achievements, especially if the game is terrible online.


A couple of games I have played recently have some truly awful ones.


The Saboteur is a great little game and I enjoyed it more than GTAIV but there is an achievement where you have to blow up certain tanks/generals/radars which are scattered all around the map. The game itself doesn't require you to do it but if you want the achievement you have to travel all around the map and destroy at least 1000 targets.


Dead Rising 2 has the 72,000 zombies in one run. Basically you can't do anything in the run apart from driving the SUV up and down the strip. It was such a grind and takes 6-8 hours of doing the same thing over and over again.

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the recent Chronicles of Riddick game had 50% of the achievements online. I checked it out once, played for maybe fiver minutes and fled. the game was absolutely awful online- irredeemably shit and yet the devs had seen fit to weight the achievements available massively towards it.

It's a shame, because that game is otherwise damn good.


Halo 3 had this one absolutely infuriating achievement that I never got. Now, I'm pretty good at Halo by all accounts but the one where you have to get a double kill with the Spartan Laser in a ranked free for all game of slayer just takes the piss. There's just like...no scenarios that ever allow you do get it pretty much. And your timing has to be perfect (if you don't know, the SL is like a giant sniper rifle that charges up to fire then goes through several targets)

It'd be a monumental achievement to get, and yet it's only 5g. WTAF.

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I don't have a problem with achievements that have you collect stuff, just so long as it's clear whereabouts you're supposed to acquire the items from, in an open world game such as Crackdown it becomes a pisstake but in a game such as say Ninja Gaiden II (crystal skulls) or more recently Castlevania (health/magic gems) it actually feels doable due to the structure of the game and the fact that it tells you how many are in each area.


Achievements I really don't like though are the ones that make you play the multiplayer in a specific way, like form a 24-player game with specific rules etc or in a specific mode that no-one plays, I know why it's done because the devs want you to play ALL of the game but it still annoys me somewhat.

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Halo 3 had this one absolutely infuriating achievement that I never got. Now, I'm pretty good at Halo by all accounts but the one where you have to get a double kill with the Spartan Laser in a ranked free for all game of slayer just takes the piss. There's just like...no scenarios that ever allow you do get it pretty much. And your timing has to be perfect (if you don't know, the SL is like a giant sniper rifle that charges up to fire then goes through several targets)

It'd be a monumental achievement to get, and yet it's only 5g. WTAF.

Just reading that made me cry. Stuff like that, with a reliance on luck as well as skill in the moment.... Urgh, the conditions for that have to be ridiculously perfect.

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Yeah it's bullshit. All of it. It stands out because the rest of the achievements in the game are actually great and explore most of the content in an intelligent and thoughtful way that suits both casual progression and determined hunting.


Halo 3 and ODST also have the best set of achievements ever in the dlc ones that you need to get in order to get Recon armour for your Spartan, so it all works out I suppose.

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This is why I like the COD games, no achievements are rewarded for online play (I think, maybe apart from WAW) Didn't gears of war have some ridiculous online ones such as 10000 head shots or shooting a million people in the knee, it just makes people team up and hide in a corner shooting each other!!


I thought there was a map for the pigeons in GTA IV (it's a shit game anyways)

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Worst trophies in any game thats an easy one - Terminator Salvation.



Gold - Complete Chapter 1 - L.A. 2016 on any difficulty


Gold - Complete Chapter 2 - Thank Heaven on any difficulty


Gold - Complete Chapter 3 - New Acquaintances on any difficulty


Gold - Complete Chapter 4 - The Sights on any difficulty


Gold - Complete Chapter 5 - Underground on any difficulty


Gold - Complete Chapter 6 - Into the Wild any difficulty


Gold - Complete Chapter 7 - Angie on any difficulty


Gold - Complete Chapter 8 - Every life is sacred on any difficulty


Gold - Complete Chapter 9 - For the Resistance on any difficulty


Gold - Complete the Game - Become a commander on Medium difficulty


Gold - Complete the Game -Become a commander on Hard difficulty


Paltinum - Collect all other Trophies


Now that has got to be the most unimaginative and frankly lazy trophies in any game - I should know I rented it and platinumed it! :bouncy:

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I guess it's probably microsoft's fault though, I should imagine they force the devs to put 'achievements' in their games?

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The Orange Box had what I consider to be the best and the worst achievement on it.


Worst: The one where you have to play a game of Team Fortress with 7 people that are all on your friends list. What's the point?


Best: Little Rocket Man where you have to pick up the garden gnome at the beginning of Episode 2 and take him all the way to the end to put him in the rocket. A very imaginative achievement that was both frustrating (I cried one time when he fell out of my car!) and damn good fun at the same time. Who can forget this wonderful face after fighting a massive horde of enemies?




Always cheered me up!

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The Orange Box had what I consider to be the best and the worst achievement on it.


Worst: The one where you have to play a game of Team Fortress with 7 people that are all on your friends list. What's the point?


