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Superman: Man of Steel (June 2013)


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Guess what I saw....


Best comic book movie since TDK. I fucking loved it. Faora, my god I'd let her throw me about. The action was stunning, never seen anything like it on the big screen.


Tickets booked to see it again on Friday.

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I'd happily see it for a third time. It's everything I ever wanted from a Superman film. I know people love to berate Snyder, but honestly, I don't think there's a blockbuster director that knows how to balance intimate/small moments and epic moments quite like he does.


There's than one shot of Supes talking to Zod in his dream and the Sun is massive behind him and he's standing on a mountain of skulls. Beautiful.


'What's one more body amongst foundations?' :heh:



Edit: The only thing I'd like to have seen was a shot of Clark on his way to his job at the Daily Planet, cycling past bit of Metropolis being rebuilt by LexCorp. That would have been perfect.



I wonder if we'll get a director's cut. I heard the pre-IMAX cut ran closer to three hours...probably just a rumour.

Edited by Daft
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So finally got round to seeing this last night. I enjoyed it at first, and quite liked the first half - but the second half just felt longtings. I see the action-heavy criticisms now, I felt there wasn't much happening in the latter parts except ALL THE ACTION, I started to wonder when it would end. If they could knocked that down about 20minutes or so, I think I'd have enjoyed it a lot more. I quite enjoyed the story when it existed though, and thought both dudeymcfaceman and Russel Crowe were very good as Zod and Jor-El.


Is this sposed to be the first in a series of them? Or just a kinda by itself dealie?


There was very little comedy, and in a sense the film was more of an alien action movie than a Superhero movie.


Think this sums it up most for me really. The comedy I'm not fussed, but it did all feel a bit too alieny. I've seen Aliens in a big city a few too many times now.

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I felt the world engine was an awesome mechanic. It wasn't just aliens invading or just blowing shit up. They were putting the earth through this process. It felt so much more full of point than say The Avengers where random ass aliens were flying through a portal (So they invade...and then what?...Come to think of it, why wasn't the US airforce there to shoot down the exposed aliens on the flying chariots...they just decide to send a nuke instead...it didn't actually feel like we needed The Avengers...man, The Avengers was dumb...fun but dumb). No, the Kryptonians had a plan to execute and their plan was completely realised, not some vague notion of invasion.


Loved it.

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Well there was a big alien invasion angle to the story, not sure how else that stuff is supposed to feel.


There was a lot of human elements to the film as well, especially in the flashback stuff.


I sorta know what you're saying.



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I felt the world engine was an awesome mechanic. It wasn't just aliens invading or just blowing shit up. They were putting the earth through this process. It felt so much more full of point than say The Avengers where random ass aliens were flying through a portal (So they invade...and then what?...Come to think of it, why wasn't the US airforce there to shoot down the exposed aliens on the flying chariots...they just decide to send a nuke instead...it didn't actually feel like we needed The Avengers...man, The Avengers was dumb...fun but dumb). No, the Kryptonians had a plan to execute and their plan was completely realised, not some vague notion of invasion.


Loved it.


I hated that part. I felt like I was watching Independence Day as the planes attacked an alien ship shooting blue lights towards the ground. I was expecting Randy Quaid to show up in his plane, sadly this didn't happen.


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I hated that part. I felt like I was watching Independence Day as the planes attacked an alien ship shooting blue lights towards the ground. I was expecting Randy Quaid to show up in his plane, sadly this didn't happen.


...But how else would the US military respond?

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I didn't really mean it like that at all. Just that the ending was a spectacular! The whole film was good.


You're forgiven. ;)


@Fierce_LiNk If you haven't watched Superman TAS check it out, I think Krypton in MoS borrowed more than a little direction from the opening episode of that series.


I watched Batman: The Animated Series religiously when I was a kid. I still watch it now. I've never watched Superman: The Animated Series. Will start watching it now. :D


Somebody has uploaded the

flight scene, where Superman first learns to fly

onto youtube. It's utterly fantastic. :D I love that scene. Also, I've had that song in my head all day at work. I hate using the word epic, but that song is epic. Amazing. :D

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I saw this last night. It was pretty good. I enjoyed the action scenes and didn't think they went on for too long, and thought Cavill played a good Superman.


I wouldn't say it was the best film of the year though, i don't really understand the gushing over it.


I also thought it was still a bit too campy to pull off the completely serious film. They needed a few more lighter bits in it, i think.


The whole bit with Perry trying to save the intern stuck under a bar annoyed me a bit. It was like they were trying to introduce some more humanity to the film by saying, 'oh noes! This one girl might die', despite the fact that they had literally, already killed a million more.



EDIT: Oh, forgot to mention, Zimmers score was AMAZING. Worth the cost of admission on its own.

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Just back from seeing this, was good, fully enjoyed it.... though didn't blow my mind like it seemed to do for most people, not sure why.



One thing I didn't like (though I don't think effects the film as a whole, but has affects on sequels I guess)



The Glasses... WHY, WHY ?????


