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The Avengers


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Got in to the Sheffield IMAX to see this at the first showing. Damn, was that place packed out. Never seen it so full on an early weekday showing, people must've come from miles around for the IMAXy goodness. Got there late, missed the Batman and Prometheus trailers but caught Amazing Spider-Man. Had to sit quite close to the screen, but it didn't spoil the experience.


Everything gelled perfectly. It was packed with action but had a great flow, I was worried it would be all over the place. They had to dial back some of the personalities a little (Stark especially) to make them all work together in time, but that would be pretty much my only criticism. Probably the best Superhero movie I've ever watched. Whedon's style was apparent often enough, especially in the humour, but he still made a great action movie. The visuals were stunning also.


Yeah. Go see it.

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Ok back home, i'll post my thoughts in spoilers


I thought Whedon did a brilliant job with this movie, especially giving all the characters their own moments which showed exactly why they deserved to be on that team.


Something I read before which I kind of agree with is that it feels like not much happened in the movie, not really in a bad way as it was all leading to the invasion but it felt lightish.


I thought all the actors did great jobs but Scarlet Johannson seemed to stick out for me, I just really like her Black Widow. Ruffalo did a good job as well stepping in to play Banner. I remember specifically liking him when you see him in the Helicarrier for the first time, how obviously uncomfortable he is.


Hulk beating the crap out of Loki has got to be one of the most amazing things ive ever seen in a superhero movie! Got a massive laugh from people in the cinema.


Some very Whedonesque lines in the movie, my favourite being where Cap gets all excited when he finally understands a reference.


Thor felt slightly under-utilised. He did have some nice moments with Loki but I felt with something so personal to him we could have seen more.


Agent Coulson :( Such an awesome character and I loved his hero worship with Cap. It had me confused for a minute, thinking that he was still alive when Hill called Fury on lying about the cards but no such luck. Speaking of which Ive gotta admit I never really care about Fury or Sam Jackson in these movies but Maria Hill was pretty bad ass in places.


And finally......Thanos!



Overall......I need this on blu ray now!

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I'd just like to say how much I loved the Hulk in this.


His fight with Thor was damn good fun, when Thor smacked him round the face with the hammer it took all my might not to say "oooooh shit that was awesome".


Hulk vs Loki was just epic, funny as hell.


When Banner Hulks up on his own and takes out the big flying cunt I had the biggest grin ever.



The last time I went to the cinema to see a movie more than once was with The Dark Knight (saw it three times) but I'm really tempted right now to go see The Avengers again.


Bring on that Bluray.

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Yup agree with above, was just so awesome. Banner/Hulk was just done so right as well.


I didn't understand the after credit scene but my friend explained it to me which got me excited! :D


Some really funny bits as well, at least two of them involving Hulk which had the whole cinema laughing.


Great fight scenes, made it work so well with the different characters. And so many small moments that just made me smile as the film went on.


I need this on blu ray now!!!!

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You guys wont believe this but I was talking with my mum before and she mentioned that she seen my facebook update about going to watch Avengers in the cinema today... I made a joke saying I suppose you don't know what the Avengers are (she has seen Iron Man and Thor so I thought u never know...) and she replied "Yes I do! I watched a TV show on it years ago" *Sigh*


Suppose it's for people like her that they renamed the film... :/

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I'd just like to say how much I loved the Hulk in this.


His fight with Thor was damn good fun, when Thor smacked him round the face with the hammer it took all my might not to say "oooooh shit that was awesome".


Yeah that fight was awesome. Had what was, I think, the only slow-mo shot in the film and it was perfectly placed. Also I loved that Hulk, with all his strength, can't pick up Mjölnir


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I just. I. How. How has it lived up and surpassed my expectations? Mine. Whut.


God. Amazing. Absolutely amazing. There is so little to criticise that its ridiculous. A unique situation in that there were five individual films setting up this film, which almost allowed it to be complete action....and it absolutely worked. Pay off.


Everything was amazing.




Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner was absolutely perfectly cast. He was easily on par with Edward Norton, and his humour probably hit a little better, so overall I probably prefer his Banner.


Black Widow, obviously SO hot it is crazy. So skilled and cool.


The opening was pure action, cementing Loki yet further as now an even bigger threat.


I like how they introduced Hulk.


Thor's introduction - no time wasted, and his lack of interaction with Jane makes perfect sense and I was happy with.


Pepper Potts! Woot! So glad I avoided all spoilers, its so weird, I used to dislike Paltrow but damn, she is great in Iron Mans and in this, also fuck! I was popping a boner for her.


