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X-Men: First Class


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The fuck. I didn't even know it had started filming.




Well yeah... its slated for 3rd June 2011 release... so they better hurry up with all the casting.


2011 we have Thor, Captain America, Green Lantern, X-Men First class.... and for anyone that is interested (I certainly am... ) Fast Five and Transformers 3.


Awesome Year for movies!

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X-Men: First Class Gets Earlier UK Release Date, Plus New Character Details Revealed!


As well as a new release date, there are some interesting details about the characters that Kevin Bacon and Rose Byrne are playing. Who is Dr. Schmidt and which one of them is a CIA Agent? Hit the jump for details...


It's already been confirmed that the movie will be released in the US on June 3rd, but as has been the trend of late with comic book movies such as Kick-Ass, Iron Man 2 and Thor, the UK will get to see X-Men: First Class a little sooner. (although not weeks sooner as was the case with those listed above) Here's an excerpt from the report at RWD.


"The news that X-Men First Class, the film focussed on the early days of the mutant movement has finally been given a UK release date excites us a lot."


"...which began the eternal war between Magneto’s Brotherhood and Professor X’s X-Men is released June 2 2011 in the UK and Ireland."


Interestingly, the site also mentions that the cast was "revealed" to them along with the release date. Although we already know whose playing who, I'm pretty sure we've not heard Kevin Bacon's Sebastian Shaw also referred to as Dr. Schmidt in the past and Rose Byrne's Moira McTagger as a CIA Agent. What do you guys think about that?


X-Men: First Class also stars James McAvoy as Professor X, Michael Fasbender as Magneto, January Jones as Emma Frost, Caleb Landry Jones as Banshee, Nicholas Hoult as Beast, Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique, Oliver Platt as The Man in Black, Lucas Till as Havok, Jason Flemying as Azazel, Edi Gathegi as Darwin and Zoe Kravitz as Angel Salvadore.



Source - Comicbookmovie.com

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June 2nd and we haven't even had a teaser trailer/poster or anything yet?!!


With a date like that the film must surely be pretty much done already, so post-production work can begin?


Also, that's one crappy list of X-Men!


Not sure I'm that fussed about seeing this, will await a trailer of some kind.

Thor and Captain America will have all my attention this Summer!

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I can see Paj wearing that Emma Frost hat at the top of the page.


We had an acting coach in today who apparently worked with some of the cast on this film. Apparently he was working with...whoever the guy is who can create tornadoes. I forget.


Also he described one scene, although not featuring whatever the above character is called.


It features a young Magneto who is sat at a table and with some scary evil villain dude (the acting coach didn't follow the series so didn't really know anyone) and apparently he keeps trying to force Magneto to move a penny and he keeps saying "I can't!" until the point he brings his mother in and points a gun to her head



Obviously just a small thing and nobody probably cares but thought I'd share ::shrug:

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