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(Don't really understand how people can afford to buy / are prepared to spend money on games consoles that they already have. It seems to happen surprisingly often in this thread. Who was it that was collecting all the different type/coloured DSes or something?)

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People I used to work with tended to constantly cycle through the consoles through trading in. They'd have a 360, then get bored and trade it for a PS3, then for a Wii, then a 360 again, then a PS2, then a Wii, then a DS and PSP. That kind of thing. I never understood it.

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People I used to work with tended to constantly cycle through the consoles through trading in. They'd have a 360, then get bored and trade it for a PS3, then for a Wii, then a 360 again, then a PS2, then a Wii, then a DS and PSP. That kind of thing. I never understood it.


Surely they'd be spending more money that way than just buying all three?

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It's what you're willing to pay for.


If you view the old XBox the same as the redesigned XBox then you're obviously going to scratch your head in confusion.


If you're someone that sees value in what the redesign brought then it's a no-brainer.


I don't understand why people break up with their partner and then find another.


Their bodies almost certainly function the same way and probably displaces the same amount of atmospheric volume.

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Well for me personally, I am now no longer able to save anything on my old 360 and do not wish to delete anything.


So I thought with the 250gb slims being good value for money now I would get one. It has warranty, is more stable, doesn't sound like its going to take off when its running a disc, and has more than enough memory for me.


And yeah i'm replacing something I already have, but it's my money and I work hard for it so its mine to decide where it goes. :kiss:

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Well not quite. Polygamy is about loving more than one person not getting bored of one partner and just adding another (most of the time anyway).


But polygamy yay.


Ah! Someone who knows exactly what is it <3. Well done Ashley I'm proud.





Anyway - one month runescape membership.


It kind of goes with working for jagex haha.

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Ah! Someone who knows exactly what is it <3. Well done Ashley I'm proud.





Anyway - one month runescape membership.


It kind of goes with working for jagex haha.


In fairness it was pretty much a love of mine for 5 years :p But yeah, that did inspire me to look more into polygamy (and LDS but not as a joint thing).


Aaaaanyway speaking of jagex I was playing on a random game I have on my iPod earlier and it turns out it was by them.

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(Don't really understand how people can afford to buy / are prepared to spend money on games consoles that they already have. It seems to happen surprisingly often in this thread. Who was it that was collecting all the different type/coloured DSes or something?)


I don't get how people can spend money on the gym when there are plenty of exercises you can do for free. Horses for courses I guess.


Today purchases:










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I get my gym membership free. Why would I pay for it?


Why wouldn't you pay for something you spend so much time doing and seem to enjoy?


Seems crazy to me.


Anyway, I bought a tub of acid to throw in ReZ's stupid face.

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