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I do like how the show is making us dislike/not-sympathise with Dexter more and more. When it started he was kind of dressed up as a vigilante (an extreme one) and there seemed to be a certain drive to sympathise with him. As the years have gone on, and particularly lately, he has devolved into nothing more than a killer who is doing this for pleasure. I think the show needed to get to that point, and him corrupting Debra is a good way to do that. Poor Debs, she just wanted to be a good cop like her fath--oh wait.


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Apparently the bit where Debs ran over to Maria was improvised by Jennifer Carpenter (also why there's no blood on her when they go back to the party), who, by the way, should get all of the awards. She's been fantastic this season. Also the scene a few episodes back where she just cursed endlessly in the elevator was her decision.


Anyway, I expected something like that to go down, but it was an enjoyable ride. For a moment I did think she'd shoot him.


Guessing Matthews will be breathing down their necks next season.


If Carpenter doesn't win awards for her performance as Deb, it would be a travesty. I knew Deb would kill unlawfully and I knew she would do it if push come to shove but I never thought it would have ended like that, I always thought she'd have killed Hannah to protect Dexter, not LaGuerta but that ending was gripping. I thought LaGuerta was great this season. For me, she was the one who constantly had me kind of panicking a little because I didn't want Dexter to get caught and she was getting closer. The interview scene was great as well. For a moment though, I did think that Deb would shoot Dexter even though I knew she wouldn't and probably couldn't.


Brilliant episode though. And I can't believe Hannah made it throughout the series, I thought she'd have popped her clogs in this episode.


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Ugh, Ashley. Breaking Bad is so much better than Dexter. :p



Debra having to choose between shooting Dexter or LaGuerta reminded me of the kind of moral choice you'd find in a video game. Do you kill the serial killer who's also your brother and potential love interest or do you kill the innocent police officer who's just doing her job but who will throw your brother and potential love interest in prison? And just like in video games, she had to shoot one or the other. There was no third option. Well, she could have merged their DNA and created some sort of Dextuerta hybrid, but she didn't have enough points for that.


LaGuerta made a horrible innocent victim, by the way. Normal person: "Deb, please let me go. I promise we'll make sure Dexter gets the help he needs. I know you were only protecting him because you love him." LaGuerta: "THE HEAD DEBRA SHOOT HIM IN THE HEAD."


I was interested in seeing how Dexter would deal with Doakes back in season 2 since he didn't fit his code, but after he killed that one innocent person back in season 4 (I think it was...), hearing him go "wah wah, I'm going to kill an innocent person" was just annoying. But I guess that didn't count because it was an accident or something! Though I liked how he admitted that he's probably no better than any of the people he's killed and I will not mourn if his ~Dark Passenger~ is never mentioned again. That's always been my least favorite quirk of Dexter's.


Speaking of Doakes, I'm not sure I understood how his flashbacks were relevant to the main plot? It was like, to celebrate five years of no Doakes, here's how he figured out that Dexter's a psychopath. It all just served to make Dexter look like an idiot. "Oh hey, I'm going to quote the journal of the guy I just killed to the one person who's read the journal and who's currently very suspicious about why the guy has vanished." I guess you could argue that this was before season 1 and that Dexter simply didn't know any better, but this is a person who's been leading a double life for ~20 years and he hasn't figured out that getting a visible boner while discussing murders may be seen as a bit weird? "It was a mistake trying to appear human in front of Doakes." NO IT WAS A MISTAKE QUOTING THE JOURNAL YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO KNOW ABOUT.


I assume Hannah will be back at some point (on-screen or otherwise), or there was no point in having her perform the easiest breakout ever. I like how the prison guards/police officers just left her alone in her bed next to a pair of scissors.


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Ugh, Ashley. Breaking Bad is so much better than Dexter. :p



Debra having to choose between shooting Dexter or LaGuerta reminded me of the kind of moral choice you'd find in a video game. Do you kill the serial killer who's also your brother and potential love interest or do you kill the innocent police officer who's just doing her job but who will throw your brother and potential love interest in prison? And just like in video games, she had to shoot one or the other. There was no third option. Well, she could have merged their DNA and created some sort of Dextuerta hybrid, but she didn't have enough points for that.


LaGuerta made a horrible innocent victim, by the way. Normal person: "Deb, please let me go. I promise we'll make sure Dexter gets the help he needs. I know you were only protecting him because you love him." LaGuerta: "THE HEAD DEBRA SHOOT HIM IN THE HEAD."