I had hoped it wouldn't happen and I know someone here actually called it happening in that very way before release so I guess I was kinda expecting it as soon as his mother said "so what are you going to do now" I just said (internally)...NNNNOOOO.


I mean come on, I know it is part of the comics and the original Superman lore et all, and I know comic book films ask us to just accept the specatular and impossible and such.... I have no problem with flying men, no problem aliens and lasers from eyes.... but I just can't get my head round the idea that a simple pair of glasses serve as a proper disguise and nobody can see any resemblence?


Ok fair enough I don't think (other than Lane) any of the Daily Planet people actually saw Supermans face before that, fine ok I'll take that....BUT seriously he wasn't caught on camera (video or picture) by anyone during all the fighting... or even in the building where he killed Zod? Not one person in there whipped out a camera or smartphone to take a pic or video and put it online/give it to a newspaper/TV news...leading to his face being everywhere giving the people at the Daily Planet many a chance to have seen his face before he shows up as a new reporter with glasses?


Ok lets say fine, nobody caught him on camera during the fight or in the building where he killed Zod.


But the military and government know what Superman looks like. They know Lois Lane knows him and that he (Supes) has an attachment to her. We know they are trying to find him (the bit after the fighting where he took down the drone), even though he asked them to trust him and all, do you really think they would just stop. Surely they would have agents tailing Lane in case Superman ever makes contact with her again, surely those agents would know what he looks like... surely a pair of frakking Glasses wouldn't fool FBI/CIA/Army/Whatever agents?




The first 20mins or whatever it was on Krypton, nicely done, really enjoyed it. The difference between the two worlds reminded me a bit of Thor too.


I really liked all the flash back stuff to his childhood getting glimpses of him discovering his powers and being afraid of them.... would have liked to have seen more of that actually. Had hoped the film would be told in a straight line rather than jumping back and forth. Would have been nice to see after he lands on Earth just see him growing up and discovering his powers before getting to the adult stage.


Loved the scene where he first learns to fly, prolly the only somewhat funny moment in the film... thought it could have done with a few more laughs, even the Batman films managed a fair few jokes throughout though I guess Batman does have more supporting characters to play off of.


Loved the final 30mins or whatever it was for the final battle...actually all teh fight scenes were awesome but the last part was just epic.


Faora :love: nuff said :D


Really liked how they changed the fortress of solitude to be an old Kryptonian ship. Was hoping they wouldn't do the growing crystal thing and very happy with how it turned out...little disappointed we didn't get even little moment of a "floating Jor-El head" though :heh:


Tahmoh Penikett and Alessandro Juliani (Helo and Gaeta from BSG) being in it :D And Juliani was still pretty much playing Gaeta, haha :D


Oh and I LOVED that they didn't use a rock of kyptonite to make him weak but the actual atmosphere of Krypton... that was BRILLIANT. :D







Getting suit.... just seemed odd.... "Oh you're on a ship that has been trapped for 18,000 years. Here's a suit that is just your size and oddly in a colour scheme that wasn't seen on any Kryptonian clothing so far and just happens to have your familys "hope" symbol on it? I guess it could have been some sort of replicator machine, but we saw no such use of a replicator to make anything previously in the film. If they had at least shown someone in the initial Krypton scenes getting "something from nothing" using a replicator device then it would have sat much better with me.


Zod and Co's "punishment" at the start.


Ok so you guys (Zod and Co.) are guilty of being bad people, you did x,y,z and as punishment we are going to put you into cryosleep and then put you a ship and send it far away from here while we stay here on a planet that we know is about to blow up and kill us all and when that happens you'll be set free much sooner than your sentance of 300 cycles because the prison ship will have lost its connection with the homeworld.


REALLY. COME ON. For such an advanced species my gods were they DUMB AS FRAK. What would have made more sense is frakking leave Zod and Co. frozen on Krypton and boarded the ship themselves.... how was doing it the way they did any kind of punishment/prison sentence to Zod and Co. It was more like saving their lives!


I know yeah it has to happen this way or else the rest of teh film would be very uneventful but still... just... yeah :heh:




Oh and a bit too much focus on other characters I thought, such as the miltary (reminding me of Transformers) and the bit with Morpheous trying to save the girl... that could have soo been a bit shorter. Superman could have done with a bit more screen time overall.



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Yeah I have to say Zods punishment thing bugged me a bit too.


The fact they know their planet is ripping itself apart... the punishment would have been to have them stay on the planet.


Also, still no one has answered my question about why the Kryptonians were wearing breathing apparatus on Earth... if you then say they didn't have a problem breathing on Earth?... and if not, why not? and why the need to convert the atmosphere?


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I saw this last night. It was pretty good. I enjoyed the action scenes and didn't think they went on for too long, and thought Cavill played a good Superman.


I wouldn't say it was the best film of the year though, i don't really understand the gushing over it.


I also thought it was still a bit too campy to pull off the completely serious film. They needed a few more lighter bits in it, i think.