As much as I don't like this achievement, I understand it, it is to get people playing as a team, but in no way fun.

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Worst: The one where you have to play a game of Team Fortress with 7 people that are all on your friends list. What's the point?


See, while I didn't get that achievement (as I wasn't bothered about getting it really at the time) when the game came out, everyone I played was constantly sending FRs in the lobby so that they could all get the achievement. Hardly the worst in that scenario but I guess if you waited a few months then yeh, would be a pain in the backside to sort out. Still annoys me that it never got the updates.


Only crap achievements I can think of have been mentioned: the ones in The Saboteur where you have to take out a set number of the free play objectives in each area. I did get one of them for the Le Havre area, as it had the fewest free play points to take out, but one of them requires you to hit 436 or so points to get the achievement. It's nuts and ridiculous way to try and elongate an otherwise great game as it gets dull as hell after a while going after the points.


And that 20 demolition kills one in BF:BC2. Can't remember if offline kills counted towards it or not but I remember I played it as though you could only get them online, and getting the kills there is ridiculously hard. Mind you, it was outweighed by the awesome achievement for killing someone in one with the repair tool. The "WTFs" that followed after I did that on someone not long after the game came out were hilarious.

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Yeah you can only get those kills online. The online trophies in the game are actually very good. Bar that shit.



Worst: The one where you have to play a game of Team Fortress with 7 people that are all on your friends list. What's the point?

You ain't seen nothin' yet boy. I can think of a lot of those sorts of trophies. My nightmare one came in Wipeout HD:

It was called Bling Brigade, and you have to have the Chrome racing skin on (unlocked by completing the game) and you have to be in a game where all other 7 racers are using it. There's literally 0 chance this will occur in any game you find online, leaving the only the option to search on message boards for other frustrated kents, get them all online at the same time and get them to join your party and hope they'll all follow the instructions to get the trophy properly.


It took a lot of graft.


The Wipeout Fury add-on trophies are fantastiche though. Actually, they pretty much all are. Although there's another trophy that requires you to eliminate a bazillion opponents, which is very queer.

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I hate ones like "kill X amount of people with weapon Y". Especially if weapon Y is a poor weapon that's barely used in the game.

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I'm not really a fan of Coop trophies as I can never find any decent players who can keep up with me.

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I'm not really a fan of Coop trophies as I can never find any decent players who can keep up with me.

I'd find that funny if it was remotely near to the truth.


(I found it funny anyhow)



(Because it was such a ridiculously bullshit claim)



(I kid)

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The stupid ones that make you do the same thing over & over for hours on end are annoying.


But the ones for just playing through the game (Terminator Salvation etc) are even more annoying.


I've seen games that give achievements/trophies at the end of watching the intro cutscene, or completing the tutorial. Bleugh.

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300 miles of movement covers not just horseback but general trekking around on foot y'see. You get the horse so late in the game and can only really use it in a couple of places that it just seems so stupid to make an achievement.


And yeah! If the pad is facing just one direction, it'll automatically disconnect after a period of time if it's wireless, just as it would if one button was pressed down or a trigger held down all the time.


It shouldn't be turning off, I believe Becka's boyfriend managed to do it and came out with us whilst it was doing it.


But then he's massively obsessed with achievements and I believe is still going through all his games to get them maxed out.

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Any achievement/trophy that rewards collectibles. I hate those ones and like you said the worst offenders are the ones that don't give a map or any indication as to where they are. Crackdown 2 did a great thing in giving you a beacon and telling you how many were still in that area.


Crackdown 2 is built around achievements so it makes sense that they've thought a lot about it.


It's also really annoying when a singleplayer game puts in achievements for a half-arsed multiplayer mode (like BioShock 2).


Here's the first 5 minutes of Prince of Persia (the cel-shaded one):


Into the Storm…(10G)

Congratulations, you have started the adventure!


Up against it (10G)

Congratulations, you have survived a close encounter.


Saved! (10G)

Congratulations, you have unlocked Elika's saving ability.


Where's that Temple? (10G)

Congratulations, you have talked to Elika.


Wallrunner (10G)

Congratulations, you have learned the basic moves.


Compass (10G)

Congratulations, Elika can now guide you


Getting to Know You (10G)

Congratulations, you are learning about Elika and her world.


Good Company (10G)

Congratulations, you have an inquisitive mind.


All that in the tutorial.

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I find myself not really caring about the achievements in my XBOX 360 games. If it tells me I've achieved something, I'll sometimes hit the Guide Button on the controller to see what I got it for, but I never find myself hunting for any of them..


I've looked through the list of achievements for a few games out of curiosity and just see loads that make me wonder why people would even go to the bother of obtaining them ::shrug:

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I'd find that funny if it was remotely near to the truth.


(I found it funny anyhow)



(Because it was such a ridiculously bullshit claim)



(I kid)



I was actually thinking of making an opposite thread for great trophies, so you could post about how much you like coop trophies because of the great help you've recently received. Before that, it was like running around in circles.

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