The film REALLY picks up in my humble opinion when you see Captain America, and of course Tony Stark. The bigger personalities, and it just elevates.


So much action. Usually in (even these Marvel movies) you get one or two big action set pieces, leading up to a big finale fight, often quite short. Well this one was near enough non stop and lead up to what? Like a 40 minute finale.


Speaking of which, the choreography was absolutely glorious. It was visionary and fluid, like the camera flying through the sky, un-interrupted, focusing on each character and each situation. The little touches of team work like Hulk smashing debris into the large creature, Thor turning around, noticing and hammering it in! I loved that each character had what seemed like;


A) Perfect amount of interaction with others.


B) Nice action scenes.


C) Importance to the story and the finale.


D) Most importantly a share of the spotlight.


It would have been/was such a difficult task to achieve all the above, but they did it.


Iron Man's MkVII armor. Yes. That gave me goosebumps.


Maria Hill was fucking delicious.


Agent Coulson had better fucking not be dead.


Thanos - YES. Partly saw it coming, as they hinted at a big leader earlier on, and he seemed like the only possible choice. I was a tiny tiny tiny bit sad to not see Red Skull, as I thought he might be shown somewhere (in after credits) but at the end of the day, that is a petit and stupid complaint.


Humouress, sometimes VERY in places. Again, my cinema was also packed out and they found a lot of scenes hilarious. This is one of the things that really sets apart the better Marvel movies, so I think the comedy aspect is an important one and it was absolutely nailed.



So yeah. Absolutely one of my favourite films ever. Arguably the best "Super Hero" movie. Arguably one of the best high-action movies of all time. It was just...incredible.


I am going to try and see this (in 2D) on Saturday. Obviously 3D added nothing, but detracted little, so I won't mention any further on that.


Wow. The Avengers is here.


So what do we think about an Avengers 2 plot. Obviously its hard to say, specifically with like 4 films (at the very least) between now and then, but;


Will it be Thanos?


Masters of Evil?




Or a combination thereof.


I hope that its like Ultron + Thanos probably. Two plots interwoven, setup by Ant Man obv.


Ugh. Some fucking moron cunt on my friends Facebook.





He is a total stranger to me, and I don't care if its seen as out of line, fucking pricks need to be called out when they're being fucking pricks.

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Agent Coulson had better fucking not be dead.



C'man, it's Whedon. He has to kill one character you love. And yet it's Marvel Studios, so it has to be someone expendable.

Side note: this is an extra big spoiler so don't be tempted to open it if you haven't seen the film yet.

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So what do we think about an Avengers 2 plot. Obviously its hard to say, specifically with like 4 films (at the very least) between now and then, but;


Will it be Thanos?


Masters of Evil?




Or a combination thereof.


I hope that its like Ultron + Thanos probably. Two plots interwoven, setup by Ant Man obv.


Well as its Thanos I would expect the Infiniy Gauntlet to factor in. Did we see it in the weapons vault in Thor? I know there were quite a few Marvel easter eggs in that vault.


I do expect to see Ant Man in the next movie joining the team but I would like Ultron left until the third movie. He could be see in the second or possibly Ant Mans own movie before he turns bad but I think hes such a massive villain and a personal one for Hank Pym that he should have his own movie.


I dont remember the interview but someone said a week or so ago that Ant Man would have been in this first Avengers movie if they had managed to get his movie made in time. Also that Nathan Fillion was still rumoured to be playing Pym.



I think I will probably be going to see the movie again next Wednesday, 2D of course.

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I went and seen the 22:00 showing last night and LOVED everything about the film.


Every character had a part to play and my worries about Stark stealing the show didn't come to pass. During the last half of the film I think I just sat there like a little kid with a massive grin on my face. I just couldn't believe what I was watching. :D


I loved how it had that classic Whedon humour and the guy didn't an AMAZING job setting bringing together the whole gang after the numerous films that set it up before it.


Favourite parts.


The Hulk brought some great moments with him. Punching Thor was hilarious but what got the most laughs was when Loki started his superiority speech and Hulk just beat the hell out of him. Classic!


Thors line about his brother being adopted was also hilarious.



Can't fault the film at all and I look forward to seeing it again on Saturday. :D


Oh, the end credits.....OH YES!!!!

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Few images:


This is why I hated the 3D, because of the glasses I couldnt even see that Hawkeye's costume had purple in it!




Amazing moment:








Im still trying to find an image of Thanos and I want a good one of the team shot with Hawkeye in the middle as they go get Loki, it was amazing!


