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I thought it was spectacular. This season has been so much better than the crap-tastic first season.


Really? I think this season has been a complete bore-fest! What's actually happened apart from them now finding the little girl? Lori has told Rick she's pregnant and about Shane. Off the top of my head that's about it other than the pointless Glen story.

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Really? I think this season has been a complete bore-fest! What's actually happened apart from them now finding the little girl? Lori has told Rick she's pregnant and about Shane. Off the top of my head that's about it other than the pointless Glen story.


- They found the farm

- Carl got shot

- Shane turns eviler

- Glenn and Maggie fuck + relationshipize.

- Tenseness between the factions

- Shane shaves head

- Darryl is a hero

- Andrea develops her gun skills and shoots Darryl in error.

- Etc


Its been like 6 or 7 episodes.....shit loads has happened.

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Really? I think this season has been a complete bore-fest! What's actually happened apart from them now finding the little girl? Lori has told Rick she's pregnant and about Shane. Off the top of my head that's about it other than the pointless Glen story.


I've enjoyed the group dynamics. Finally the reality of their new world has caught up to them.


Last season was about physically surviving. It was easy for everyone to get on because if you didn't you were likely to die. This season has been about mentally coping and it's been great to see the group slowly schism.


Like I said on Rez's wall, it's a character driven drama that happens to have zombies in it. Last season did nothing for me because everyone's motivation was so basic, how to not die. The question this season has been how are they going to live, and it's a much more interesting one.


Also, I'm totally siding with Shane. Which is a bit of a surprise.

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- They found the farm

- Carl got shot

- Shane turns eviler

- Glenn and Maggie fuck + relationshipize.

- Tenseness between the factions

- Shane shaves head

- Darryl is a hero

- Andrea develops her gun skills and shoots Darryl in error.

- Etc


Its been like 6 or 7 episodes.....shit loads has happened.


-Carl getting shot... he's better 2 episodes later. The only thing you get out of that is Shane's development as a character.

-Glenn and Maggie - both characters are equally boring so I couldn't care less about this

-Darryl is a hero - yeah he's by far the best character in this season.

-Darryl got shot and is better already, this added nothing to it apart from proving Andrea is an idiot.



They need to get back on the road and have a purpose. I understand that they've been trying to find the wee girl for the whole season but it has just dragged on.


Like I said on Rez's wall, it's a character driven drama that happens to have zombies in it.


That may be true, but the thing is, the vast majority of the characters have no depth to them whatsoever.

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Nope, loved the first season and the idea of it. Then after that it was awful.


Compare the first 13 episodes of The Walking Dead to say, the first 14 of The Sopranos, or Mad Men, or The Wire and you'll see what I mean about character depth.


I'm going to carry on watching The Walking Dead, but I really don't see what the big fuss is about.

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  • 2 months later...

Well I didn't start watching it until December so watched the whole thing right through in about two days. Season 1 and 2 flowed really well into each other when watched like that. Sure the pace has slowed, but they're in a mildly safer place so they have time to think about what the hells actually going on.

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Felt a little off to me.


Just some really weird throw-away moments and at times terrible camera work.


Odd thing to notice.


The car-crash was dumb.


That girl's state hadn't really changed and all of sudden that nagging wife is all, "Oh noes I need to go".


Didn't even have the impression that she was gone for long.


Also... the long glance at the gun.


So I take it next episode she'll be looking for the gun in a hurry as a walker approaches her but oooh noes it's been chucked about in the car.


Kinda lame.


I want her and her baby to die.


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Felt a little off to me.


Just some really weird throw-away moments and at times terrible camera work.


Odd thing to notice.


The car-crash was dumb.


That girl's state hadn't really changed and all of sudden that nagging wife is all, "Oh noes I need to go".


Didn't even have the impression that she was gone for long.


Also... the long glance at the gun.


So I take it next episode she'll be looking for the gun in a hurry as a walker approaches her but oooh noes it's been chucked about in the car.


Kinda lame.


I want her and her baby to die.

But she's hot...

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