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The fight at the end of the episode between Rick's group and the people of Terminus was absolutely horrible. I know the show's been struggling with their limited budget but this is absolutely embarrassing.



^ YES.

Below: beware - there's a rare amount of swearing contained in the next spoiler tag... you know, for me.... :blank:

let's get started.


...did you also notice the walkers in the background during the prison flashbacks (what the fuck was that all about?!) i don't think ANY of them were made up... i'm not sure if any of them were acting either... there's one guy in the background of the last flashback and i swear he just leans casually on the fence and watches the group farm... *sigh*


anyways - here's my impression:


1. fuck no flashbacks. FUCK!!!

this is what you get when you fire the original visionary director and slash the budget so hard it's practically an experiment to see if the new director guys can even BEGIN to pull it off.

Yeah i get it, he's being coaxed by hershall to interact with his son (and daughter) in a peaceful way, building a new tomorrow blah...


2. rape scene.

OH YEAH WHO CALLED THAT? *gives 'called it' trophy to whoever called that*

That was horribly done too. seriously - i get it's an awful topic and they don't really want to rub it TOO much in viewers faces (much like the horror with the sisters in "the grove") but you HAVE to have read the comics to know what the fuck was going on there in the dark. the ringleader (i couldnt be bothered to remember his name..) did say "we'll beat daryll to death, then we'll have the girl, then the boy, then we'll kill you" (what? you're going to kill carl? you're going to.. oh yeah that fat creepy guy i don't remember seeing in your group is totally.... oh......eeerghh) and i guess at one point you hear a HINT of a belt coming off... but it was really unclear to me as to WHY rick went SO nuts. Though, when Rick suddenly goes all "walker" on the guy....!!! wow. I didn't know how to feel about it... they're attacking Daryll, there's a gun on michonne and...well, carl..... rick acted in the desperation that i think most viewers would have been feeling along with him... they deserved it... but he'll never come back from that.


3. Terminus. you fucking smug-ass termites.




It did, and i'm glad it did. Walking dead has ruined me, I don't trust ANYONE. Especially people with SO MUCH GODDAMNED BBQ in the middle of the zambie 'pocalypse. Where's that shit coming from? I'll tell you where that shit's coming from...






TWD telltale game.


The run through the terminus compound (while TOTALLY ridonk-a-donk... is everyone at terminus a stormtrooper in their spare time?? HOW COULD THEY MISS THEM? HOW? even if they were TRYING to miss them and therefore shepherd them into that random area with the train... HOW COULD THEY MISS?!)

*cough* where was i? The run through the compound was like a condensed "look at all this stuff we could've stretched out for 16 episodes but instead are going to give you some quick glimpses of weird oh my god what's that a pile of human bones yum hey look a room full of candles going to waste THAT's a really creepy fire hazard.


Oh wait... they're going to stretch all of that out for the whole of the next season....aren't they..... :blank:


4. "they're screwing with the wrong people"

FUCKING. they're FUCKING with the wrong people.





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I don't read the comic so I don't care about the differences but it's really really obvious that they weren't trying to hit them with those shots. You could clearly see them shooting repeatedly to where they were going to go, making them turn, but also behind them so they wouldn't stop running.

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Well that was enjoyable I thought, not as epic as I hoped though, mid-season certainly wins on the epic scale this season.... seems they'll never top the season 2 finale :(



The scene at night when the "bad men" caught up with Rick and co, it was only then that I realised this they were thr group in the house Rick was in when he was recovering.... I had copped at end of last ep that they were following Rick but thought it was just a coincedence :heh:


The rape scene I understood full well what was going on, thought it was obvious, so I was punching the air when Rick started fighting back and bloody (pun fully intended) loved it when Rick took a bite out of the guys neck in a last resort move! And then totally gutting the fat dude, FUCK YEAH! TAKE THAT YOU BASTARDS!!!!!!!!


The flashbacks I did find very annoying, the first few times seemed fine, but it was just "FRAK OFF AND GET ON WITH THE PRESENT STORY!" was kinda nice to see Hershall reappear on screen for a bit though I guess.


Terminus: Yeah I had a feeling it would turn bad....didn't expect it to go so bad so fast though. I thought Ricks group would get to the BBQ and Glen & Co would be there after having arrived a few mins earlier, there'd be some reunion hugging, then maybe Beth would appear and it would turn out whoever took her in the car was from Terminus and thought (s)he was saving Beth from Walkers when they took her in the car.... then a few mins later Tyrees and Carol and the baby would arrive, lots of crying and hugging would happen again, then just as the ep would end we'd get some sort of hint that all is not well behind the scenes at Terminus.


But nah, feck that lets just jump right to shooting! :heh:


Took me awhile actually to cop the riot gear one guy was wearing was Glens, was only when I saw Rick grab the watch that it clicked with me. Had no issues with the "bad aim" during the shooting, thought it was obvious they were missing on purpose so as to "herd" the group in a certain route... even Rick made mention of it when he realised they were "shooting at our feet" and not directly at them.