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I feel "THANOS!!!" doesn't actually spoil anything, since, like, in the film his presence is a spoiler in itself, tacked on the end. Reading it on Facebook or seeing it on the screen is pretty much an identical experience.

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Ok I'm awake now and will try to create a more coherent post


As I tried to say last night in my excitement the film just blew me away.


I was a little worried that as I didn't avoid trailers I might have seen the "best bits" as trailers tend to give away, thankfully they didn't :D

I was also worried I had hyped myself too much that the film wouldn't live up to expectations but it not just lived up to those expectations it went far beyond them I couldn't believe what I was seeing on screen was actually real and not a dream :D


How they pulled this off is amazing. Was worried the combination of casts from 5 different films wouldn't mix well but my god, nothing seemed out of place.


And Ruffalo was just awesome as Banner, as much as I liked Norton in his film, I think as part of this film Ruffalo was the best move. I don't think Norton could have pulled off the "smart guy" role as well and mix in the comedy too :D


It was a long film too but did not feel long in any way... hell I'd have loved it if it was longer.... what's teh chances the bluray will have a directors cut edition that is 3 hours long ? :heh:


The comedy was great and nicely placed in amongst the action.




Spoilers ahoy below, will try to split them into different sections to make it easier should anyone want to reply to certain parts I mention :D


Thor: That's my brother

BlackWidow: He killed 87 people in two days

Thor: ah he's adpoted


Just perfect delivery and unexpected... hell all of the littel one liners just flowed so naturally from the characters it was brilliant.


I was in tears in with laughter at the final battle when Thor and Hulk took down the giant flying thing and Hulk just punches Thor. I was expecting Thor to turn to him and say something referencing their earlier (epic) fight, like "we work better fighting together I think" and Hulk would give a cheeky grin or just grunt and hop away. But then BAM, no look punch to Thor it was so unexpected it was just awesome.


Cap "getting" the flying monkey reference was just brillant, loved how leading up to that you could see Cap felt a little uncomfortable and "out of place", then Fury says whatever about "flying monkeys" and he's all "yeah I get that, see I not that out of place here" :heh:


In teh final battle when Cap starts giving orders to the cops and their like "why should we take orders from you?" Then Cap just destories a bunch of aliens and before Cap can even say "that's why" the cop instantly repeats and follows Caps orders :D



Oh and Cap handing Fury the 10 dollars for the bet they had, no words exchanged, I don't think Cap even looked him in teh eye... just delivered so effortlessly :D


There was just much I can't even remember it all, will have to try get out to see it again (again and again) in the next few days, haha.




I was actually very surprised how in the final battle they didn't revisit the Thor overcharging Tonys armour like he did when they first met/fought.


When I saw that I was fully expecting it to be the "game changer" moment in the final battle as tends to happen in films when they show something happen early in a film and then reuse it again at the end. Really glad they broke with "tradition" and didn't do it, nicely done.



There was however a few things that I didn't "get" right away unfortunately :(


[spoiler=loss of nerd point inside :(]

I didn't quite get the Thanos bit at the end, as I didn't know/assume it was him. My first instinct was it was a Skrull leader (maybe a Secret Invasion story arc for Avengers2 I was thinking)


Mainly cause I didn't know Loki's army were the Skrull cause he kept calling them something else, teh Chitauri, which I had never heard before.... just did some google/wiki and found out they were called Chitauri in teh Ultimate comics and I don't actually know much at all bought the Ultimate universes which is why I didn't get the connection. I just assumed the Chitauri were another race altogether and they were saving teh Skrull for another movie :heh:


I also waited till the very end of teh credits just incase there was more :(


Also @Happenstance yes the infinity gaunlet was indeed in Odins vault in the Thor film.






Another thing that left me a little confused in regard to previous films too...


From the after credits bit of Thor aren't we meant to assume that Loki is already on Earth and is already controlling Dr. Selvig? Why then was his entrance in the film, him arriving on Earth and taking control of Selvig (and Hawkeye...I did not expect that at all) Nice early twist.



Also with the Hulk...

So did Bruce have control of the Hulk when he was the Hulk? I know he is now able to change at will (and what a lovely transformation that was too) now but when he is the Hulk does he have some control?


He seemed to have control in teh final fight but then if he does why did he go ape shit when he transformed eariler on the Hellicarrier? Was it cause he didn't transform by choice?




Loved how they brought Thor back too though, just no messing about at all...


They didn't need to explain it fully as I thought they might have to, he just appeared and that was it. Loki makes some reference to Odin using a large supply of Dark Energy and they he knows Thor needs the Cosmic Cube to return and that's all that is said and you just accept it.


