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Apple September Media Event.


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Starts at 6pm today, if you have a Mac running 10.6 or an iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad you can stream it via Apple.com.


For the rest of you, tune into Engadget for text updates.


So, rumour has it that new iPods will be launching, including a small Nano with a touchscreen. Some reports are saying that updates to Apple TV, MacBook Air and the iLife suite are on the cards also.



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iPod Touch Upgrade with Retina Display, Gyro sensor, A4, and the new iPhone 4 design (or similar anyway).

Less significant upgrades to the other iPods.

New Apple TV with Netflix support.

New iLife, maybe new iWork.

We find out why they built that new data centre.

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That nano is certainly different. I'll be interested to demo one at the Apple store. If I like it enough I might buy one, I need an upgrade as the memory on the iPod Touch is running very low. I can't buy a new Touch either, given how expensive they are =/

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It's finally something that can replace my Mac Mini as a media center.


I'm slightly concerned about the quality of my broadband (which I have no control over).


But the fact you can hook in external HDD via USB means it's perfect.


Well, not perfect, I will no doubt have to spend many hours recoding movies and working out how subtitles will work.


But still!

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This comment on Giz sums up my exact feelings on Apple TV:


I don't get it.

Why pay $1 to watch a TV show that was free to see in the first place, and most likely continues to be free online? I could do everything here with my Macbook and an HDMI cable. I just don't get it.

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How is it free online?


A lot of the TV shows are free online through pirating?


I actually don't like pirating.


I only pirate when I feel there isn't a service suitable or I'm being ripped off.


I could do all this with my Mac Mini connected to my TV, but to do the whole TV and movie renting I'd need to constantly connect my keyboard, mouse etc.


I really don't want that for a TV entertainment experience.


It's not for everyone obviously.

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iTunes is an awful piece of software. About five versions ago it was slick. Now I dread accidentally opening it.


I'm relieved there is no cloud music streaming. Spotify is safe, for now.


I'm the opposite. I find Spotify horribly bloated and iTunes has never been anything but slick for me.

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How is it free online?


A lot of the TV shows are free online through pirating?


Is the iTunes store for TV shows localised?


If so, then most things are available there will be available via the various iPlayers in the UK, and Hulu in the US. Also, don't a lot of new DVD/Blu-Ray players have the ability to play via USB?

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I'm the opposite. I find Spotify horribly bloated and iTunes has never been anything but slick for me.


You must be on a mac. It is universally accepted that iTunes on windows is a slow bloaty piece of crap, and is easily the worst thing about owning an apple product.


Wesley, Shorty's thing (lol) was probably from a US commenter where they have access to "iplayer equivalents" over there. It's not always piracy that makes stuff free! :)

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Is the iTunes store for TV shows localised?


If so, then most things are available there will be available via the various iPlayers in the UK, and Hulu in the US. Also, don't a lot of new DVD/Blu-Ray players have the ability to play via USB?


I assume there will be some local content, but seeing as it's a paid rental service then I'll still have access to ABC and Fox (if not then this is a suddenly a non-purchase - I'm fed up of my media access being decided on the basis of where I was born).


Well... yeah, I can access 4oD, ITV and BBC for free.


And I can already connect my harddrive to my Mac Mini...


But that still doesn't do what Apple TV would do for me though?


I wanna have access to all my media through HDD (something which will have less and less stuff on as more becomes accessible online at a decent price - whether through rental or "owning" it), new content from the major networks for a fair price (note: I don't actually like pirating when things are fair, there's simply no excuse) and have it all tied up in one easy to use system.


Also the Apple TV is pretty cheap... I mean, as cheap as a decent Blu-Ray device (I'm guessing here)?



It's films only here in the UK for now, which sucks but I'm sure it will get better.


Edit: Was it just me or did Steve look much, much healthier?


You've just made me cry.


Why did you do this to me?


*installs Boxee*

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How is it free online?


A lot of the TV shows are free online through pirating?


I actually don't like pirating.


I only pirate when I feel there isn't a service suitable or I'm being ripped off.


I could do all this with my Mac Mini connected to my TV, but to do the whole TV and movie renting I'd need to constantly connect my keyboard, mouse etc.


I really don't want that for a TV entertainment experience.


It's not for everyone obviously.


As Odwin alludes to below, things like Hulu are more prevalent and have a lot more stuff on it than over here.


iTunes is an awful piece of software. About five versions ago it was slick. Now I dread accidentally opening it.


I'm relieved there is no cloud music streaming. Spotify is safe, for now.


You must be on a mac. It is universally accepted that iTunes on windows is a slow bloaty piece of crap, and is easily the worst thing about owning an apple product.


As me and JonSt have been discussing on Twitter: I have iTunes on a Mac and its so sluggish. Just tested and iTunes took 60 seconds to load, Spotify took 13.


I was thinking after the announcement "okay if iTunes had a 'Lite' version released which just plays music (its all I want it for afterall!) and allows you to stream music you don't own I might consider it", before realising that's just Spotify anyway so I'll stick with that.


The day Spotify is able to put stuff on my iPod will be the last I ever use that monstrous piece of software known as iTunes.

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I find iTunes works a lot better in OS X than in Windows. It takes about 10 seconds to launch on my MacBook Pro 2,1


Anyway, if my iPod Touch was a year older I'd probably upgrade. I think I'll probably wait until next year instead though, especially since the camera is only 0.6 MP for stills, which is isn't even close to the 3.2 one I have on my Phone, or standalone camera.


The new Nano and shuffle look alright, but its not something I would ever buy.


Ping sounds like something to cater to the hipster crowd, not something I would ever use.


The new Apple TV looks great though, especially with the Netflix support, and coincidentally, it should be coming out around the same time Netflix comes to Canada. Its too bad they don't have that many networks willing to do rental TV shows at the moment though.


I have this odd feeling that "And here it is with people in it" will become a meme of sorts.

Edited by Emasher
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Well from a US perspective I'd still prefer this.


While in America my girlfriend gave up on things like Hulu because of all the stupid adverts and the shitty quality that was almost random at times.


If Hulu existed over here it'd still be the same.


I'd pay for non-advertised content any day.


But why am I even talking it's all just bullshit now.


Just rotten bullshit.


*whole opinion changes of event*


This whole thing was shit.

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