The one cage that was passed with a bunch of human bones in it just screams "CANNIBALS".... but if that's right it does seem a bit weird they would be so many of them...like wouldn't they be worried of them eating each other if no "new people" arrived, a small group of cannibals would seem more plausible than a large group. ALso...hold up to frak.... so not only are the dead coming back trying to eat people but we've now got a group of living people going "frak this, why wait till we're dead, least if we do it while alive we can cook the human meat first before eating it" :heh:


Noticed there seemed to be other containers with people inside, could hear people shouting for help when Rick and Co ran past some other containers (after the but with the bones).


The candle room was very weird, though I think I'm more curious about the words on the wall than the candles....

"Never Again - Never Trust - We First, Always" and then a whole bunch of names in a circle on the floor


At the container then, actually thought Cark was gonna die, thought they were gonna have the 3 adults go in first then snipe Carl in the head and close the door before Rick could get back out. Luckily that was wrong. Was surprised to see Glenn and co inside though, thought for sure they might already be dead, let out a bit of a "yay" :yay: when they were revealed.


Bloody annoyed it ended there then....what about Tyrese, Carol and the Baby.....what about Beth!


Also anyone else notice all the doorways and entranceways they were "herded" through and the container they were forced into were marked "A" which was also the title of the episode...





So when is season 5 due to drop? :heh:

Edited by Mokong
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The reason for


Them missing at Terminus is that if they are indeed cannibals, which they almost certainly are, they don't want to kill their victims as they will become "spoiled meat" as it were and inedible. In both the comic and the game especially, they keep a guy alive for as long as possible upstairs at the dairy farm while they eat his legs, arms etc. Stuff he can live without.


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The reason for


Them missing at Terminus is that if they are indeed cannibals, which they almost certainly are, they don't want to kill their victims as they will become "spoiled meat" as it were and inedible. In both the comic and the game especially, they keep a guy alive for as long as possible upstairs at the dairy farm while they eat his legs, arms etc. Stuff he can live without.


I had a horrible nightmare last night...

I dreamed that I was one of the prison survivors bundled into Car A with the rest of them, and that the people from Terminus were indeed cannibals. They took Michonne out in front of me and were just about to cut off her legs.... then I woke up.


Then I fell asleep again and dreamed once more that we were in the same situation but had a lot of A-Team-style crap lying around the train car that we were planning to use to escape... but one day the Terminus people took it all away. Doesn't sound scary, but the feeling of dread during the dream was intense.


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Whoever called the Carl rape scene was right on the nose. Horrifying.


^ YES.


@londragon was the first to mention the rape scene, but I suggested it could still happen, so yeah. Thanks for the trophy too! ^_^


Seriously though, that scene was extremely disturbing, I was just glad that Rick sorted it, although that was a pretty fucked up (but awesome) moment in itself..


As for the episode, and this half of the season, I actually liked it. It was good to have a focus on characterisation, and the slower pace was a nice change. But bloody cliffhangers! Anyone notice they always end a series half way through a storyline now? :/


2. rape scene.

OH YEAH WHO CALLED THAT? *gives 'called it' trophy to whoever called that*


Edited by CoolFunkMan
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Anyone notice they always end a series half way through a storyline now? :/


That's the way to make us come back for more. I'd come back for more anyway.

The ending sucked arse, Rick's little monologue about them being a bad-arse group. Come on!

But, the episode was so good overall. That scene where Bob et.al. caught up with Rick was just like the comics and just as brutally envisioned. The TV show gives Bob and his gang a back story, the comics just show it as a chance meeting, so one up for the TV show there. I'm so glad they didn't ditch this scene, and the obvious cannibals in Terminus. Who's first for lunch then? Abraham, Rosita and Eugene are new and pivotal characters, so I doubt they'll get eaten. How about Sascha (don't fancy her chances). Glenn and Maggie (one of them to get eaten). How about part of Rick? 1835941-issue27_288x384.jpg About time he lost something. That's the Governor in the picture, by the way.


Tyrese and Carol are still making their way there. They may eat Carol, Tyrese gets away and starts harassing them from the outside whilst the rest revolt from the inside. Who knows, but they should only keep this story going for half of the next season, or it may get too old too quickly.

Oh, the wait until October, at least Game of Thrones will start this month, and then there's MK8.


Goes back to reading comic book for 7 months. I have been thinking about restarting them again.

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The one cage that was passed with a bunch of human bones in it just screams "CANNIBALS".... but if that's right it does seem a bit weird they would be so many of them...like wouldn't they be worried of them eating each other if no "new people" arrived, a small group of cannibals would seem more plausible than a large group.


Yeah this makes total sense, their group is far too big to keep feeding in the TV show scenario. Maybe they do eat their own in a hierarchical structure, but only the top dogs know. The comic book keeps the cannibals (Hunters) numbers down to about 6-8 iirc. And, they don't really have a safe haven, like Terminus, they just pick off people who wander into their neighborhood, hunter style. This gave them an edge of worrisome fear, as people of the group would disappear as they were picked off. They'd wake up in the morning and someone who went for a piss in the night didn't return.