I was interested in seeing how Dexter would deal with Doakes back in season 2 since he didn't fit his code, but after he killed that one innocent person back in season 4 (I think it was...), hearing him go "wah wah, I'm going to kill an innocent person" was just annoying. But I guess that didn't count because it was an accident or something! Though I liked how he admitted that he's probably no better than any of the people he's killed and I will not mourn if his ~Dark Passenger~ is never mentioned again. That's always been my least favorite quirk of Dexter's.


Speaking of Doakes, I'm not sure I understood how his flashbacks were relevant to the main plot? It was like, to celebrate five years of no Doakes, here's how he figured out that Dexter's a psychopath. It all just served to make Dexter look like an idiot. "Oh hey, I'm going to quote the journal of the guy I just killed to the one person who's read the journal and who's currently very suspicious about why the guy has vanished." I guess you could argue that this was before season 1 and that Dexter simply didn't know any better, but this is a person who's been leading a double life for ~20 years and he hasn't figured out that getting a visible boner while discussing murders may be seen as a bit weird? "It was a mistake trying to appear human in front of Doakes." NO IT WAS A MISTAKE QUOTING THE JOURNAL YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO KNOW ABOUT.


I assume Hannah will be back at some point (on-screen or otherwise), or there was no point in having her perform the easiest breakout ever. I like how the prison guards/police officers just left her alone in her bed next to a pair of scissors.


"Oh no I'm going through shit in my life, let's make meth!" I can't get behind that.




I think the innocent was a mistake and this season has been about him looking at his own mental perception of himself. His Dark Passenger has been drawn into question, Harry's code has been breaking down due to Debs finding out (he did say a while ago he's no longer following it, but seems to have been on a half-way house since then, and it all led to him deciding to kill to stay ahead. If in doubt, snuff 'em out.


I assume the flashbacks were to show us Dexter realising that he is just a "creepy motherfucker", not the dark avenger that he thinks he is. Doakes was right after all. Plus it does tie into the Maria story, as that's where all this started.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Dexter >>> Breaking Bad


I need to come clean, I feel like I'm meant to love Breaking Bad when in actual fact I find it simply okay and occasionally great. It's like the emperor's new clothes, everyone is telling themselves it's amazing when it's just a bit edgy.

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Breaking Bad's quality isn't comparable to Dexter IMHO. Breaking Bad's story arc is a million times tighter and defined, and its direction is "special" rather than just "fine" on Dexter.


I still love them both, but please stop with the crazy talk.


Plus as far as I'm aware, the writers intended a five year run for BB so that they could tell a story, whereas Dexter has hopped from year to year in a self-contained fashion (other than seasons 7/8). BB's story is bound to be tighter for that reason :)


Plus maybe it's better. I don't know. But Dexteeeeeeeer! Serial killers are more relateable than drug dealers, it's a fact :p

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Plus as far as I'm aware, the writers intended a five year run for BB so that they could tell a story, whereas Dexter has hopped from year to year in a self-contained fashion (other than seasons 7/8). BB's story is bound to be tighter for that reason :)


Oh yeah, I know that but it doesn't change the fact.


Anyway, you people started this fight.


P.S. the acting is also stronger in BB.



But I do love both. As far as "poppy" TV shows go, Dexter is the best by a country mile.

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I'd rather be a serial killer than a drug dealer.


Yeah, you'd be on the news 24/7!



Oh yeah, I know that but it doesn't change the fact.


Anyway, you people started this fight.


P.S. the acting is also stronger in BB.



But I do love both. As far as "poppy" TV shows go, Dexter is the best by a country mile.


I believe it was you who raised the topic of BB at the top of this page :heh:

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Breaking Bad's quality isn't comparable to Dexter IMHO. Breaking Bad's story arc is a million times tighter and defined, and its direction is "special" rather than just "fine" on Dexter.


I still love them both, but please stop with the crazy talk.




I've yet to watch Breaking Bad. Possibly next on my LoveFilm list.


Dexter is one of my favourite things to watch. I doubt it'll ever reach the high point of Series/Season 4 again, but it's still excellent viewing.

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  • 2 months later...

Oh, boy, I finally got around to watching the whole series (after stopping halfway through Season 2, all those years ago). Loved the whole thing.


I must say, I'm surprised with some of the comments I've read regarding these last few episodes.

The whole "Deb poisoning herself" theory. Not only does this go against Deb's character stands for, it's an incredibly stupid plan in the first place.



Anyway, even though Season 1 is still the best one for me, I still think that the show kept its quality throughout the years. I also love the fact that each season is mostly self-contained in writing and themes, meaning each one has a beginning, middle and end (so many long-running series lack satisfying endings to their story arcs).

Edited by Jonnas
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