The whole bit with Perry trying to save the intern stuck under a bar annoyed me a bit. It was like they were trying to introduce some more humanity to the film by saying, 'oh noes! This one girl might die', despite the fact that they had literally, already killed a million more.



EDIT: Oh, forgot to mention, Zimmers score was AMAZING. Worth the cost of admission on its own.


Word to that bob. What also got me was when he killed Zod, 3 people getting zapped with the eyes made him snap his neck. What about the thousands/millions dead already because of the two of them pissing around in the air. Didn't give a toss when he was throwing him through a building in a busy city.



I enjoyed the film, not much of a Superman person. That awful 90s series really put me off it.


I think there was a bit too much lens flare and CGI.


They were given 24 hours to hand over Superman. Why the fuck were these people in work the next day? Even if he had surrendered a bunch of aliens with crazy shit had come to town, fuck going to work in the city.


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Saw it last night. Looked great, was a decent enough movie but something didn't sit right.


The first half of the movie, after the first part, was so disjointed. There was zero flow. It was quite clear that a fair bit of early scenes, which would have set up more of the characters, got removed for more action which is highly disappointing. It gutted so much of the narrative to the point that it felt like there was none for much of the movie.

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Just got back from seeing it, overall I really enjoyed it. There were problems though and one of the main ones was way too much shaky cam. I would probably be happy if there is a sequel if Zach Snyder didnt come back for it.


I thought Pa Kent was an evil moron. I get that they were trying to show that he was scared of people knowing Clark's secret but to tell his son that he maybe should have let a bus full of school kids die is just wrong. Superman is supposed to get his moral compass from his Earth parents, dont know where this Superman did. Then telling his invincible son to wait while he ran towards a tornado to get the family dog was once again stupid, I dont care about the reasons they gave.


Ma Kent never really felt very well acted, at times she almost seemed like she was mentally ill in some way.


Zod wasnt great.


Superman killing Zod at the end...... fuck off.


Everything felt just a bit too loud all the time. Music seemed to get drowned out too much during those moment as well which was a shame because I love the music in this movie.


I know the creators have said that Metropolis was destroyed as much as it was to show what it would be like if Gods were fighting but it still felt too much.


Its hard to see how Clark Kent can still be his secret identity. Lois said his name infront of a policeman, Clark tells a general hes been on Earth for 33 years and grew up in Kansas. Plus they picked up his spaceship from his mums house!


They could have put a bit more effort into the Clark Kent disguise at the end, even if it was just changing his hairstyle. This is probably the worst example ive seen yet in TV or film where they just dont look any different.


Kept expecting one of the many Generals they introduced to be Lois' Dad.


Pacing wasnt brilliant.


Not really a complaint but Amy Adams just seemed a bit too soft spoken throughout the movie.



Thought Henry Cavill played both a good Clark Kent and a good Superman. Not much difference between the two yet though.


Faora was hot.


Lois was hot.


Suit looked good


Lex Corp trucks


Was the satellite at the end a WayneTech one?


I thought the use of flashbacks instead of devoting the first section of the movie to Clark growing up was good.


Nice to see Superman actually have to fight in a movie for a change.


Music was excellent.


The story held up well for me



There also seemed to be some nice/odd Smallville tv show moments


When Pete Ross' mother is talking about the kids seeing what Clark did on the bus she mentions the Fordman boy, a character from the show.


I still think that when that mother says "He saw what Clark did" the Clark part sounds exactly like Annette O'Toole its creepy.


When Dr Emil Hamilton is being introduced the guy from Battlestar sitting infront of him is the guy who played Dr Emil Hamilton in Smallvillle


Not as much of a link but Amy Adams was also in Smallvilles first season.



Now time to go back through this thread and read everyone elses thoughts.

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@Happenstance I don't think it was "Fordman". I heard it too and thought about it, I could be wrong though.

I enjoyed the film, not much of a Superman person. That awful 90s series really put me off it.


I think there was a bit too much lens flare and CGI.


They were given 24 hours to hand over Superman. Why the fuck were these people in work the next day? Even if he had surrendered a bunch of aliens with crazy shit had come to town, fuck going to work in the city.


You mean Lois and Clark/The New Adventures of Superman? That was a rom com... you weren't really meant to judge the Superman character from it.


What? The aliens didn't show up at metropolis until they started the terraforming, why would they abandon that city? Or you think everybody should've abandoned every major city?


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You mean Lois and Clark/The New Adventures of Superman? That was a rom com... you weren't really meant to judge the Superman character from it.


What? The aliens didn't show up at metropolis until they started the terraforming, why would they abandon that city? Or you think everybody should've abandoned every major city?


Unfortunately that TV show was all I knew about Superman. I wasn't brought up with comics.


When they gave the warning whilst orbiting Earth. I don't think many people in reality would be thinking, "you know what, possible alien invasion tomorrrow, better pack my sarnies for work". I think most people would stay at home. That's what I was getting at.


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