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It does make me think - I know Spiderman and the Avengers are KIND OF different universes, they also totally are the same, especially after the new, 'realistic' version of Spiderman is out soon. So why is he not there for when shit blows up in New York? Is he on holiday for that week or something, or are we just meant to assume that he doesn't exist at all in this film?






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Yes, I know that in the comics Spiderman has appeared in all kinds of cross-overs, and that he's been in the Avengers in the comics but in in the films he is not only not in them, he's not even mentioned. Seeing as Nick Fury has been hunting around for heroes to work together, and he is based in New York but hasn't mentioned Spidey, it implies that they're in a kind of different universe, even though they really shouldn't be.


Also, Thor looks retarded on that cover.

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He really does, yes. Anyway, I was just being a pedant. The whole licence thing properly sucks because Spider-Man in the Avengers movies would be excellent- though of course without Sony and Fox making the movies that they did with their respective franchises Marvel would have probably never founded their own studio to make all these great adaptations themselves so...yeah!

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I also watched the IGN Rewind of the Spider Man trailer... and they bring up the point of Peters parents being in the film, and that both of them were members of SHIELD and were killed in their work. They said it would be nice if SHILED had a mention in the film atleast, in a nod to the Marvel films.

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Just watched Captain America. Personally, I thought it was much better than Thor. Seemed to have much more plot and much less reliance on effects. Interesting that the weapons in this (based on Asgard technology) likely influences all the technology in Iron Man. I also loved the mixture of WW2 and futuristic technology.


I loved Red Skull, but had one huge disappointment


The fight between Captain America and Red Skull was rather lame. They just fumbled around for a bit until Red Skull picked up the Asgard Cube Thing and was transported away (but bless them for attempting to make it look like a death scene). Still, he seemed like a great character so hopefully he'll get a bigger role in a future Captain America/Avengers film.


The Asgard Cube Thing is also another possibility for bringing Thor back in The Avengers


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Didn't think this question needed it's own thread so seemed best to just bump this one even though it might not be related to the Avengers.


But only recently found out there is a sequel to the Nic Cage Ghost Rider film coming next year... surprised seeing as I heard the 1st was bad, which is why I never saw it.


But was wondering since Ghost Rider is a Marvel character is this new film gonna tie into the Marvel Movie Universe or are the rights with a different studio and there'll be no cross over in it?

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Didn't think this question needed it's own thread so seemed best to just bump this one even though it might not be related to the Avengers.


But only recently found out there is a sequel to the Nic Cage Ghost Rider film coming next year... surprised seeing as I heard the 1st was bad, which is why I never saw it.


But was wondering since Ghost Rider is a Marvel character is this new film gonna tie into the Marvel Movie Universe or are the rights with a different studio and there'll be no cross over in it?


No, it looks like the rights to Ghost Rider are currently owned by Columbia Pictures so thankfully it wont be tied into the current Marvel Movie Universe at all.

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So there are rumours floating round that a certain superhero could make a cameo in the Avengers...


If you want to keep a secret, it might be best not to tell Jenny Agutter. It seems that the actress could have inadvertently revealed details about the biggest cameo expected in The Avengers film this summer.


Agutter was talking to the Radio Times when she said, “I’m sworn to secrecy. I wasn’t allowed a script until I got there, and when I did I felt like a complete child being on big sets and a huge parking lot full of Winnebagos.â€


So far so good, but she went on to add that one of those Winnebagos was for Iron Man. No surprise there. Another was for Spiderman. Hang on! What?

Yes, if the actress is correct in her comments, then it could be huge surprise for filmgoers if, just a couple of months before The Amazing Spiderman hits cinemas the webbed wonder could be on screen as part of the comic book super group as he does in the comic books.


Whether it turns out to be true will be something we won’t know until May, but it’s definitely something build up the hype with




Okay so we know Spiderman is Sony property, but apparently Disney & Sony made a deal regarding Spiderman rights...


Then in July, Sony Pictures will release The Amazing Spiderman. We're excited about the film and expect it will drive significant benefits for Spiderman consumer products.


To that end, we recently completed a transaction with Sony Pictures to simplify our relationship. And then in the deal, we purchased Sony Pictures' participation in Spiderman merchandising, while at the same time, Sony Pictures purchased from us our participation in Spiderman films. This transaction will allow us to control and fully benefit from all Spiderman merchandising activity, while Sony will continue to produce and distribute Spiderman films. We won't be specific about the economics of this 2-way transaction, but we expect it will drive attractive returns for Disney.






Clutching at straws perhaps???

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I've not actually clicked the spoiler tag, but if its the rumour I've heard then I'd be surprised.


It really depends how the contracts are drawn up with other film companies, as like....when the contracts were drawn up X was not an Avenger, but now X is. But yeah...can't see it.


One of the parts I put in the spoiler was to do with Disney & the owners of X striking a deal so that Disney would own all marketing rights to X, where as the other company own the movie rights to X.


so for X to cameo in Avengers it would line both companies pockets with a little extra money.



but as you've said really can't see it. I think it's just a wet dream really.

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I'd say in all likely hood the quote of the actress in the spoiler was the actress showing she knows very little about comics/superheroes and was just pulling names out of the air.... however that whole shared contract thing is interesting and it would be SO AWESOME if true.... just building the hype even more now.


If true thought it'll just make the failure to get W to have a cameo in Cap hurt all the more :(

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I would assume it would contain a lot of comments from Iron Man on how shitty Batman's voice is



Or how that lamp post in the background, slightly out of focus and pretty vague-looking is far more interesting than watching Christian Bale put on his Big Boy Voice and trying to act.



EDIT: Does anyone have a China-accessible video of that teaser? Youtube...still blocked...

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