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Bioshock: Infinite


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I love the way you have to keep making these split-second choices that may not change much, but sometimes give you the feeling that the events that play out are a repercussion of the choice you just made. Really love this game just as much as the first already.

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My girlfriend borrowed some money the other day and would have bought this game to pay me back. I really couldn't decide as I like what I see and hear from it but when the shop didn't have it, the decision was made for me. Will wait till its price reductions (and till I have actually played BS1).

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Absolutely loving this game,the gameplay is fluid, and Elizabeth is amazing! Still doesn't feel like a 10/10 game so far though, but it's definitely brilliant.


Although I'm having having issues running the PC version on Very High/Ultra. I have a PC with a Core i5-3750K @ 3.4GHZ, 8GB DDR3 RAM and a GeForce GTX570 Golden Sample graphics card. However, when I run the game at 1080p with the options set to very high/ultra, and do the benchmark test, the frame rate can drop to around 16fps. I even just tried running it at 1600x1024, and it still drops below 30fps at times. Any ideas anyone? Thanks if you can help...

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Although I'm having having issues running the PC version on Very High/Ultra. I have a PC with a Core i5-3750K @ 3.4GHZ, 8GB DDR3 RAM and a GeForce GTX570 Golden Sample graphics card. However, when I run the game at 1080p with the options set to very high/ultra, and do the benchmark test, the frame rate can drop to around 16fps. I even just tried running it at 1600x1024, and it still drops below 30fps at times. Any ideas anyone? Thanks if you can help...


There lies your problem. The game is apparently not well optimised for nVidia (my specs are similar, but with an AMD graphics card. 1080p and everything on Ultra). Someone posted this on Google+:


As always, the fix for these things is simple. Edited a config file to set the default memory pool from 512mb to 1gb (I actually have another gig spare on my card). So its loading far more into memory. I should be able to push the game back up to Ultra now too!
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There lies your problem. The game is apparently not well optimised for nVidia (my specs are similar, but with an AMD graphics card. 1080p and everything on Ultra). Someone posted this on Google+:


Thanks for the help! After your tip, plus finding some other tweaks as well, the game is a lot smoother. I now appear to be getting 40-60fps. Thanks again. :)


In fact, for those of you still having issues, here's another change to the 'xengine.ini' file I found from someone on the Steam forums:


Here is how to fix the in game loading stutter. I read a couple of people saying this worked for them and it definitely got rid of it for me to. Im running the game on a Vertex 4 SSD as well and was getting all kinds of little loading stutters when entering or exiting random rooms.


in file XEngine.cfg (Documents\My Games\BioShock Infinite\XGame\Config)

change "bUseBackgroundLevelStreaming=true" to "bUseBackgroundLevelStreaming=false"

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I will have to try both of the suggestions when I get home.


I was getting acceptable performance at 1920x1080 but I was having horrible stutter every so often. Looks like this might fix it.


My specs:

Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550

nVidia GeForce GTX 660 Ti


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Am I the only one who has been unimpressed by this so far? I played for about 2-3 odd hours the other day (got up to just after getting the flame power) on Hard mode and the game is rubbing me the wrong way.

Haven't gotten very far, but I'm with you. Certainly feeling that its somewhat overrated. I also jumped straight in on hard and finding it a bit irritating that I'm constantly being hit by turrets I can't even see. It's been very glitchy, too. I went in one room and a man was running around inside a large table, shouting that I was trying to escape. In another room a woman was describing me to a policeman, who made notes on an invisible notepad and showed no interest in me even when I shot his partner and the woman...


Visually it's a bit poor, really blurry textures everywhere, wishing I'd picked it up on PC.


That said, I'm not hating it and will at least keep playing a little further. May need to wait til it gets dark and put on the headphones to get the whole experience.

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Rescued Elizabeth, picked up the electro-power and tried escaping on a zepplin. Which has been kidnapped by people who have told me to get weapon supplies.



