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Drunken thread ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Drunk drunk drunk. Well more buszzed really.


I'm going to fgvie drinking livgefe advice though. I',m also regugfusing use of the backspace key.


Step one. Always place your pinky finger beneath your drink. This helps you dto not drop your drink. If you drop your drink the bartendre will curt you off.


Two, If you can't feel your lisps, yur;e ...you're drukn. If you're drunk and you can still feel you're ilips, you're doing it wrong.


Three, I had a 3 but I can't rememrer, what was it. I'm yrtping this with my etes closed and rocking my head back and forth. it's rahter gun.,trying to rememeger what 3 was. Maybe I dind't have a 3 at all. Eyes still cloooosed, I wonder how I'm doing. Ah well, I know I had a 3 bu t I'll never remember it, so I'll just wuit typing now.


Wiat, 3 was kf yu can't find a bottle opener, keys work well lswell. Opening a bottle with keeys gets odly easier the drinker you get, and it makes for a good party trick.


Ising keys really isn't good advice though like 1 and 2.


Eyes open now....huh I know enopgh not to end a sentance with too,m but still end it with weell and as well nest to each other. cvblasted no bvackspacing. I hate it. I suppose I could keep my eteyes open and type slower. That's no fun though, not at all. Mistalkes are funnier,..



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I've decided to make a post in this thread without the aid of the backspace button, after two can sbefore the bup.... PUB then a two pints tere, four cans when I get jhme. It is surely a bad thong to do. Lol. I can see the mstakes when they pear. APPERA. APPEAR. I should get credit for noticing the mistces?! MISTAKES!


Anyway. people think I[m drunk all the time, and I enjoy that reputation, let -- YWT --- YET ut s... U... IT is nt NOT true. I am not continuously drunk. Sometimes I worry that such a reputation in some wa ay affects effects fuck you dictionary me, hthat i in some way behave in order to adhere to that. Bi... But it is never knowingle ... LOL... knowingly so.


So reading back after... over.. through? the post so far, i feel that I must be drunker than I feel. That can't be good?


Woo for being unemployed!

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I was out on the town and had tremendous fun last night (read: I was drunk). I always get so merry when I'm drunk. I just find everything funny. I so wished I had a computer with me at the time so I could post in here (I remember even trying out my typing skills on an air keyboard! :p), but by the time I got home I had sobered up. On the plus side, that meant no hangover for me today! :D

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You CAN go out and not get shitfaced. (whilst still drinking)


I have tried this so many times and failed on the vast majority. Drinking begets more drinking, and because the onset of hangover and curmudgeonly rage occurs early on in the drinking hours for me, I tend to drink until I sedate myself into oblivion.


This results in my doing heinously embarrassing things, such as on last friday, when I unashamedly hit on two girls I've been good friends with for more than two years, and bitched at my best friend about how pathetic my life is, while making him listen to really awful death metal. I don't know why I do and say things that have no basis in actual feelings when I'm drunk, but it happens. Then I spend at least the next three days walking around internally beating myself up for being an unabashed asshole. Its a very strange cycle.


How do I stop?


This shit should be in the confess your sins thread.

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