But I do love that they did mention Jane Foster as I worried before hand I thought it would be weird if Thor got back to Earth and didn't mention her. Again they dealt with it very well saying SHEILD is looking after her and Thor knows she's safe and knows he should deal with Loki first before "indulging himself" ;)


I really hope though at the start of Thor 2 is a scene with Jane watching a news report of the battle in New York and seeing Thor fighting. Then when he does get back to her she gets mad at him for not coming to see her or something :D



Was a little dissappointed that Stan Lee didn't somehow come face to face with all the heroes as I hoped but I loved his line, just bloody perfect :D



Oh and some Ironman 3 and more Hulk speculation...

I wonder if they don't make another Hulk film would Bruce make a cameo in IM3?

Him and Tony left together and Tony did offer him a lab to do research in so it shouldn't be that impossible for Ruffalo to appear with or without the Hulk.


I just think if they don't have a new Hulk film it would be a shame if we don't see Ruffalo on screen again till Avengers 2 (anyone know how many films he is signed for?) so getting him to appear in other films would be a good move and IM3 would make the most sense if he is working with/for Tony.


Personally I would like to see another Hulk film as I would just like to see them do the Red Hulk in a film :D



And finally some characters that I thought might appear but didn't...



Henry Pym, I thought he might have at least been mentioned by someone. Like at the end when the Avengers went their different ways and Fury is all like "They will come back when we need them".


I was expecting him to then go "OK, so lets get started on Avengers Phase 2" and then pull up a file on a screen named "Pym" or something :heh:


RedSkull, I gotta admit, though I knew Loki was in the film, at the start when the Cube started powering up and Hawkeye mentioned how it is like a door that can be opened on both sides, I kinda thought maybe RedSkull would appear (as he went through the door one way already he must have been trying to reopen it to get back to Earth). And of course as I thought from teh Thor after credits that Loki was already on Earth it seemed odd that in this he only just arrived...but that's just nitpicking now I guess.


Winter Soilder, especially when Black Window was introduced and she was in Russia I thought from that we might have had a Winter Solider cameo :heh:


Spiderman...I know, I know, movie rights owned by Sony and all. But it still didn't stop me hoping they might have surprised us with a small cameo somehow. Was hoping as the new Spidey film deals with Peters parents that Sony might have asked to be allowed mention SHEILD and their might have been some sort of secret contract of exchange of "properties" going on.


Just imagine if at the end of the final battle you then see Spiderman landing on top of a skyscraper, look down and say "Damn guess I'm late...maybe next time" and then just swing away. *dreams*


Plus Garfield just looks like he would slot in so well alongside of the rest of the cast....gods damnit why won't they make this happen :cry:




So anyone know roughly when the Bluray should be released? :heh:

I NEED it ASAP....hopefully as part of a 6 film boxset, shaped like the Hellicarrier and with a directors cut version of The Avengers that is like 3+ hours long :D




Oh almost forgot (how did I almost forget :heh:)... the "sad" bit :cry:


Agent Coulson, why, why did they do this?

He was awesome, such a shame.


When Loki stabbed him the whole cinema let out a gasp it was such a shock. Though I loved how he still managed to get a joke in while dying *destroyer gun goes off* "Oh that's what it does".


But damnit I was looking forward to seeing more of him in future films.


I guess I do understand why they did it, they needed some kind of event to help bring the Heroes together on the same page, Phil even said it himself while dying which I thought was nice. Like even though he was going to die he could see how he would still benifit the team.


But still DAMN IT :mad:

Was reall hoping to see him alive at the end and for The Avengers to get pissed at Fury for lying and him to go "Well ye needed a push and it worked didn't it" or something.


He will be missed :cry:


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I thought it was great. Not brilliant. Actually thought Thor was easily a better film. It had some spectacular moments, though. Hulk, obviously brilliant. I do tire of Iron Man and he has no depth. Cap America was the worst, such a dullard. He felt useless and it looked like he knew it (which actually redeemed him somewhat, in my eyes). Black Widow, fucking A - as was Hawkeye and Thor was great, I wanted a little more of him, though.


Loki was also awesome but a little more definition to the whole army that was backing him up was needed, although that may be answered in a follow up.


Also couldn't help thinking 'They're in New York, Spiderman not being here is fucking retarded.'


While I love Whedon's writing, I can't help but think he kind of sucks at directing.


Basically, great, disappointingly mindless but not the best thing ever. Sadly.

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