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Would you recommend the series to someone who doesn't really like the Zombie-theme?


Yes, definitely so.


Everyone I know who's watched it loves it, including many who don't like zombie stuff.


I'm not a huge fan of zombie stuff. I'm not against it, I just think it's been way overdone in recent years (it's the male version of the teenage girls vampire fetish). Walking Dead, however, is fantastic. Absolutely give it a go.

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Would you recommend the series to someone who doesn't really like the Zombie-theme?


It very heavily uses zombie motifs in its story telling, George A. Romero style zombies, and all the clichés that entails. Personally, the thing I love about good zombie movies is the isolation and claustrophobia of the human characters. A good movie should care all about the interactions of its survivors and their never ending hopelessness and struggle.

When it's at its best The Walking Dead does this with aplomb. It builds characters that you care about and them takes them away. At other times it seems plodding, with some irrational characters (especially Rick's wife, but she is like that in the comic too).

This TV show is a hard sale to some one who doesn't like Zombie Apocalypse stories, but if you like a bit of gore, tense set-pieces, and are willing to invest some time getting to know Rick, there is a little more than just the zombies, but not much more.

If you ever liked The Night of the Living Dead (original) or Dawn of the Dead (original), then this TV show is a no-brainer. Get it in!

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Yes, definitely so.


Everyone I know who's watched it loves it, including many who don't like zombie stuff.


I'm not a huge fan of zombie stuff. I'm not against it, I just think it's been way overdone in recent years (it's the male version of the teenage girls vampire fetish). Walking Dead, however, is fantastic. Absolutely give it a go.


Most of the people I know who love the show are female.


Anyway, this season was sloppy. And after such a good season 3 was a major let down. Let's hope season 5 is better.

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  • 3 weeks later...

All Out War finale was a bit underwhelming...


Yes, I know they were in danger of reheating the Governor storyline with Negan and they needed to do something different than just having him tortured and killed. But what I found most jarring was the way that Negan appeared to "see sense" right before Rick cut his throat - it just seemed totally out of character and also very hypocritical of Rick to be preaching about a better world right before cheapshotting Negan. Surely the Saviors would have been incensed by this and not just stopped fighting on Dwight's say so.


The first major misstep in this series so far in my opinion and hopefully not the "jump the shark" moment which will start its decline.


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All Out War finale was a bit underwhelming...


Yes, I know they were in danger of reheating the Governor storyline with Negan and they needed to do something different than just having him tortured and killed. But what I found most jarring was the way that Negan appeared to "see sense" right before Rick cut his throat - it just seemed totally out of character and also very hypocritical of Rick to be preaching about a better world right before cheapshotting Negan. Surely the Saviors would have been incensed by this and not just stopped fighting on Dwight's say so.


The first major misstep in this series so far in my opinion and hopefully not the "jump the shark" moment which will start its decline.


Completely agree, I was underwhelmed at the end of 125 and after 126 was left with WTF! Too many inconsistencies in narrative.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Holy shit


Just when I was getting bored of this book, they hit us with this. Superb issue that, although jarring at first with the two year time jump, made total sense and also justified the ending of All Out War. A few questions need answering, what happened to Rick's knee (EDIT. just remembered it was broken by Negan in their fight), where's Michonne and why did Jesus have her katana, and most of all, how did Carl start talking to the imprisoned Negan?


Fascinating stuff. A true stroke of genius that has reignited my interest in the story. Bravo.


Edited by Dog-amoto
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Holy shit


Just when I was getting bored of this book, they hit us with this. Superb issue that, although jarring at first with the two year time jump, made total sense and also justified the ending of All Out War. A few questions need answering, what happened to Rick's knee (EDIT. just remembered it was broken by Negan in their fight), where's Michonne and why did Jesus have her katana, and most of all, how did Carl start talking to the imprisoned Negan?


Fascinating stuff. A true stroke of genius that has reignited my interest in the story. Bravo.


So, what's with all the beards? Didn't recognise Jesus at first, just thought who's the new Samurai.


That issue was awesome, nice to see the communities have evolved into something resembling a Medieval complexes. What's going to disturb this peace? Negan escapes? Other younger new survivors taking power from Rick? Carl moving away to the Hilltop and starting his own empire, Negan style? Is Maggie in charge there? Are we seeing the demise of Rick, his movement is certainly limited? Looking forward to it all


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I stopped reading around issue 100, where can i find the new ones?


Either buy the books on amazon or search for thewalkingdead082's channel on YouTube. I'm on my phone right now so it's difficult to find a link, but their channel is by far the best. Also read the first couple of issues of Invincible, which should please @ReZourceman greatly :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, I found this issue to be setting up the plot for the future, therefore a little tedious. On the other hand, it plays like a reversal of the problems Rick's group has had with joining other groups, namely trust.


Some serious shit is going to go down when they find Negan.



On other news I just started reading Invincible, up to Issue 3 so far. So far so good, but taking my time between Game of Thrones sessions, up to Book 4 now.

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