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Fifa 2011


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I play FIFA in short bursts, nearly got Arsenal to the title in my first year as a Player manager in the career mode, which is what I mainly play FIFA games for, may seem a little odd but online doesn't feel like Football cause everyone wants to be attacking players and even when they are defenders they always rush forward. Ranked matches has high quit ratios too I read.

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new update out today at 5pm GMT for Ps3 and Xbox360 apparently. PC players a little bit later.


Tomorrow/today is the big squad update when all the January transfer moves become available. Fernando Torres will be in your Chelsea squad, Andy Carroll lines up for Liverpool and Charlie Adam, erm, stays at Blackpool.


Why does it take so long?


We know that it seems like an incredibly long time to get the January transfer action ready for you to use, but it’s a complicated process that has to be tailored to and tested on each individual platform. We have literally 1000s of researchers across the world reviewing the database and making sure that every detail for every team and every league that we use is spot on. We want to get it right for you, and that takes time.


When, exactly, is it happening?


*UPDATED!* Wednesday 23 February... 5pm GMT for Xbox 360 and PS3 (approximately); PC should be live between 7pm and midnight.


Which platforms are getting the updates?


PS3 and Xbox 360 are getting the updates tomorrow. It will be a little bit longer for people using PCs and other platforms.


How do I get the updates?


Load up FIFA 11

Navigate to My FIFA 11

Edit Teams


Download updates (assumes you’re signed in)

What changes can we expect?


The top five has some familiar names: Messi, Casilla, Cristiano Ronaldo, David Villa and Drogba. You should expect to see stat boosts for Premier League players like Gareth Bale and the afore-mentioned Andy Carroll and Charlie Adam. Chelsea remain the highest rated English Premier League team with an 83, equalled by Real Madrid and Barcelona in Europe.


You can hear more details about the changes and what goes in to getting this update ready from producer Matthew Smith on last week’s FIFA 11 podcast.




Finally Torres will actually be worth purchasing. To make my team even better :p


At least players like Bale and Carroll should also be getting a nice boost to reflect their great performances this season.


I still play this game a lot. Like most days against housemates so huzzah for the update!

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It's a very good game, I'll give you that.. but for some reason, my friend and I have just lost all desire to play it :hmm: It may be due to playing an awful lot of FIFA 10 in the last year..


Exact same with me :( Used to come over all the time to play it but we don't really care as much about this one. I think it's because the AI controls a lot more of the action than it did previously. Feels like I have less control over my team. Virtual pro online is stupid because your AI teammates are absolutely retarded and the defence will be beaten by a fast striker every time. He will then pass it across to the other striker every time. This striker will be unmarked and tap it in every time. So stupid.

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Exact same with me :( Used to come over all the time to play it but we don't really care as much about this one. I think it's because the AI controls a lot more of the action than it did previously. Feels like I have less control over my team. Virtual pro online is stupid because your AI teammates are absolutely retarded and the defence will be beaten by a fast striker every time. He will then pass it across to the other striker every time. This striker will be unmarked and tap it in every time. So stupid.


My desire hasn't changed since I made that post in early November.. but my opinion is that I no longer believe that it is a very good game ::shrug: The game is even less enjoyable now than it was then and has only been played a handful of times :hmm:


The current football game of choice is Pro Evolution Soccer 6 on the PS2, a far superior game and much more enjoyable to play! PES 2011 on the Wii is, of course, great too but one of my friends doesn't enjoy the playmaker controls and the classic option is held back by poor shooting..

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Will do, I am becoming annoyed with idiots who leave when they are losing to me.


Oh it's infuritaing isn't it? If I lose I stay to the end, good on them. I'd want to play them again, love a challenge. Some times I message them afterwards for some banter :)


Shame you didn't get the 2nd best console lostmario and plumped for the 3rd best :)

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Will do, I am becoming annoyed with idiots who leave when they are losing to me.


I actually played a few great classic controller games last weekend with a random Spanish guy on PES 2011 for the Wii. The first 3 games were pretty close and he kept challenging me to a rematch because I think he felt he could get a win against me after I only sneaked the previous games..


Anyway, when the fourth game came around I got out of the blocks quickly and was 3-0 up in about 20 minutes. The next action saw me play a through ball and my attacker just got there ahead of the keeper who took me out and was subsequently sent off. The penalty made it 4-0 but, in fairness to the guy, he stuck at it and didn't turn it off. By the time I took it to 6-0, he seemed to accept the defeat as he stopped putting in as much effort. The game ended 12-0 :eek: the fact that he didn't turn off his console was a good credit to him and I appreciated it!


It's a shame everyone isn't like that..

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I think it was back on FIFA 10, I was in a virtual pro online game, the other team were bossing us, it was something like 5-0 at half time, second half it was only me and one other player on our team stayed for the second half, we coceded only twice and even got a goal back, got an achievement from assisting with a cross so in the end I was chuffed with that.

