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Mcoy apologises for his absence as he has been working quite a lot recently. Mcoy needs to know what's being griefed and how so. Mcoy needs to know of anyone who's been acting strangely and causing problems.


Mcoy will seek for a server backup and look at enforcing a whitelist, Mcoy is dissapointed that he has to enforce this method.

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What's gone wrong:


1) Happenstance Towers 1 and 3 have been set alight and are mostly destroyed.


2) The lava from the volcano has been purposefully overflowed twice (adding blocks into lava streams and destroying 'wall blocks' to make sure it overflows)


3) Vicar's trees have been burnt down, those outside the temple were also burnt but have been replanted


4) most of the things on fish's island have been burnt ie trees and the bridge


5) a few new holes have been dug straight down which have been filled, and a few blocks taken out of walkways etc so you can easily fall through


6) Happenstance's water pyramid was broken slightly, and is now fixed


I think that's it. Most of the fixable stuff is now fixed. Trees are mostly still burning (vicar's and fish's) but everything else should be okay. I also built a glass wall to stop any lava overflowing again, which may not work but it's worth a try.


We don't have any idea who it is. I've come online twice when there has been nobody on and it was just like that already. Not noticed anyone acting weird at all.

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temperate rainforest

seasonal forest






grass desert

ice desert



Apparently not final yet:


Looks awesome! This video really gives you an impression of how flippin' huge the Minecraft worlds are! Also note the morning and evening red now present at sunrise and sunset.


look what you lot made me do... now i'm £8.96 down! =P


Mwahahaha! :D

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This video really gives you an impression of how flippin' huge the Minecraft worlds are!

You realise they're essentially infinite right? In actuality, I think memory limits them to being about 6-8 times the surface of Earth (assuming one square = one metre), but that's not exactly a limitation anyone is going to reach. :heh:

What's a whitelist?

A list of allowed users, it could be a good idea.

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You realise they're essentially infinite right? In actuality, I think memory limits them to being about 6-8 times the surface of Earth (assuming one square = one metre), but that's not exactly a limitation anyone is going to reach. :heh:

Oh, yes, I realise that, but it's hard for our brains to process the concept of infinite, so you only really get a feeling of the potential scale when watching a video like the one above. :heh:

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