It's not too bad of a game, not got the same factor of the original. But i'm really enjoying this still.

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Haven't gotten very far, but I'm with you. Certainly feeling that its somewhat overrated. I also jumped straight in on hard and finding it a bit irritating that I'm constantly being hit by turrets I can't even see. It's been very glitchy, too. I went in one room and a man was running around inside a large table, shouting that I was trying to escape. In another room a woman was describing me to a policeman, who made notes on an invisible notepad and showed no interest in me even when I shot his partner and the woman...


Visually it's a bit poor, really blurry textures everywhere, wishing I'd picked it up on PC.


That said, I'm not hating it and will at least keep playing a little further. May need to wait til it gets dark and put on the headphones to get the whole experience.


I thought the opening hour or so was incredible. The pacing, the artwork, the Prophet reverence and exploring the ultra-intense vibrancy of Columbia. The combat definitely picks up once you've acquired a few vigors and you get the hang of everything (you can take that literally, the skyline fights are usually the most entertaining).


Elizabeth was brilliant throughout, usually I find character animations, facial especially, really jarring and awkward but there were probably only a couple of instances where it wasnt seamless. The story turned a little incoherent from about the half way point but the ending was still satsfying. I dont have any major gripes with the game, only niggles. I forgive it for its faults because the world they created was such fun to be a part of, sure under close scrutiny the distant islands and textures are poor (noticeable most when aiming down iron sights) but visually I thought the bloom was gloriously appropriate.


Difficulty wise Id say hard mode was near perfect - I died roughly a dozen times of which only a few deaths felt cheap. I cant see myself suffering through 1999 mode because I imagine the patriots/handyman/l.comstock's ghost to be a pain the arse.


Collecting vials/gear was as addictive as it ever has been, although maybe they could have made backtracking more open/obvious.


A solid 9/10. Loved it

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Credits just rolled. Was really quite awesome. I preferred the first BioShock, but only because Rapture is an immense and terrifying place. The combat in Infinite was perfect apart from maybe not being able to switch between powers quick enough without breaking the flow.


Fingers crossed for another BioShock game.

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I enjoyed it a lot more after writing that post. The moments up until Elizabeth and everything since. I don't think it's as good as the first, and having the experience of discovering Rapture for the first time and knowing that this would essentially be the same, but in the sky, really took away a lot of the "wow" factor which meant the cinematic opening sequences weren't quite as enthralling as they would be to someone with no idea what they were getting themselves into.

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I don't the first BioShock and BioShock Infinite are really comparable. The more I think about Infinite, the more I get from it. I didn't think I'd bother with a second playthrough nut I'm starting to change my mind.

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I've started the second playthough and there's so much hidden stuff in the form of lines that hint towards what will happen, and various things you'll notice because you know the story.


What do people think about:


The music from the "future"?


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What vigors did people rely on? I found myself spamming shock jockey and murder of crows for most of the game, occasionally thowing in devil's kiss and possession. I fully upgraded return to sender after collecting it late on, which did make a mockery of some sections, but otherwise I wasn't very adventurous. Barely bothered with the combinations but for crow & shock traps because they ripped everything to shreds.


Not sure why youd use the barge/pull powers?

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Murder Crows and Possession. Return to Sender was also a shit load of awesome to use.


Even though Possession was my primary Tonic (I enjoyed causing suicide) I didn't get the trophy for 20 Kills with a possessed machine. I think it bugged out on me.

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I always change my Vigors by holding LB and using the wheel rather that just switching between two.


I literally did not know how to change vigors until reading this. I thought I was stuck with the ones I had until possibly further in the game (and I think I'm pretty far through). Just shows what missing one prompt can do to a game!

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I literally did not know how to change vigors until reading this. I thought I was stuck with the ones I had until possibly further in the game (and I think I'm pretty far through). Just shows what missing one prompt can do to a game!


I don't think there was one to be honest. It was just the same in the first Bioshock so I tried it out here too.

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