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The more I play this on my housemate's PS3, the more I dislike the game. To me, Fifa is all about fun, whilst also retaining that "Match of the Day" look and feel. This even goes back to the SNES days with Fifa 96.


However, I find this edition to be quite bland. From what I've played, it seems to be easier to defend than it is to build up attacks, considering that the speed that the players run at has been reduced. A step back from the previous edition, imo. It just isn't all that fun to play.

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From what I've played, it seems to be easier to defend than it is to build up attacks


Sounds like real life.


It's a shame, football games obviously need a large degree of realism in them but not too much to make the game boring. I'm not sure if I've actually played FIFA 11 or not but to be perfectly honest I stopped buying them years ago as I rarely play it, even when friends are round, and they're all so similar there's no need to get a new one. I'm perfectly happy pulling out FIFA 09 (the first football game I've bought since PES 6) when someone wants to play it.

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Sounds like real life.


It's a shame, football games obviously need a large degree of realism in them but not too much to make the game boring. I'm not sure if I've actually played FIFA 11 or not but to be perfectly honest I stopped buying them years ago as I rarely play it, even when friends are round, and they're all so similar there's no need to get a new one. I'm perfectly happy pulling out FIFA 09 (the first football game I've bought since PES 6) when someone wants to play it.


It's not to do with the realism aspect. I want a football game where the games are tight, there's simply no fun in smashing your opponents in double figures like you could in previous editions. It's not that.


The pace is simply too slow and doesn't reflect the actual game, in my opinion. Like I said, to me Fifa has always had this Match of the Day vibe, with the commentary, that Saturday afternoon look whilst also having some pacey encounters. Having the game at a snail's pace does not equal realism. Far from it.


You guys are just complaining because you're losing :p


Who said anything about losing? I've won the majority or drawn the majority of games I've played. It's just that there's no real fun factor when you win these games. Previous editions of Fifa had me up on my feet during multiplayer. I don't think I've had that feeling yet with this game.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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You're talking a lot of sense, Fierce_LiNk.. the pace is definitely slow. Having been enjoying PES 6 so much recently, it was all too apparent how sluggish FIFA 11 feels :hmm:


I quite enjoyed FIFA 10 last year but I feel that this pursuit of realism is starting to have a detrimental effect on gameplay and enjoyment. I hate that there seems to be a lack of precision when controlling your player in FIFA. If you go back and play the earlier Pro Evolution Soccer games, you'll notice how much control you have over your player and the ball with the ability to take on men and beat them with a change of direction. The more recent Pro Evo games have destroyed this aspect, unfortunately..


This is one of the main problems. In FIFA 11 and PES 2011, there is a big reliance on passing. Whilst I appreciate the passing freedom, it seems like the game forces you to play in this way and everything feels slow. In PES 6, for example, you can pay this slow passing game or you can mix it up with fast-paced dribbling and taking on men down the wings in order to get balls into the box.

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You're talking a lot of sense, Fierce_LiNk.. the pace is definitely slow. Having been enjoying PES 6 so much recently, it was all too apparent how sluggish FIFA 11 feels :hmm:


I quite enjoyed FIFA 10 last year but I feel that this pursuit of realism is starting to have a detrimental effect on gameplay and enjoyment. I hate that there seems to be a lack of precision when controlling your player in FIFA. If you go back and play the earlier Pro Evolution Soccer games, you'll notice how much control you have over your player and the ball with the ability to take on men and beat them with a change of direction. The more recent Pro Evo games have destroyed this aspect, unfortunately..


This is one of the main problems. In FIFA 11 and PES 2011, there is a big reliance on passing. Whilst I appreciate the passing freedom, it seems like the game forces you to play in this way and everything feels slow. In PES 6, for example, you can pay this slow passing game or you can mix it up with fast-paced dribbling and taking on men down the wings in order to get balls into the box.


10 was quite well balanced from what I remember of it. You had to more to it than just the passing game, as you say. It definitely does feel like you have to whore the passing system to get the most out of things in 11, which makes the game seem quite one dimensional.


It does seem that Fifa is trying to emulate some of what Pro Evo does, by looking at their approach of what the beautiful game is about. Passing is just one aspect of football. You've got dribbling, wing play, counter-attacking, scoring from set pieces, etc. Fifa needs to look at all these elements.


Which brings me to another point: Penalty Kicks. Did anyone else struggle with this at first?

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Oh yeh, penalty kicks are shite. However, i'd have to say FIFA 11 is the best football game i've ever played. It's just so fun to me, passing the ball about and carving up chances. I'd say it's too easy to just lump balls into the box, as with a big strong striker, you win basically everything, which is annoying.

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