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How does one actually make glass using lava? I've never worked it out.


I think he just meant that he should use a bucket of lava as fuel for the furnace. It burns for what, a thousand seconds or something, I think?


There is also something about it being possible to use lava springs to make glass and other stuff, but I don't know how.

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Working for me.


Mcoy reset the server, and i didn't think about it, but just after he said 'just saved the server, it'll be down for 10 mins' I said "wait I want to put my stuff in a chest in case I lose it all on the reset."


I did that (incl all my diamond items/spare diamonds) and then he reset the server. I came back, wandered around a little then realised... I still had all my stuff with me! How was that possible, I'd put it all in a chest...


I go back to the chest...... and everythhing I put in there is still there. Including all the diamonds. I have two of everything! It must have been something to do with saving the server while I was holding items, then me storing them in the chest. God knows how it worked but all I know is I can now make an axe and I need 1 more diamond for a sword, which at this point I don't need anyway.


Just thought I'd share that random little happenstance with you all :)


As for lava - well I didn't know about that. I'll definitely be using that one from now on!

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Im wondering if we should build another volcano in the NE town. I never really appreciated just how much light the one on the old map used to give us at night. As long as this new one isnt in the middle of town taking up room then it should be ok.


EDIT: Also Mcoy can you do us another map soon, id be interested to see what our new world looks like.


We also need to try some more group projects, things like this would be awesome to build together:









Edited by Happenstance
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We should do a castle or something else that's epic. We could get another strip mine going, and put all of it in chests and use it to build. Assign people roles, for example: somebody(fish?) is the designer, another 3 people will mine, one person handles all the furnaces(assuming we'd use smoothstone/glass) you catch my drift :heh:


Or maybe even a massive suspension bridge?

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We should do a castle or something else that's epic. We could get another strip mine going, and put all of it in chests and use it to build. Assign people roles, for example: somebody(fish?) is the designer, another 3 people will mine, one person handles all the furnaces(assuming we'd use smoothstone/glass) you catch my drift :heh:


Or maybe even a massive suspension bridge?


A 18th century style star fortress, perhaps?


I believe a strip mine would be a good idea for resources, but more distance from the city, with a warp point set up, and a similar one set up in the desert for mass sand gathering.


I like the idea of me as designer, I didn't do a civil engineering degree for nothing, y'know! :wink:


It's a bit dull having someone just watch furnaces, so perhaps a more fluid system by which every time you return to the top of the strip mine with a full load of stone, you check the furnaces are full, and empty fresh-made smooth stone and glass into designated chests, like we did with the Miners' Tower in the original world.


As for what we actually build, I'll have to think about that - a bridge is a bit unimpressive as there's no gravity to overcome. The strip mining gives as a chance to think about and discuss what to build.

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